Stacy pranks Milly
“Welp, in for a penny…,” Ally softly quips to herself while turning to face Stacy, pulling her truck-sized ass off you as you gasp for breath. To your continued embarrassment, your stiff, unsatisfied cock continues to throb as it points to Ally, already longing for her soft touch again.

Freaking finally. Maybe now that Ally’s unfair punishment is over, she’ll get Stacy to let you go, and then you can hightail it out of here. The cheerleaders have already used you to pick their new outfit, so there’s no reason for them to keep you around any longer. And you don’t see why you should stay with a bunch of literal giant cockteases who’ll squish you at the drop of a hat (or, in Stacy’s case, a drop of a butt...twice) and pretend it’s your fault.

Also assuming that Ally is putting a kibosh on things, Stacy gives her a sheepish look from over the shoulder. “So I guess that’s it for the pranking, huh, Sis?”

Ally smiles. “On the contrary, Stace. Y’see Milly over there?” Ally points to the French Maid-themed wrestler cleaning up nearby. “Since you and Tommy clearly seem to be having so much fun with this, why don’t you two try pranking her too? She’s still fairly new here, so it’d be a nice way to help her get adjusted to how we have fun here.”

Stacy perks up at Ally’s words. You, however, couldn’t be more mortified. “What!? Hell no,” you cry out. “I keep telling you this isn’t my idea, so let me out already!” You try to sound commanding, but the sight of your aroused, naked body stuck against a bubbly girl with an even bubblier butt makes it hard to take you seriously.

“Oh come on, Tommy, pleeeeease,” Stacy pleads, anxiously wriggling her hips in a way that’s somehow meant to convince you. “It’ll be just one more. I promise.” Oh yeah, like you haven’t heard that one before.

Ally smirks as she levels her gorgeous face with you, raising a finger to your cock to gently prod it. “Go on ahead, Stace. Tommy here might be acting like a grumpy Gus, but something tells me he doesn’t mind one. Little. Bit.” Ally accentuates each of her words with a firm poke against your groin, making you squirm each time. If you’re gonna shirk her orders to goof off with Stacy instead, Ally figures, then she’s gonna make sure you spend so much time with Stacy that it kills you (so to speak). “Too much of a good thing” was always one of her favorite forms of punishment!

Stacy gives an eager look. “Really!?” Ally nods, keeping her finger on your erection. Stacy squeals and gives another excited bounce, making you jiggle against both her and Ally. Quickly containing her excitement for a moment, Stacy ponders the best way to enact her next prank, believing it’ll be her best one yet. “Hmmmm, now how should we do this?...” As it is, she still wants to pay you back for throwing you under the bus with Ally, so, if she can play her cards right, she might be able to kill two birds with one stone somehow.

While Stacy thinks, Ally continues toying with you with a devilish smirk. You try to tell her off, but the endless stimulation makes it hard to keep your sentences coherent. “Dammit, Ally--mmrrphh--Knock it off!”

Ally giggles. “Now don’t give me that, Tommy. Like I said: you brought this on yourself. Now I hope you’ll think loooong and hard about what you’ve done,” she teases with a couple more sensual pokes, finding your squirming to be extremely cute. Once again, Ally’s having too much fun enjoying the adorable way you get so easily flustered and distracted by her and her troupe.
“But it’s thanks to you that Stacy really seems to be enjoying herself, so, if you can, be sure to keep it up for her, kay?” Ally takes two fingers and gives your cock a quick but firm squeeze, sending a powerful jolt of electricity throughout your entire body.

Moments later, Stacy comes up with her plan. “Oh, I’ve got it! Thanks, Sis!” She bounces off with you, leaving Ally behind as she waves goodbye for now. Ally figures she can come back and get you later, after Stacy tires you out a bit, and, if you’re still feeling frustrated, she can personally take care of any “hard” feelings you might’ve stored up for her, evening things out a bit. Ally snickers at that last thought as she gets up to tend to the rest of her troupe.

Milly Dubois hums “Frère Jacques” aloud to herself as she picks up the tattered packages on the floor, her jovial song as easy on the ears as her buxom appearance is on the eyes. Her frilly maid outfit comes with a plunging neckline and a tight corset that emphasizes the immense bosom she’s famous for, one that wobbles wildly with every small move she makes. Down below, she wears a short skirt that stops just below her hips along with thigh-high stockings on her shapely legs, both of which hardly concealing Milly’s captivatingly round posterior and the black thong trapped deep within it. She’s bent over as she cleans, softly shaking her wide hips and making her skirt ride up in a way that gives any lucky passerby a spectacular view from behind. Stacy smirks upon seeing this: the perfect target for her next prank.

