The blue-haired school idol inventor walked to her next class, Japanese history. Shiki was partial to science or math classes, but history wasn't objectionable. She couldn't help but express a slightly devious smirk from feeling her two friends squirm between her butt cheeks as she walked down the Yuigaoka halls. Shiki noticed some girls commenting on her unintentionally evil-looking grin, but she couldn't help it. This situation was just too funny in her eyes. Did she have some kind of fetish for this thing after all?

While she was walking, Shiki felt a rumbling in her stomach that made her pause for thought. Okay, nothing to worry about, her lunch was just being digested. Shiki continued her walk, while hoping the rumblings she felt didn't develop into anything more...

Her favorite spicy sriracha cup noodles she brought from home probably wasn't the best meal to have during school, they usually made her... well, gassy. It might have been a mistake to have Kinako and Natsumi be kept where they were now, but at the same time, Shiki was almost certain she could hold it in... maybe.

"Shit, what was that??" Natsumi pestered Kinako from inside the brunette's cleavage.

"I... I think it was just Shiki's stomach rumbling... it's weird to be so tiny we're able to hear the inner workings of her body..." Kinako replied.

"Well it better be just that. I am not getting fucking farted on today..." Natsumi angrily retorted.

Kinako had been a little too focused on not getting mashed by Shiki's massive ass during the entire walk. Kinako's hair and clothes had been drenched by Shiki's sweaty butt cheeks, and she had accidentally tasted more of the disgustingly salty brine than she would ever be willing to admit. The walk to class had made Shiki's massive rear end mash back and forth, slowly consuming Kinako and inching her closer to a certain smelly hole. All things considered, the tiny girls didn't actually smell anything too bad, yet. It was mostly the absurd amount of sweat that was the issue.

Shiki made it to her classroom and pulled out her chair to sit down. She paused for a second, savoring this moment for a second longer. Soon she'd be sitting on her friends for an entire period, potentially an entire school day. The thought was too pleasing. Kinako was still squirming, causing a tickle in a rather sensitive area. Shit, was Kinako already that close to her asshole? A blank look came over Shiki's face as she thought about what might happen. Kinako was really tickling her a lot, and it made clenching her cheeks a lot harder to resist. If... if she had the urge to let something out right now, it'd be a lot harder to keep it held in.

Shiki bent down and sat at her desk. But right as her posterior made impact with the wooden seat, her rumbling tummy grew more active. Something was brewing inside her, and it might be too late to do anything about it. Shiki clenched her butt as much as she could, but it was no use, she couldn't hold out any longer. The bluenette had to let one rip.

"Just a tiny one, and that's it," she thought. She was doing this whole experiment out of mere curiosity, but she didn't want to actually torture her tiny idol peers. Least of all with her terrible gas. Shiki looked around the classroom, Mei hadn't entered yet, and no one was near her. Things seemed relatively safe. Shiki pulled out her phone and quickly texted Kinako:

>"Sorry. Cover your noses."

Deep inside the school idol's ass, Kinako felt her phone vibrate in her skirt pocket. She pulled it out and saw the text from Shiki.

Natsumi tried to look out from Kinako's chest. "What? What does it say?"

"It... it umm... It's from Shiki... she says sorry... and that we should cover our noses... You don't think...?"


A low vibrating noise rang through Kinako and Natsumi's ears, and the ass flesh jiggled ever so slightly around them.

"This cannot be happening!! What the fuck is wrong with her!?" Natsumi raged, pounding on Kinako's chest in a frenzied fit. "I'm too pretty for this!! I should have never asked for this!! Now I'll forever be the Internet-famous school idol who got farted on by a girl hundreds of times her size! Shit!"

Trying to deescalate the situation, Kinako murmured, "W-we should be lucky it isn't shit, actually..."

"Shut it!" Natsumi cried, tears already forming in her eyes. There was nothing that could be done now, Any movements attempting to escape the sweaty walls of flesh just left Kinako exhausted and further drenched. Shiki's ass was like quicksand, the more she struggled, the further it sucked her closer to the pit.

Shiki was happy Kinako seemed to stop squirming, but the itching tickle remained. Their fate was sealed. Hoping for a quick one-and-done, Shiki let it rip. She farted on the tiny Kinako and the tinier Natsumi. But it wasn't a tiny toot, it was loud, and wet. Absolutely horrid sounding even at regular size, Shiki thanked every god that Mei or no one else was around to hear it, or smell it. No one except the shrunken girls unfortunate enough to be at the epicenter of the blast.

The gassy girl let out a sigh of relief. She felt better now, and wiped a bead of sweat from her forehead. Hopefully that one fart was all she had in her for at least a while. Shiki looked back at her phone, waiting for a reply from Kinako...

November 21, 2023
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