The 'Training' Spoiled Rich to be a be...
"What!? You told me that you would know what was happening!"

"And I did Miss Rich." An anthro unicorn stallion stated, there were two other unicorns, two feral-looking mares "We all did, the issue is that we can't seen to find the issue, whatever it is tormenting you, it isn't here." He stated as he begins to pack his stuff, the Spoiled Rich.

"But I told you! Something is here tormenting me!" She exclaimed in a panicked yet angry tone.

"If that's true then we cannot pinpoint who or what is tormenting you, could be an Rogue Spirit or somepony with invisibility or something similarly, whatever it is, it doesn't give a single feedback of what could possibly haunting you."

Spoiled looked like she was about scream in outrage but mantained her compost visage, if anything, a little livid and twitching. It's about been a week since strange occurrence started to happens around her, on first, she thought it was an prankster, possibly an lecherous unicorn playing with an invisibility spell until it followed her home, doing all sort of sexual torture to her - ranging from hash spankings to her flanks, her nipple getting twisted or nibble by a row of teeth, among many other thing - strangely, however, this is mostly happens when acting like she usually does, like a winning boss like she has been so she has to be careful when acting like she does.

She couldn't longer reprimand Diamond of her rebellious and subordinate behaviour, she no longer whip her employees or layoff the unefficient ones of their jobs for more efficient ones, she can't chew out those damned ponies that criticize her very lifestyle, obviously envious she was the most successful out of all the Equestria, excluding the princesses with a multi-billion bits of worth of enterprises under her belt.

No, ever since this... thing started to torment her every waking moment, things has turned into an very ugly turn not to mention the frustration and pent up she has been feeling with those tortures, even the rewards! We're just more teasing, each time she 'praise'- for the lack of better work- over things completely out of character of her, she entailed a different reaction from her tormentor; Kisses on her neck and lips (both; up and down), gropes on her chest and flanks and even quick massages and rubbing every part of her body, including a bit touching on her needy s atch which only added more to her growing frustration!

Admitelly, it was better... she did liked the gentle touch rather than the rough one. Filthy was always away, plowing mares in his business trips more likely, after all, the herd she and him made was made out of political reasons to combine two of their most successful enterprises, even Diamond Tiara 'was product' of said loveless formation... but returning to the topic; while liking the rewards a bit more it was also means that she have to be submissive to this entity and doing things that she absolutely abhor and goes anything she stand for.

And that can't stand!

"Arrghh!" She groaned in frustration, startling the "exorcist" group she invited to her home, an bunch of failures in her eyes, why she thought they would help at all? "Get out!" She ordered in a firm tone directed to the surprised ponies.

"But we hadn't been pai-"

"GET OUT!" This time she literally shouted in barely restrained anger and irritation, this time, they complied and left without much hassle, some of the servant who were there guiding them to the door, the remaining ones simply decided to do the smart thing to do and leave the owner of he household alone and in peace, now in completely solitude Spoiled Rich sighed heavily before..
June 2, 2023