Betty takes you to Nurse Leslie
As she tries to come up with a way to free you from her chest, Betty starts to nervously pace around, mindlessly making you bounce around with her huge, wobbling breasts with every step she takes. She occasionally gives her breast a gentle squeeze, ruefully reminding herself of the precarious situation she got you in by watching her soft flesh swell against your helpless body. Eventually, Betty comes up with an idea. "Oh, I know!" She pokes your body against her a few times as she says, "Just hold on a little longer, Tommy. I'm gonna go talk to Nurse Leslie, head of our medical clinic. She takes care of all of us wrestlers whenever we get hurt, so she should know what to do." Betty heads to the clinic with you, and, in an attempt to save face for you, she uses a hand to hide you from any onlookers, pressing you firmly against her soft, warm breast as it wobbles.

When she reaches the clinic, Betty peeks her head inside. "Uh, hello? Leslie, you here?" Betty steps inside to look for the nurse and eventually finds her. Leslie Hart, known as Nurse Smothers whenever she's in the ring, is currently taking a nap on one of the clinic's beds. She's wearing a short, clingy nurse's uniform that shows off much of the cleavage from her abundant chest, which slowly rises and falls with every breath she takes. Betty hates to disturb her like this, but she's gotta help you somehow. "Uh, Leslie?...Leslie, wake up" she says as she begins to gently shake her awake.

And boy does she awake. "AAAHH!!" Startled by Betty, Leslie wakes with a surprised yelp, recoiling on her bed a little. Betty gets spooked by Leslie's extreme reaction and leaps back in surprise, making her breasts bounce wildly and leaving you dizzy against her for a few moments.

"L-Leslie! It's alright! It's just me: Betty," she consoles. Leslie takes a few deep breaths, making her hefty chest heave dramatically, before calming down. When she does, she quickly perks up.

"Oh, hey there, Betty!" Leslie stands up and gives her friend a big hug, completely oblivious to the tiny man stuck against her. You feel yourself get squashed between their soft, massive bosoms, Leslie unknowingly using her breasts to press your body deeper against Betty's flesh and her firm nipple. Betty feels you--or rather, an especially hard part of you--jabbing against her and winces in guilt. She doesn't want to be rude and reject Leslie's friendly hug, though, so she meekly puts her hands around the nurse and lets the hug run its course, silently hoping you could hold on for a little longer.

As Leslie holds Betty, she says "Sorry about that, hun. Things have been getting so slow and at the clinic lately that I've been taking beauty naps during the day. It's the only thing I can think of to cope with the boredom." After a few more long moments, she releases the hug and asks "So what can I do for my favorite Wonder Bust today?"

"Well, actually--." Before Betty can ask about helping you, Leslie quickly gets behind her and boldly grabs Betty's breasts in each hand.

"Let me guess: you've been feeling stiff and need me to give you another of my special massages, right?" With no go-ahead from Betty, Leslie eagerly gropes Betty's tits, her experienced fingers sinking against Betty's flesh while unknowingly squeezing you against it. "Oooh, have you gotten even bigger since last I saw you," Leslie ribs.

"N-no!...I-I mean, maybe. I mean, I-I'm not..." A deep blush appearing on her face, Betty is getting flustered, by both the sensation of Leslie fondling her sensitive breasts as well as your stiff erection helplessly poking against her. The stimulation is making it hard for you to think as well, as your entire world is filled by Betty's massive boob. Every time Leslie squeezes, you feel a haze of pleasure slowly cloud your mind. You start to moan but, since you're stuck against Betty, your mouth gets filled with her soft flesh. Betty nearly loses herself too, but, remembering her promise to help you, resolves to stop this before things get out of hand. She grabs Leslie's hands and frees herself, regaining her composure as best she can. "T-thanks, Leslie, b-but I'm not here so you can take care of me. There's actually someone else that needs your help, if you don't mind."

Leslie's surprised but maintains a cheery air, happy to help anyone who needs her. "Not at all, hun! So where's the patient? I'll go fix them right up."

"...right here," Betty says before turning around and hefting her breasts, giving Leslie a perfect view of you stuck against her. Upon seeing tiny, little you, the nurse's eyes widen in both surprise and fascination before leaning in to take a closer look.

"I...who...what," she stammers, unsure of what to think or say.

"This little cutie is Tommy," Betty answers. "He's a new wrestler here, one that Touko shrunk in one of her experiments to boost ratings. His first match was against me, and, well...he got a little stuck, as you can see."

