You step inside Debbie's dressing room, which is decorated with my photos and awards from her time in the military, and see her standing on a large exercise mat. You join her, and your eyes widen when she takes off her military jacket, showing off more of her sweaty, glistening skin as well as her large breasts bulging from her chest in her green sports bra. "Alright, let's start with some stretches," Debbie announces. With the precision and deftness that can only come from extensive military experience, Debbie starts a warm-up routine filled with a variety of stretches, bending, twisting, and extending her voluptuous body in tantalizing ways as she counts aloud to ten each time. Every slight move she makes causes her buoyant breasts to jiggle while her hefty ass ripples and flexes.

It's hard enough for you to keep up with such an amazing sight sapping your focus, but, still tired from that long run, you just can't will your weary body to move as quickly as the highly trained Debbie. She finishes her last stretch, just as you're fumbling into the second one, and says, "Alright, now Jumping Jacks." Debbie starts bouncing in place, waving her arms back and forth as her legs spread out and in. You gawp at how her body jiggles tremendously from her wild, rhythmic movements. Debbie catches you staring and says, "Focus, cadet. You get distracted in the ring, the enemy won't hesitate to take advantage of you." Debbie sounded a little different when she said that, especially that last part, a vivacious lilt mixed with her usual commanding tone that almost makes you think she was winking at you--or sizing you up--from behind her sunglasses. Not wanting to fall behind any further, you shake the thought out of your head and try to follow Debbie's advice. Lungs burning, you get up and try to do a few jumping jacks, but, after a few weak attempts, you fall to your knees exhausted. "Cmon, soldier, only fifty more to go," Debbie demands, noticing your faltering.

Heaving, you say, "I'm sorry, *wheeze* ma'am." You fall to your back, your knees the only part of your weary body you can keep up. "I don't *pant* think I can keep going *pant*."

Debbie sighs and stops her jumping jacks, her jiggly assets taking a few more moments to completely stop. "Honestly, soldier." Standing at your feet, she bends over and gives you another condescending look through her sunglasses (also giving you a look at her hanging cleavage). "If you want to be a contender here, you've got to be able to at least this much."

"Oh *pant* come on! This is just too much! You can't expect a *wheeze* newbie like me to be able to do all this on his first day *pant*. Can't we ease in to this a bit'am," you plead to the stoic beauty looming above you.

Debbie takes another long look at your tiny, wimpy body struggling for air beneath her imposing figure. She silently enjoys the sensation for a few more moments before you see her plump lips contort into a small but wry smirk, the first time you've seen her smile since you met her. "Fine then," she says. "How about a few sit-ups, just ten? Think you can manage that, soldier?"

"Uhh, yeah, I guess." Debbie raises an eyebrow. "I mean: yes ma'am!!"

Debbie gets down on her knees and rests them on your feet, anchoring you in place, but doesn't stop there! She leans far forward, her large body pressing against your propped up legs. Her large breasts rest on top of your knees and spill onto part of your thighs, showing off their jaw-dropping cleavage to you as you lie there. "Alright, on my count. Up," Debbie says, signaling you to sit up. You start to obey but hesitate when you realize, if you sit up all the way, your head will land squarely against her breasts. Does she realize that? "Did I stutter? I said 'up', soldier," Debbie barks. You don't want to end up in another awkward situation with the woman who's going through all this trouble to train you, but you don't want to say anything that might come across as perverted or rude to her. Maybe if you do it once, she'll notice the problem and adjust herself. You bite the bullet and slowly sit up.

Your head lands against Debbie's awaiting cleavage, her compellingly soft breasts lightly hugging your face. As soon as you collide, you think you her let out a soft purr, betraying her stern demeanor, but it's hard to focus on anything besides her warm skin pressing against you, pumping your blood in a way no amount of cardio ever could. What really surprises you is that Debbie hasn't moved, or even flinched, since you collided with her. Did she really mean to keep her boobs there? Why? To get a rise out of you? To train you to keep focused despite sexy distractions? "Down." Your mind reeling, Debbie leads you through the rest of the set, and each repetition only gets harder, partially because you're so tired and partially because you're struggling to keep your growing erection. With each rep, she leans into you a little more, her breasts getting dangerously closer to your aroused crotch after they tease your face with their soft touch.