Snickering to herself, Stacy turns around and ever-so-slowly backs up, once again lining you up with another girl’s mammoth-sized buttocks. You wince as the very tip of your cock delicately touches Milly’s smooth skin, before Stacy gives her hips an abrupt shove, fully crushing you between both girl’s butts. “BOOP.” Stacy giggles, excited to see the look on the French girl’s face when she realizes she’s been pranked, but her smile falters as soon as she looks back at Milly. The dutiful maid/wrestler is so caught up in cleaning that she doesn’t even notice Stacy’s butt pressed against hers, let alone the tiny man with a stiff cock hopelessly smothered against her plush, impact-absorbing ass cheek. She grabs another armful of torn plastic and dumps it into the trash bin next to her, not once hesitating or glancing upwards.

Determined to see her prank succeed, Stacy repeatedly pulls her hips forward and shoves them back against Milly’s, carelessly crushing you again and again while punctuating each attempt. “Boop! Boop! Boop!” Much to Stacy’s dismay, though, Milly still hasn’t noticed her efforts, blissfully unaware of what’s happening to you. Getting annoyed, Stacy decides to switch to plan B, not bothering to mention another “plan” to you. Keeping her butt pressed against Milly’s, she grinds her hips back and forth, smearing you and your cock across copious acres of perfumed female flesh as you grunt in frustration. “Booooop!”

Milly finally glances back, “Ooh!” Stacy smiles from over her shoulder, happy to finally have won a response from Milly. Still bent over, Milly turns her head and sees Stacy standing behind her, hardly startled by the fact that their butts are pressed together. “Oh, mademoiselle Stacy. Pardonne-moi, I didn’t see you there.” Mistakenly assuming she had somehow bumped into Stacy as she worked, Milly stands up and awkwardly shuffles to the side to continue her work unobstructed, dragging her butt across Stacy’s and unknowingly smothering you further.

Stacy pouts a little and decides to move onto plan C. She reaches behind and effortlessly pulls you out from her suit, holding you in her palm as she stands back up. You gasp. “Finally! Does this mean we’re done now, Stacy?” But Stacy doesn’t even notice what you say, the surprisingly determined look on her face indicating that she’s not done until Milly realizes she’s been 100% pranked.

In a swift motion, Stacy reels back the hand she’s using to hold you and then smacks Milly with it, blatantly slapping you against Milly’s warm butt. “BOOP!!” Both you and Milly feel a brief but sharp pain as Stacy keeps her palm in place, forcing you to feel every little jiggle made from the impact. Milly gives a startled squeak as her body perks up in surprise, sending another wave of jiggles against you. This elicits a wry smirk from the cheerleader. NOW she’s got Milly’s attention.

Striking while the iron’s hot, Stacy quickly pulls you from the maid’s butt and clumsily stuffs you into one of Milly’s stockings, with still no thought in regards to your well-being or consent when it comes to implementing these back-up plans of hers. Next she gives a dramatic gasp. “Oh no, Milly! You got the new guy trapped in your outfit! Hurry! You’ve got to help him,” she falsely urges.

“W-what!? Who!? W-where!?” Alarmed, Milly looks back and forth as she tries (and fails) to understand what’s suddenly happening. As she moves, your body jiggles helplessly against her inner thigh while facing outwards, the soft material from her stocking stretching tightly against your cock. You feel her plump leg anxiously tense and flex behind you as she turns in place. Just as Milly manages to face Stacy, she clumsily trips over herself, falling onto her butt against the hard floor and immediately (albeit accidentally) crushing you. You groan in muffled frustration as the front of your body--erection included--is pressed against Milly’s other thigh, leaving you firmly trapped between both of her wonderfully smooth but immensely powerful legs.

Stacy erupts with laughter, nearly falling to the floor herself. Milly looks up at her confused. “Haha, gotcha,” Stacy sings. “You just got pranked by me and the new guy.” Milly tilts her head curiously, apparently unable to quite understand what Stacy means. “You know: a prank,” she explains to her foreign friend. “You do something silly to surprise the other person, making them do something silly in response, and then you all laugh together.” After a pause, Milly nods and gives a friendly laugh, but Stacy can tell that the French maid still doesn’t entirely get what she’s saying yet. “Here, get up. I’ll show you what I’m talking about. First, by letting the new guy out.” Once Milly stands back up, Stacy kneels down and sees you still stuck inside Milly’s stocking, exactly where she left you.
May 31, 2023