Betty sidetracked by a massage chair
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Once Betty finally made it around the corner away from the locker room, she leaned against a wall to catch her breath. Your little body had been rubbing against her deliciously with every step she took, and the way her two fans had kneaded her buttocks, however unknowingly they did it, had been so enjoyable that Betty's cheeks were still flushed. Betty took a few deep breaths, trying to relax, before she realized that she had planted her ass firmly against the wall and was once again squishing you between her ass cheeks. Bouncing her hips off of the wall, Betty bit her lip and squeaked, "So sorry! Look, the match is over, so I'll run to my changing room where we can have some privacy and I can finally work on freeing you for good this time."

Betty broke out into a hurried run, but only made it a few steps before she felt your body being ground helplessly between her ass cheeks. Slowing to a quick walk, Betty apologized over her shoulder again, "Right! No running... sorry." You responded with a muffled grunt, since that's all you could manage while your face was being pressed left and right by each of her flexing ass cheeks.

Carefully avoiding any populated areas or rooms, Betty snaked her way through the corridors towards her dressing room. Normally it wouldn't have been a long walk at all, but Betty's desire to remain undetected led her around a rather lengthy series of hallways. Passing by a staff lounge area that was supposed to be empty, Betty nearly jumped out of her skin when a soft voice called out suddenly, "BETTY!" Turning around, Betty saw Mia Moreau, known in the ring as Momma Mia, going in for a hug. Mia, definitely one of the tallest women of the wrestling association, threw her arms around Betty warmly. Betty, no shortstack herself but still dwarfed by the towering Italian beauty, tried to politely push Mira away as her face was threatened with suffocation by Mira's two very sizeable breasts.

Mia had bear-hugged Betty into submission as she cried, "I heard you won another match already, ah!? With some new braggiol? Complimenti!" You couldn't understand all of Mia's Italian slang, let alone with Betty's thick rump still squeezing against you from both sides, but she sounded very excited. Betty finally pried Mira's arms apart and said, "Mia, please! You almost suffocated me again, sheesh..."

The large brunette women finally let go of her friend, and cooed, "Scuse! I was just very excited for your win, and I thought I'd show you a little something that was just delivered today..." Betty had begun trying to head off to her changing room, making sure to remain facing Morea so that you couldn't possibly be seen, but Mia had put an arm around her and began leading her into the lounge.

As she walked reluctantly along with Mia, fully aware of your helpless presence within her ass as she did so, Betty tried to argue, "Look, Mia, I appreciate your enthusiasm but I really have to take care of..." Betty trailed off as she saw what Mia was talking about. There was a single, massive, and very comfortable looking leather massage chair set up in the corner of the lounge room. It looked brand new, and the control panel on one arm-rest suggested a great deal of functionality. Mia burst out, "Doesn't it look fanTASTico!? I have already tried it myself, and I wanted to let one of my best friends try it out before all the other girls hear the news and start fighting over it." Before she could resist, Betty was pushed into the chair by Mia, who had started gabbing about all the special features of the chair, like it's special body-contour cushions and it's various pre-programmed massage-routines.

Betty winced as Mia guided her into the seat, hoping that what she had felt wasn't your body being pushed up against her asshole from the sudden impact with the chair. As much as Betty would have loved a good massage right now, she was determined to assist you first, even if she was somewhat enjoying the sensation of your body rubbing up against her. Betty rose from the chair, sighing with relief as she felt your squirming signaling that you were still conscious, and said, "Mia, I really shouldn't-"

The confident Italian adamantly cut her off, "Hush, bella! I'm sure you're busy but trust me, just take a seat-" Mia gently pushed Betty back down, unaware of the torture you received as Betty's gigantic ass plopped into the soft leather cushions, "and let the chair wash away your troubles. Trust me, it's the perfetto way to end a match!" Betty was still slightly embarrassed from how excited she got earlier, when you had been rubbed against her by her two fans. Betty could feel your body, resting parallel to her wedgie of a leotard, though what caught her attention the most was your still rock-hard erection, which was only a hairs width away from her pink back-door. Betty was trying to ignore how good it felt, and the last thing she wanted to do was tempt herself further with a wonderful full body massage with you in such a position. Before Betty could excuse herself from the chair, Mia pressed a button and the chair's electronics whirred to life.