Debbie leads you through the rest of the arduous set, until you finally reach the tenth rep. Embarrassed, exhausted, and aroused, you plan to quickly finish the last rep as fast as possible and roll away before Debbie can see your clear hard on. You sit up, bumping your head against her big breasts one last time, and start to sit back down before Debbie tells you, but, seeing your disobedience, Debbie grabs your head before it reaches the mat and firmly presses it back against her bunker busters, your face enveloped in their soft embrace.

"Hold it, soldier," she chastises. "I didn't say 'down' yet. You only get to move on my signal, got it?" To make her point, Debbie squeezes her breasts between her arms, subjecting you to the increased pressure between them as they swell around your head. Panicking, you frantically nod your head in compliance, making a delightful sensation from rubbing your head against Debbie's breasts. Debbie releases the pressure but keeps hold of your head. She leans in and huskily whispers something in your ear, her hot breath sending a shiver down your spine. "Listen up, soldier: I'm going to let you go, and when I say 'down'--and not a moment before--you're going to finish your sit-up, roll over, and do a push-up. Then you're gonna hold yourself up until I say otherwise. Do I make myself clear?" Your response, a simple "yes ma'am," buzzes against Debbie's breasts, telling her all she needs to know. She lets your head go and, after letting you sit against her breasts for a few more moments, says, "Down."

You finish your sit-up and quickly obey Debbie's fortuitous orders, allowing you to mask your attempt to hide your arousal from her by doing a push-up. Before you really knew it, you've reached your second-wind, tapping into a reserve energy you didn't think you had. Debbie notices the new pep in your step and says, "Looks like you might have something in you after all, soldier." Something seems to be awakening in Debbie too. While you're still holding yourself up, she gets up and slowly struts in front of you, undoing her pigtail and letting her long, blond hair free.

"It seems to me, all that you need to help you draw it out..." Debbie, turns around, giving you another look at her giant rear bulging out of her tight, camo-colored leggings above you, and hooks her thumbs in her waistband. "Is the right motivation," she says with a sultry tone. Debbie slowly peels off her leggings, revealing her giant asset--now only clad in a small, camo-colored bikini bottom--in it's round, creamy glory, astonishing you. With a seductive smirk, Debbie lowers herself to her knees, her massive booty brushing your face on the way down, and lands her ass just below your head on the mat. She takes of her sunglasses, revealing a provocative stare that dares you to obey her every command. "Now, drop and give me twenty, soldier," Debbie says before lightly bouncing her ass cheeks in an enticing manner below you.

You're dumbfounded, to say the least, unable to fully take in this sexy turn of events with Debbie. Still holding yourself up, all you do is gawp at the amazing ass bouncing below you, unsure of what to do with yourself. Debbie notices your hesitation but wont let it stop her. "Need a demonstration, soldier? All you need to do is this." Like before, she takes a hand and firmly presses your head against her, forcing you to finish your push up with your head getting buried in her soft, succulent ass. "Twenty more times. Now, 'up,'" Debbie orders. You push up again, the instinct to obey Debbie's orders--which she's been hammering into you this whole time--overpowering your instinct to press your face deeper against her toned rear. At Debbie's command, you go through the rest of the set,and with each rep, Debbie, using just her ass to whip you into shape, savors the sensation of you smothering your face against her butt for a few moments before pushing up again. By the last push-up, you're dizzy from arousal, exhaustion, and repeated loss of air. "And finally...'Down'" Your set finally finished, your body collapses in a haze, your weary head once again resting against Debbie's pillow of an ass as you desperately gasp for air against it. She looks back at you, her face flushed with arousal, and says, "Not bad, soldier."

What happens next?

Option 1: Debbie intensifies the "training", just as you start to shrink!

Option 2: Feeling aroused and a little playful, Debbie decides to reward you for your efforts
May 31, 2023
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