Shiki and Natsumi's Sizey Sci-Fi
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Shiki?" Natsume casually asked the girl tinkering away at a mysterious machine.

"What do you mean? This was your idea," replied Shiki with her usual monotone manor.

"W-well yeah, I know that! But you shouldn't always listen to other people you know!!" the braided girl nervously reacted.

"I think it's a great idea honestly. Whether or not it makes money... I don't care. But my curiosity has taken over. What do you call those things again by the way?" inquired the scientific blue-haired idol.

"'Those things' are called 'size fetishists', they like when people, particularly girls, are either extremely big or extremely small. There's whole weird online communities for that kind of stuff, each with different niches. Don't really get it myself, but hey, it's an untapped market for school idols, which means it's ripe for profits!" Natsumi rubbed her hands together in a money-grubbing fashion.

"I think you mean 'macrophillia', Natsumi! People who are into giants and giantesses!" interjected Kinako, sitting patiently in the corner reading a book.

"Sure, yeah, whatever. How do you know that anyways?" asked Natsumi.

"I did some research on my own. Honestly, I see the appeal! Our senpai would look sooo amazing as giantesses... Hahhh... I can imagine it now~" Kinako swooned.

Shiki and Natsumi looked at each other, shrugged, and then returned to their own devices.

An hour later, Shiki spoke up once more.

"Okay, I think it's ready," she announced.

"Finally!" Natsume and Kinako said in unison.

The size-changing device was complete, Shiki had built an actual, working shrink ray.

"Shouldn't we... ya know, test it on something?" asked Kinako.

"Sure, you wanna be first?" replied Shiki, turning the dial to the minimum shrinking size and pointing it straight at the brown haired girl.

Kinako curled into a ball and impishly hid behind her book. "N-no no! I'm good!"

"What a shame~ Guess it's only fair if we're all first."

A faint sigh of relief escaped Kinako's lips.

"So, did you have an exact plan in mind, Miss CEO?" Shiki turned her gaze toward her clout-chasing classmate.

"Well, we have a couple options actually. All seem to be popular with different crowds. My phone is all charged, s-so I guess we should get started." Natsume grabbed her phone off her charger and selfie stick. Snapping a photo with Shiki holding the shrink ray in her hands, Natsume uploaded it to all her online accounts.

"'Look who's got an actual honest to goodness shrink ray! Who's ready to see the Liella girls up close and beautifully huge!?'

Shiki looked over Natsumi's shoulder as she uploaded the post to Twitter.

"I didn't say you could take a picture of me, let alone upload it. And are all those obnoxious hashtags really necessary..."

"Oh you'll be fine! You could use more fans anyways," she giggled. The retweets and likes were already pouring in, her phone was buzzing like crazy.

"That's it. You're shrinking first," Shiki said, once again pointing the size ray straight at Natsumi's forehead.

"W-wait wait! I promise Liella! is going to get a ton of fans with this! And I have an actual plan!"

What is Natsumi's great idea for the shrink ray?
June 1, 2023
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