Ally recruits you for a fun game in the pool
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Figuring it was best you didn't mingle with a dozen gigantic, raucous women who could probably drown you accidentally, you quickly began wading your way towards the edge of the rather shallow pool. Unfortunately, thanks to your unimpressive size, the shallow water was enough to force you to either tiptoe or swim to keep your head above water. You were nearly to the pool edge when you heard a girlish squeal, and there was a massive splash as a blonde girl fell from someone's shoulders into the water in front of you, blocking your path.

The girl quickly shot to the surface, laughing, "No fair, Stacy! You can't trip us, that's cheating!" Wiping water from her eyes, the massive girl's curvaceous body jiggled and strained against her skintight one-piece swimsuit; a blue, sleeveless leotard. There were huge window holes cut over the stomach, sides and back, revealing big portions of her creamy flesh as the little strings holding the whole thing together sunk into her very soft flesh. As she straightened up, her bare and just slightly chubby belly rose above your face, making her look absolutely gigantic next to you. Even from your position down below, it was very clear that the little extra pudge on this girl was concentrated in her chest, which was spilling around every side of the tight fabric she was wearing, or her ass, which were bursting out despite the little strings desperately tied around her wide hips.

You blinked to keep some of the water dripping off of the girl out of your eyes, and when you opened them, you saw her staring right back down at you with a massive, excited smile. Upon meeting your gaze, she happily blurted, "You! Quick, let me get on your shoulders!" and started wading towards you. You felt a current of water nearly knock you off your feet as the bubbly girl brought her enormous, swaying hips within inches of your face.

Confused by the gorgeous girl's strange request, and a little intimidated by the fact that she was twice your height and now looming over you, you stammered back, "Wh-who, me? What?"

The blonde set two hands on your shoulders, nearly eclipsing her face from view behind her humongous chest, as she giggled at your flustered response, "Yeah, you! Pick me up so we can win this chicken fight!"

You only managed to let out a very intelligent sounding, "Uuuhh" before the blonde girl, impatient to get started, leaned forward and clambered onto your back, brushing her smooth wet belly-button across your face as she did so. You felt your spine compacting as the girl swung a tree-trunk thick thigh over each of your shoulders, straddling your neck. You were barely managing to keep your head above the water as she cheered playfully, "Now don't let me fall, kay? Actually, you better hold me so I don't slip..." and, as if to show you what she meant, she reached down and snatched your two hands out of the water, before slapping them against her wet thighs without any hesitation.

From somewhere else in the pool, you heard another girl shout impatiently, "Oh my god, are you playing or what, Ally? Come oooooon!"

The blonde girl currently perched on your shoulders, who must have been Ally, turned to look over her shoulder, bringing one of your palms over against her ass cheek as she balanced herself. You could feel your hand sinking into her warm, bouncy ass cheek as she yelled over her shoulder, "Just hold your frickin horses, gah!" Turning her attention back to you, Ally wiggled her hips, grinding her thinly-covered crotch against the back of your head and nearly crushing your back as she made herself comfortable.

Ally spent a few moments rubbing your hands across her bare legs, which you could hardly get your arms around, as she explained, "Now hold on tight to me! This is the tie-breaker, so we gotta win." Pressing your fingers against her inner thigh one last time, Ally finally seemed satisfied that her position atop your shoulders was secure. As she happily (and distractingly) shifted her legs against either side of your face, she called out, "Okay, cutie, forward!"

You were still staggering back and forth, trying to keep this giantess of a girl out of the water, as you coughed, "Wha.. where?" You could hardly see, with Ally's pale quivering legs completely blocking your vision in most directions.

You felt a soft, feminine hand caress your cheek and jaw, as Ally helpfully reached down to softly guide your head towards where she was pointing, "We gotta push that redhead over there into the water. The one with the huge cans, see her?" Your eyes went wide when you saw your opponent for this competition; a few feet away, there was a brunette giggling and splashing some other girls as she held up a smiling redhead. What caught you off guard was that the redhead was smugly posing for her friends by puffing her chest out and causing her absolutely massive breasts to overflow out the top and sides of her string bikini as she was bounced around by the brunette's movements. Your attention was snapped back as Ally sensually stroked your cheek with a few fingers, sending a tingle down your spine, "Don't worry, those things only make her more top heavy, so we've got the upper hand. Now let's go!" Not having much of a choice, you began wading forwards, each heavy step you took causing Ally's hefty ass and legs to jiggle against your upper body and arms.

