The cheerleaders try to find some antidote for you
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Ally sighed, still staring down at your body and wishing she could play with you more. She pursed her lips thoughtfully, and asked, "Hey Tommy, how are you supposed to get big again? I mean, there must be some way to reverse what happened, or else you're pretty much screwed if you're gonna be hanging around us babes all day." The other cheerleaders giggled, sounding more proud than ashamed of their collective effect on you.

You shrugged hopelessly, "Miss Hizuki said that she might make some kind of antidote, but I'm not sure if-" Ally cut you off, nearly shouting, "AN ANTIDOTE! That's perfect!" Ally began happily barking orders at the other girls, sending most of them to go figure out where Touko Hizuki herself was and to delay her from returning to her office as best they could. Lacy smiled at Lacy, " You've got pretty good eyes, so you're coming with me. I'll need your help looking through the boss's stuff." You looked nervously up at Ally, wondering if she was about to do what you thought she was. Ally glanced back down at you with a devilish smirk as you asked, "Ally, please tell me you aren't planning on stealing the antidote from Miss Hizuki."

Ally rolled her eyes, "Pff, come on. She's out of her officer doing rehearsal stuff right now, so this is the perfect time. What's the worst that could happen?" You had a thousand good answers to that question, but before you could say anything Stacy sheepishly stepped forward, accidentally bumping you with her enormous breasts and sending you sprawling into Ally's palm. None of the girl's noticed you, as Stacy said, "Ally, umm, mind if I join you? It's kinda my fault that Tommy shrunk, since I sat on him with my big butt and bounced around so much. I felt his little, like, thing getting squished the whole time so I figure I should try to, y'know, do him a favor for squishing him so much." Ally frowned as Stacy recounted sitting on you; she was still a little mad that you had gotten shrunk at the hands of Stacy instead of her, and totally by accident, but what Stacy said made sense. Ally stuffed you down her cleavage over-protectively as she grumbled, "Okay fine. Let's go."

The three girls, each still wearing their special uniforms, made their way through the maze-like building until they made it to the big double-doors that lead to Hizuki's office. You jiggled along with Ally the entire way over, as she just left you where you were stuck in place. Just as the girls were about to enter, Lacy points out, "Hey wait, shouldn't Ally stand guard out here? You're the troupe lead. It would be weird if the boss caught one of us standing around out here instead."

Stacy agreed, "Hey yeah. We should take Tom inside too, since he'll know what the stuff we're trying to find looks like." Ally huffed loudly: so now she was going to get stuck out here, and she wouldn't even have you to play with to pass the time! This was SO unfair. Ally grumbled as she angrily (and clumsily) fished you out of her cleavage, mashing you against the side of her breast a few times as she grabbed for you. "Okay, just be careful with Tommy, I don't want him getting any smaller! Just grab as much stuff as you can find and we'll go."

As Ally passed you over to Stacy, you took a moment to try and voice some of your concerns, "Wait, wait! If Hizuki comes back and finds the stuff missing, she'll know it was me, who else would want the antidote anyway?" The girls looked at you, contemplating your point for only a brief moment, before Lacy insisted, "Whatever, I'm sure that won't happen." You were not at all reassured, but you didn't get to say another word before Stacy nonchalantly shoved you face-first into her cleavage until only your legs were sticking out, "Yeah, don't worry cutie, we'll cover for you if that happens!" And, satisfied that you were secure, she followed Lacy into the office. You wondered if you were in good hands, as Stacy's gigantic breasts slammed together against you with every step she took, but at least these girls were trying to help you, you figured.

Like Ally had said, Touko was nowhere to be seen. Lacy went over to Touko's desk and sat down, before rummaging through the drawers. Stacy started looking up and down the various shelves of books and cabinets and things around the room, not making any attempt to keep her breasts from colliding against you as she swung cabinets open and closed. After a minute, you heard Stacy say curiously, "Wait, what are we even looking for exactly?"

Lacy sighed and say sarcastically, "Uhm, the antidote, in case you already forgot!"

Stacy crossed her arms, unwittingly squeezing you between her huge tits as she thought to herself, "Yeah but, like, what does it LOOK like?"

This time it was Lacy's turn to be stumped. She tapped her fingers on the desk, realizing she had no idea either. "Oh, why not ask Tom?"

