Tending the Foal(s)
"Hope you in for the ride, little anon." You heard Cadence say to you, she had a gentle smile on you. "I'll try to mind my walking speed so you don't fall or bounce out." She says "that's reminds me, I have to tend the foals." She smiles fondly, why did she just said foals? As in plural? "Don't worry, I'll make sure they do nothing to you." She smiles again, looking giddy "I'm sure they'll like you."

"Given my size, they'll like me... as toy." You gulped, trembling a bit, you felt the familiar comforting aura wash over you, you look up to see that she was smiling warmly on you.

"Don't worry, I'll make sure nothing happen to you."

"I hope so.." You muttered, this despite the cold feeling that you couldn't shake away, even if her declaration was genuine, you couldn't help but think that something might happen, at least feeling on edge, you tried to move your mind onto another things like how Cadence seems to have other foals aside of Flurry Heart, you knew that the show usually doesn't represent all that goes into the characters, only the most basic of their development but they don't follow the same script, at least not to the letter, they were real people with real goals and this Equestria and many otherw were the proof that not all need to go according to the show.

So Cadence having more foals feels like a posiblity. It makes sense, they're just married with an kingdom, might as well go all out and expand the family.


It took a few minutes of walking, the foal room was close to the royal wing or rather royal floor, within the castle and the castle was a huge tower so it was needed to go further upstairs and some elevators.

"I swear, the one who designed this castle had to be pegasus." Cadence mumbles "So many floors.."

"Uh... you have wings." You pointed out, besides, wasn't Cadence before her ascension an Pegasus? "You could've flew out an window and went for another room through that way."

"I know, I used to be a pegasus myself but the Crystal Empire was ruled by mostly earth born ponies. The original Ruler wanted an Grand Palace that signified the might and integrity of the Crystal Empire but the architect might have been an Equestrian pegasus, as result it was large crystal tower but it ended up having lots of empty rooms with large balconies that were meant for Pegasus to land and fly off." She frowns "And while your idea is sound, the problem is that my babies' room are in the royal floor which doesn't have balconies and the windows are closed." She signed. "Maybe I should move them somewhere near the throne room? No, Shining wouldn't like that." She giggles "He believe that they'll fall off the an open balcony or window. Silly stallion, Maybe the concern is more valid for little Shady but Queeny and Flurry? They love flying, it's in their genes, especially Flurry, she almost never touch the ground!"

Shady and Crissy? Are those her other foals? What odd choice of name and aren't love or heart related.

"There we are!" The princess of love announced to you, with a bright expression on front of a door. "Ready to meet them? They're my pride and joy, I love them all equally even if two had an rough and questionable previous life." Rough and Questionable previously life? "But I'm confident enough that in a positive, healthy family life will change them for the better!"

Ok, this is getting weird, what does she meant with that.

When she opened the door, you were meet with pink room, seemly more dedicated to infants and newborns, there were three cribs with moving bundles covered in colorful sheets, the sheets seemed color coded as you could see Flurry Heart colors in one with her sleeping soundly she looked absolutely adorable on person, meanwhile the other were quite different, one was black and green and the other grey and red with two, quite awaken foals; a the green maned black alicorn with blue lines and piercing green eyes who seemed to be glaring daggers on her neighbor and sibling, said neighbor returned the gesture with an glare on her own, another filly but an unicorn as she lack the wings on that and has black mane with pink lines and has green-purple eyes.

The most striking features you could recognize was her horn, which was curved and red.

Then it clicked to you and connected the dots on the little puzzle based on what Cadence said and their names they're do hold significance, they were Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra!

But... how?

"Awws Flurry is sleeping."

"But the other two aren't." You kind still baffled om the revelation. Upon seeing Cadence to enter the room, the two foals looked up to her and their frown changed onto one of wanting, as if seeing their favorite person... until they looked on each other with wides before resuming their glare which seemed more heated. They absolutely don't like each other. Cadence looked a bit strained, sheepish too.

"... if only the twins were as nice as their older sister." She sighed but the chuckled "Well, they do hold some hold overs of their former personalities and self and can be very fiesty but I'm doing very good progress with them, they gonna be good pones I know of it... The sleeping one is Flurry Heart and the twins are Jade Crystal and Shady Heart! Hello~ Mommy is here and with a new friend~!" She called in, trying to get their attention and seemed to work as they, once again, have their eyes on Cadence again and were very happy to see her.

"Hold overs of their... personality?" You try to sound clueless, as you kind of are. The whole thing sounded very bizarre and you kind of expect this to be an huge coincidence on how their children look like their former enemies.

"Yep." She popped the 'p' as she approaches to the twins cribs "They used to be called by other names; Jade Queen used to be an changeling queen, Queen Chrysalis; She invaded Canterlot, the Capital of Equestria few years ago and was during my wedding and took my place, she wanted to conquer Equestria so she could nourish and empower themselves through the love of everypony, Changeling are empaths and feed on emotions, especially love but Chrysalis saw it as a fount of power. She couldnt handle it and eneed up on my stomach" She says fond tone but also proudly, you needed, you knew the events of the Royal Wedding two partes but it seems to have ended... differently. She reaches in Jade's crib and carry her gently out of it and holding her close to her like a newborn, the former changeling queen looked exctatic and blow an raspberry to Shady, who pouted petulantly and was about to cry, the pink alicorn noticed frowned at her.

"Jade, that isn't nice of you." She scold the black-green filly who looked regretful, seemly not liking the stern glare coming from her 'mother' "She is your sister, your sibling, you have to be nice with her." The filly deflated but saw you, you gulped seeing the huge filly seemly to look at you with unbidden curiosity, forgotten her previous transgression.

Shady reaches her arms for Cadence, seemly wanting for the same affection. Cadence saw it and smiles, began to use her magic to hold the green themed filly and went to reach the unicorn foal, carrying her close to her chest, candling her with a gentle expression on her face. The filly laughed as as she is being rocked with such gentleness, she shoot an smug look to the floating alicorn filly, who glared at her with envy. until she took notices on you above her mother's cleavage.

By now, you were a bit terrified as now both fillies know of your existence. You don't know what to think but you saw sharp intelligence behind those innocent eyes, Cadence did said that remnant of their personality and possible memories are still there but so far. If its true, that means that they were still Chrysalis and Sombra?

Wait, was this what lies to you if you get eaten? An cold realization wash over you, reminding you that this was an vore world.

Cadence, this time, didn't noticed your worry and instead focusing more of the foals.
June 2, 2023
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