When the redhead spotted Ally approaching, she called out confidently, "The return of our glorious leader! Ready to lose again?"

Ally giggled confidently, while she ruffled your hair with one hand and rubbed one of your palms dangerously close to her leotard with the other, "Nuh uh Lacy, not this time. I've got a secret weapon!" Ally wiggled her hips again happily, nearly pushing you off balance as you struggled to keep her constantly-bouncing weight centered above you.

The very busty redhead, who must have been Lacy, smirked when she saw your face peeking out from between her friend's thighs. She leaned forward over the brunette, taking a moment to press her arms together, bulging her huge breasts in your direction, "Oh look, you picked out a little stud-muffin to carry you into your final defeat, how cute." You gawped as Lacy gave her gigantic chest a tiny but obviously intentional shake, sending ripples through her flesh that you couldn't ignore. The smug grin that Lacy gave you when she saw you staring at her made you blush, that was interrupted as the brunette swayed, losing her balance briefly as Lacy leaned too far forward. Lacy complained, "Woah, fuck! Don't drop me before we even start, Stacy!"

The brunette, Stacy, let out a care-free laugh as she regained her footing, "Then stop swinging your tits around up there! You can show off for Ally's little friend AFTER we win, when I don't have to carry your wrecking-ball boobs around anymore."

Lacy pouted and hefted her massive breasts as she crossed her arms and gave you another snide smirk, "Y'know, I don't hear Ally's partner complaining about my boobs! Wanna trade, Sis?" Lacy suddenly reminded you of something; the girl on your shoulders must have been the wrestler Sis Boom Bah, and these her cheerleaders! Suddenly their behavior made sense; they were famous in the league's roster for being a rowdy, bubbly group.

Ally, who had been giggling at her friend's banter, protectively clenched her thighs around your head, nearly sealing you completely between them, as she scoffed, "No way Lacy, this cutie is all mine."

As the redhead and blonde bickered up above, you peeled Ally's thighs apart and got a good look at your other opponent, standing in the water just in front of you. You gulped as you realized how much shorter you were compared to these girls; even with her legs bent, Stacy's chest came above the shallow water, leaving you to gape at her rather sizeable breasts as water slowly dripped down her colorful sling bikini, right in front of your face. You couldn't even see Lacy past the underside of her wobbling bosom, up above. The brunette glanced down at you, catching you gawping at her comparably massive body, and smiled coyly, "So, what's your name?"

You looked up and replied, "Tom. I'm uh, the new wrestler that Touko hired."

Stacy took a tiny step forward, bringing her tightly wrapped breasts ever closer towards you as she grinned, "Oooh! Touko sure has good taste in men- I mean uh, wrestlers, if she hired a cutie like you!" As you blushed, Stacy slid a hand through the water, before playfully pressing her fingers across your chest. You could feel goosebumps forming across your body, and not just from the cool water.

You tried to maintain eye contact with Stacy's gorgeous face as you ignored her soft fingers slowly inching their way down across your stomach, "Well, I r-really didn't think my first match up was going to against, uh, gorgeous girls in a pool..."

Stacy hooked a thumb around her sling-bikini straps and gave them a tug, squishing her breasts back against her chest as the fabric grew tighter. She snickered when you glanced downwards, "Well I promise you won't regret spending your first hours here at the league with us, Tom. We're a lot of fun..." By now, Stacy had slid her fingers even further down, until they were right at the edge of your shorts, where she was beginning to merrily pluck at your waistband.

Stacy had just managed to slip two fingers into your shorts when Lacy barked, "Hey, stop fraternizing with the enemy down there! We're starting!" Stacy smirked and retracted her hand, giving you a playful wink as she stepped backwards, "Good luck!" You breathed a sigh of relief; if it weren't for the rippling water, you're pretty sure that these girls would be able to see the massive tent you were starting to pitch in your shorts.

With both girls in position, Lacy called, "It's agreed: if we lose, we have to take our tops off. If YOU lose, we get Tommy next!" Woah, wait, "get" you? You never agreed to that...

Who wins?
May 31, 2023
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