Lacy and Tracy reject your apology
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You were mentally praying that one of these giantesses would have mercy when Lacy shrugged calmly, “Eh, it was pretty good, but I think he can do better.” As if that decided that, Lacy leaned back and allowed her soft nipple to drag across your body one final time before separating. You were left shivering in pleasure, when Tracy chimed in, “Yeah, I still would have liked thank you for our generosity, y’know? Plus after that rude outburst earlier, I’m just not feeling the sincerity.” These fucking bitches, they were just loving all the power they held over you, weren’t they?

You wanted to scream, IT WAS AN APOLOGY, NOT A GODDAMN THANK YOU! but Tracy shifted slightly, dragging one nipple across your body until it mashed into your face and smothered you again, “I think lil Tommy’s speech was still kinda half-assed, if you ask me.” As she clumsily rubbed against your upper body, you felt a horrible tingling spread up your spine. While you were left pressed to the girl’s humongous chest you began to shrink again: your already measly half-inch body was reduced in moments to an even less impressive quarter inch, making you even smaller than the width of either girl’s nipple.

Lacy’s eyebrows rose casually as she watched you shrink again, “Woah! He’s, like, extra teeny tiny, now!” As if marveling over your reduced size, the redheaded girl raised one boob to your face, pointing her even larger looking nipple your way and threatening to mash you into Tracy’s skin again as you groaned from exhaustion.

Tracy watched her friend wiggling around in front of you as she scoffed, “Hmph, too bad his precious ego is still so big. Who knows how much smaller he’ll have to get before realizing what a wonderfully generous offer he’s passing up?” Just to point out how ‘generous’ she was being, Tracy puffed her chest out, tauntingly jiggling her nipple right against your scowling face again. The fact that these two cock-teases were still giggling over your predicament even after you had caved and apologized was just adding insult to injury, really.

You managed to twist your head and shout back, “I just said sorry! What more could you fucking want before you’ll let me finish!?”

Unfortunately your cries were mostly muffled by Tracy’s skin, and so faint that the girls barely heard you. Lacy bunched her eyebrows in confusion, “What did he say? Something about fucking?”

Tracy had barely even listened to you, and shrugged with another bounce, “Dunno, but he won’t be doing any fucking with that sour attitude! I think the little horndog just needs a chance to focus on thinking up a better apology, one with some actual feeling this time.” Tracy tapped a finger to her chin, contemplating just what to do with you in the meantime. A grin spread across Tracy’s beautiful face, “Maybe he just needs a little time out?”

Where will you spend this timeout?
May 31, 2023