Stacy grinned, "Oh yeah, right! Hey Tommy, do you have any hints as to where we could, uh, find..." Stacy trailed off as she looked down and saw that you were stuck upside-down in her cleavage, as your legs kicked in an attempt to right yourself. She snorted in amusement when she spotted your erection poking into one of her soft breasts as you struggled uselessly. Stacy gave her chest a quick squeeze, just to see what you would do, and giggled as she heard a buzzing noise coming from her cleavage as your cock was pressed and then rubbed up against one of her jiggling skin.

An impatient *AHEM* from Lacy's side of the room brought Stacy back to reality, "Oh! Right..." Stacy grabbed you by the leg and dragged you out of her top, feeling a little embarrassed with how much fun she had been having with you. "Sorry about that, cutie, but you're just so much fun to play with!" You gave Stacy a half-hearted smile, appreciating her affection but not necessarily the way it manifested itself, "Thanks, but next time please uh, be a little more careful with where you, you know, 'stash' me..."

Stacy's eyes darted up to your waist, "Oh yeah, sorry, I just figured it would be the comfiest place for you." Still holding you upside down, the blonde cheerleader stuck a finger out and poked at your erect cock curiously, asking "I didn't almost shrink you again did I?"

You gasped and tried to push Stacy's finger away, "N-not quite, but THAT isn't helping..."

Stacy blushed, realizing her mistake with some amusement, and retracted her hand. "Right! Sorry. Uh, so do you know what we're looking for?" The massive blonde walked over to the desk and set you down next to Lacy, so you could help them both in their search.

You shrugged, "Like I said, I don't even know what it would look like, or if even exists. Miss Hizuki only said she'd try to make some, soon-ish." You heard Lacy grumble up above and cross her arms in front of her breasts, jiggling her massive bosom right above your head, "Ugh, so we might not even find anything, then!?"

Stacy was more optimistic, "Okay, but if it WAS here, what would it look like?" You thought back to what Touko Hizuki first injected you with, and tried to describe the syringes and vials that you'd expect more of the same stuff to come in. Stacy says, "Hmm, okay, I'll keep checking the cabinets, usually Hizuko keeps her coolest stuff in there." Then she skipped away to keep searching, leaving you on the desk.

Still sitting in Hizuki's big office chair, Lacy rested her elbows on the table and leaned forwards to think, "If I was a Hizuki, where would I put a box of vials..." You looked up as a shadow fell over you, just as the massive and bare underside of Lacy's massive breasts descended upon you. As the redheads enormous bosom breasts flattened against the table, pressing against you from both sides, you attempted to shout for her attention and push them back, but they were far heavier than you could manage. She began swiveling her chair in place, dragging her pendulous breasts across the smooth mahogany tabletop as she went, and smearing your poor little body along with them. She'd swing to one side, rolling her soft breasts across you, then to the other side, and you'd be left pressed into the underside of her warm cleavage as she hummed to herself thoughtfully.

After a few minute, during which neither Stacy nor Lacy bothered to double check on you, Lacy was no closer to figuring out what Hizuki's hiding spot was. By now, your torso had been wedged into the space between Lacy's breasts, though your lower body was left sticking out from below. Lacy looked down at the desk, wondering if she had somehow overlooked a drawer or something, when she spotted a tiny pair of legs poking out from beneath the edge of her chest. She quickly realized that she must have accidentally squished you, and held back a giggle so she wouldn't get Stacy's attention.

By giving her breasts a tiny experimental shake, and listening to the muffled shouting that emanated from between them as your face was squashed against her skin, Lacy confirmed her suspicions that you were stuck. Knowing you couldn't respond, but getting bored of this tedious searching, Lacy teased you by asking, "So, Tommy, do you have any ideas about where the antidote might be? Because I'm stumped." Then, when you couldn't manage a response, Lacy said coyly, "No? No ideas at all?" and used both hands to lift her breasts slightly before dropping them, letting them slam your lower body against the table. Stacy giggled again as one of her breasts bouncing directly against your erection, and she felt you squirming uncomfortably. Lacy had always thought her especially sizeable breasts were one of her best assets, and your erection uncontrollably prodding into them was only reaffirming that notion. Plus, Lacy was just feeling better and better about the outfit she had picked out. How many of the other girls could claim they had a top that could let them accidentally crush a man under their tits without even noticing?

What happens next?
May 31, 2023