As the chair began quickly shaking back and forth, Betty suddenly lost her willpower. It felt like all of her muscles were being lightly caressed at once, working out every minor kink and ache. Betty relaxed and let her full weight settle back onto the seat, which had the side-effect of squishing your body against her ass cheeks more forcefully. As her enormous ass sank into the plush cushions, Betty had to bite her lip to stifle a moan as she felt your cock momentarily poke against her quivering asshole, which tickled wonderfully.

Betty had almost zoned out completely when Mia smiled and said, "Is wonderful, no? Here, let me introduce you to my favorite massage setting... it's called 'Ultra Pleasure Mode.'" Mia tapped a few buttons on the control screen, and then the chair started humming louder. A series of robotic bumps, hidden underneath the leather, began moving. Betty was suddenly experiencing a full body, hands-on massage; each of the little plastic doodads was working her muscles vigorously but not painfully. To Betty it felt like there was as special focus on her lower body, with the various little arms rubbing her thighs, calves, and Betty realized with great excitement, her ass and crotch. She could even feel her monstrous breasts rolling back and forth, from the chair's shaking, which she found delightful. Mia chuckled as she watched Betty melting into the chair, clearly in an aroused stupor, before she said, "Well I am glad you liked the chair, but I must be off, amica! You deserve some alone time to unwind, heehee!" Mia gave her friend's shoulder a loving squeeze, and then vanished out of the lounge, leaving Betty alone with you and the chair.

You, meanwhile, were having a much less enjoyable time. Ever since Betty had sat down, your body was scrunched upwards from the pressure, until you were uncomfortably close to her bare asshole. You had been trying to climb backwards, when the chair turned on, and you were sent into an unending tremor as Betty's soft as-flesh shook around you. The constant oscillation was enough to keep you from getting into position to climb anywhere, leaving your body, face, limbs, and sensitive groin to be battered against Betty's ass cheeks. It wasn't helping your concentration as your cock pressed against Betty's pink asshole, prodding it against your will as her flesh rubbed you back and forth. Then, when Mia had activated the Pleasure Mode or whatever, you were put through a whole new level of discomfort.

You had been wondering what the hell Betty was doing, instead of going to her dressing room, when suddenly her ass began being fondled from all sides. The little massager hands were pressing at Betty's muscular legs and ass from below, kneading her buttocks together like dough, which left you to be smeared helplessly between them. You could feel the shifting masses of Betty's ass pushing at you from either side, giving you your own 'full body massage,' as you tried to shout for Betty to get up. Your cries were left unheard, as you found the tremors of Betty's huge ass cheeks pushing you further upwards, until your cock was crushed against her puckered butthole. This time you definitely heard a soft moan as Betty recoiled in pleasure, and you had to grit your teeth to keep a level head as the tip of your penis began bouncing uncontrollably against this giant woman's warm skin.

Betty was totally aware of the fact that you had just been pressed up against her asshole, but she was trying to ignore the guilt she was feeling about that fact. She could clearly sense your erection, squished against her very sensitive ass, which she reasoned must mean you were enjoying yourself, right? Betty thought back to her match with you, and about all the ways she had accidentally smothered you beneath her breasts, ass, and thighs. She wondered if maybe she had unwittingly teased you a little too much, and another twinge of guilt went through her mind as her ass cheeks came together over your face, noticeably squishing your head between them for several seconds as the chair continued its oscillations. Then again, this massage felt sooo gooood, and Betty was having a hard time finding the willpower to stand up and leave the sensational chair behind...

Betty Brown lightly pushed her hips downwards, sending a powerful jolt of sexual energy up her spine as she felt your stiff cock pulse longingly against her skin. It felt so good to have someone clearly desire her that badly... Maybe, Betty reasoned, just a quick massage break wouldn't hurt? Besides, clearly Tommy the Terrible was excited about it too, right? And hey, maybe after she relaxed, she'd be able to think of a way to free him! All of these excuses ran through Betty's mind as her ass continued to wobble overwhelmingly against you from all directions.

What does Betty decide to do?
May 31, 2023