"Oh my, you poor thing," Leslie says as she processes both your physics-defying existence and your predicament. "You really did a number on him, didn't you," she asks as she looks up at Betty, who sheepishly avoids eye contact. "Welp, no matter. Nurse Smother's is on the job. I'll have him out lickety-split," she boasts, filling both you and Betty with hope. "First I'll need to gauge how stuck to you he really is. Betty, would you be a doll and jump in place a little bit?"

"Uh, sure." Following the nurse's orders, Betty starts jumping in place, once again making you feel weightless as her massive melons bounce tremendously. Leslie watches you intently to see if there are any immediate changes, a hint of a smile on her face. You feel every ripple and shake Betty's breasts make, but you don't feel you body get any looser.

"Interesting. Now try jumping a little harder, Betty. Let's see if that does anything." Betty starts increasing the strength of her jumps, bending her knees a little now to leap a few more inches into the air. Not only does this make Betty's breasts bounce so much that you feel dizzy, but her momentum has the added effect of making them crash against you whenever she lands and prepares to jump again, making you feel their full weight. Betty stops after about thirty seconds, but you still don't come loose.

After her mini-warm-up, Betty, with her chest now slowly heaving and expanding further against you, asks, "So, have you figured out a way to free him yet, Leslie?"

"Hmmm, not yet...I'll need to inspect him further. Lie down on the bed, face up." As Betty lies down on the bed, Leslie grabs a nearby stethoscope and approaches with it.

"What are you gonna do with that?"

"Why, listen out for the little darling's heartbeat, of course. Now hold still," Leslie orders as she puts it on. She lowers the circular chest piece onto Betty's breast, directly onto you, the cold sensation of metal pressing at your back emphasizing the overwhelming warmth you feel from Betty's flesh as both you and the stethoscope sink against it. Leslie holds it there for a while as she listens intently, but the stethoscope cant register much of your tiny heartbeat, especially not from the back. Nevertheless, she presses on, literally. You feel Leslie press the tool deeper against you, as far as it can go against Betty's tit, before slowly sliding it around, practically steamrolling you and your cock against Betty's pliant melon. You can't tell if Leslie is being playful or just extra-thorough, and it's hard to think of much other than Betty's thick nipple hardening even more against you (the cold sensation of the stethoscope must be affecting her too).

Upon feeling all of this, Betty starts to blush again. "Leslie, please. Can you get on with it, already? I can feel his...y'know, pressing against me."

Holding back a smirk, Leslie says, "Now, now, huh, just relax. This is all for his sake after all. Just hold on a liiiiitle longer 'til I figure this out, ok?" She saunters to the foot of the bed, where Betty's head rests, to continue her examination. It's been a while since Nurse Leslie had a needy patient to use her special brand of TLC on, and, being the nurse at an all-women wrestling league, it's been a long while since she's gotten a chance to take care of a hapless male patient. What's more, she thinks your tiny body stuck to Betty's chest is both adorable and fascinating; She's never seen anything like it! With all this in mind, Leslie wants to enjoy this rare opportunity as much as possible. Maybe when she does get you free, she'll run a few special follow-up tests of her own with you, just to make sure you're alright, she tells herself.

Wanting to get a close look at you from another angle, Leslie suddenly bends forward, lowering her head to Betty's chest while her massive breasts press against Betty's face and easily cover it. Surprised, the wrestler lets out a muffled squeak against Leslie, which she feels, but, living up to her name, Nurse Smothers leaves her breasts there as she continues her examination. "Hmmmm." While Betty struggles to get air beneath her, Leslie thoughtfully uses a finger finger to poke and prod you a few times, watching you sink against Betty's breast. "Fascinating." Pretending she's doing deep research, Leslie gropes Betty's tit again, to better feel you flattened against her. After that, she gives a few quick slaps, making Betty's chest wobble as she watches you squirm from the stinging sensation, still unable to free yourself. Meanwhile, Betty lets out another surprised squeak, and, in need of more air, grabs Leslie's breasts to get them off her. Nurse Smothers smiles; this is fun.

After "examining" you for a little while longer atop of Betty, Leslie finally gets up, giving Wonder Bust a chance to breathe. Much to the relief of both you and Betty, the nurse finally declares, "Alrighty, hun! I know just what to do to get little Tommy free."

What's Leslie's plan?
May 31, 2023