The Twins interrupt your relaxation
You look around and admire how lavish this pool is, still hardly believing that a place like this exists here. What’s more, it looks like no one else is here, so you can relax unencumbered as you try to process everything that’s happened today. Your eyes keep wandering around until you spot a colorful, fully-inflated floatie raft sitting next to some changing booths. You find it a little strange that there’s a floatie here of all places, especially since there are no kids running around here, but you decide not to question it (especially since Touko’s serum has nearly reduced you to the size of a kid anyways). Since no one seems to be using it now, you decide to borrow the floatie. It could be just the thing to help you relax in the pool, you think to yourself as you approach it. When you do, you almost think you heard a voice or two come from the changing booths, but you’re far too focused on finally getting some stress relief to really notice or care at the moment.

The raft is a little cumbersome to carry, since it’s about twice your size now, but you manage to get it to the pool and gently toss it inside, climbing aboard it once you do. You give a content sigh as you recline on the floatie, letting the gentle pool water drift you away as warm sunlight beams through the giant window above you. The serene setting is almost enough to make you forget that you’re an ever-shrinking wrestler in a league full of women who could easily flatten you without a second thought. You hope you can enjoy some peace for a while before you have to deal with all that again...

“Alight! Time for a pool par-tay! Whoooo,” you hear a loud voice sing from a changing booth as its door suddenly swings open from a kick, dashing your hopes for peace and quiet. You turn your head towards the noisy culprit and see a blonde, pigtailed girl, clad in a gold bikini, bouncing out and making an entrance (for no one but herself, really). “C’mon, sis, hurry up,” the perky blonde yells to the booth adjacent to hers. “I wanna have some pooltime fun already!” As she talks, the girl scans around the floor for the floatie she brought with her, wondering where it went. You’re certainly aware of the boisterous blonde, but she still has yet to notice the small man in the pool using her floatie. You’re a little annoyed by all the noise this girl is making, but she’s extremely easy on the eyes, at least. Even from this distance, you can spy how her curvaceous body jiggles and bounces with every move she makes, straining her tiny bikini.

Just when you decide you can put up with the noise and get back to relaxing, you hear another, clearly more irate, voice coming from the other booth. “I keep telling you, ya ditz: we’re not here to have fun. We’re here to train.” You look to see another pigtailed blonde, just as stunning as the first one, emerging from the adjacent booth in a silver bikini. Save for a slightly more toned, muscular body, she’s nearly identical to the first girl. You figure they must be twins, and they seem to be having a bit of a family squabble. “For once in your damned life, Tammy, could you just listen to me and take things seriously,” the bad-tempered blonde barks at her sister.

Tammy gives an annoyed huff, her good mood getting a little spoiled by her grump of a sister. “Oh, c’mon, Sammy. Why do you have to take everything cool and spoil it with that stick up your butt? Can’t we just skip the training and have a little fun, just this once,” Tammy pleads as they approach the pool, still failing to look in your direction.

“No, we have to do this,” Sammy says sternly. “Touko’s been setting up a slew of crazy, special matches lately to boost ratings, and rumor has it that it won’t be long until she has us doing matches in a pool,” she explains. “If we want to be at the top of our game when it’s our turn next, then that means we have to prepare for any contingency the boss is liable to throw at us, starting with some private pool training when no one’s around.”

So much for being alone here, you think to yourself as you’re forced to listen to all this, peace and quiet having jumped out the window to escape these bickering twins. You could do the friendly thing and say hello to the girls, whom you’ve learned are fellow wrestlers, but you feel like that could only entangle you in this more, which is the last thing you want when you’re trying to relax. You lay your head down, close your eyes, and decide it’d be best to silently keep to yourself and let these girls do their thing...Wait, she just said “private” training, right? Maybe you should just get out of here before they notice you and things get even more awkward.

As you contemplate leaving, Sammy finishes up her lecture. “This’ll be the perfect chance to perfect our moves in the water before Touko throws us into the deep end... pun not intended.”

Having only listened to half her sister’s lecture, Tammy retorts, “Well I know one move I’ve already perfected,” a grin forming on her face.

“What’s that?”

“The Canonbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaall!!!” Suddenly, Tammy runs towards the pool and leaps high into the air off the edge, closing her eyes and curling herself into a ball as she falls. Before you can make a move to leave, you notice a big shadow suddenly blotting out the sunlight above you. You open your eyes and immediately boggle as you watch Tammy plummeting towards you. Time seems to slow down as her huge ass crashes on your face like a soft, fleshy meteor. You barely manage to let out a gasp before she lands on you, pulverizing you with her weight and instantly filling every pocket of air you had with her soft butt. Not only is Tammy’s weight too much for you, it’s nearly too much for her floatie. The powerful impact from her cannonball makes a big splash, plunging her, the floatie, and you deep into the water (where you, almost quite literally, nearly drown in Tammy’s ass). After a second, the raft quickly rises back up to the surface with both of you still atop it. The momentum is enough to make Tammy’s butt spring off you as she emerges, giving you a chance to breathe, but only for a moment. Tammy’s bouncing bubble booty quickly plops back onto your gasping face as she giggles at her fun, completely oblivious to you suffocating under her. “Oh hey, here’s my floatie,” Tammy sings as she extends her legs to recline on the raft, inadvertently hiding your smaller body from the outside world as she continues to mindlessly smother you.

Relaxing on her floatie (and you), Tammy contently hums to herself as the waves made from her cannonball gradually carry her towards the edge of the pool, where Sammy impatiently taps her foot and crosses her arms in a way that hefts her huge chest. “You done? Cause we’ve got work to do,” she growls.

“Oh, c’mon, sis, don’t be like that,” Tammy says with a playful wave of her hand. “Would it kill you to let yourself relax for once in your life? See, this is why you could use a guy in your life,” she teases.

Sammy squats down, getting closer to her sister, and says plainly, “What, so I can become an airhead like you? No, thanks. Now how’s about we get started, huh?”

Tammy lets out a soft giggle, more mischief on her mind. “Sure, I guess, but we can’t do anything with you right there. C’mon in, sis, the water’s fine.” Tammy suddenly reaches for her sister’s arms, startling her, and forcibly pulls her off the edge. Sammy lets out a surprised yelp as she falls into the pool, directly onto Tammy, and consequently you. All happening in a quick moment, Sammy’s suddenly added weight bears heavily on you, as Tammy’s butt doubles its pressure against your head and shoves your face deeper between its cheeks, and the floatie plunges into the water again, the combined weight too much for it, before quickly slipping out from under you, leaving you all to sink and flail in the water as it escapes. Amidst the chaos, you silently curse your luck for ruining your chance to finally relax at this stinking place. As you do, you feel a sensation similar to the one you felt when Touko first injected you with the serum. Crap, are you shrinking again!?

How much have you shrunk, and where do you end up?
May 31, 2023
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