Mia escapes with you.
Before Mia can walk off with you safely hidden inside her robe, Becky grabs her arm. "And you're sure you haven't seen a little man in baggy clothes running around," she presses. Crap, Becky hasn't figured it out, has she!? You feel your heart racing as you quickly run out of breath. You do not want her to find you like this.

Keeping her cool, Mia waves her off. "Sì, bella, I'm sure. I haven't seen the little cannoli around here anywhere," she lies again. "Now, really, I must be going. There are so many things I hope to do before my match later today. Maybe I'll finally get to take a dip in the beautiful pool this new venue has for us. Ciao, bella." Ending the conversation, Mia pulls her arm free from Becky and walks back to her room, leaving a frustrated and confused Becky behind to look for you.

With every hurried step Mia takes, you feel her overwhelmingly huge breasts jiggle against your smaller head while your dangling feet can't even reach around her massive hips. You can't even comprehend how big this woman is, your reduced size making her all the more astonishing to you. While a part of you is certainly turned on by the extra-close contact to such an amazing woman, you can't help but worry what might happen if a woman like this ever got as obsessively possessive with you as Becky was.

Breaking your train of thought, Mia finally returns to her room and quickly reaches her large bed waiting inside. She undoes her robe and sets you free, letting you land softly onto the bed. As you gasp to regain your breath, you take a moment to look around. Mia must be used to a higher standard of living, because her room is filled with, lavish, ornate furniture. Even her vanity table is riddled with fancy light bulbs and mirrors. Your attention snaps back to Mia when the Italian beauty caresses your face with a hand again, giving you a smile warm enough to melt ice. Her bright red lipstick pulls your attention towards her full lips. "Sorry for putting you in such a *ahem* provocative hiding spot, bambino. It was the best I could come up with on such short notice. I hope I didn't ruffle any of your feathers, cutie."

"Uh, no, no, you're fine. It was...breathtaking," you say as you occasionally steal glances at Mia's extremely deep cleavage hanging directly in front of you. Even though they nearly suffocated you, you can't get the soft, milky sensation of Mia's breasts out of your mind. Mia chuckles before turning around and walking to the large, ornate chair she has nearby, giving you a chance to be enchanted by the sight of her humongous, round ass swaying with every step she takes as it clings to her short, sheer robe. When she sits in her chair, you notice a table next to it. On the table is a plate of high-class but fatty Italian food, which Mia maintains a constant diet of (all of it somehow going to all the right places, you notice).

She grabs the glass of lemonade next to her plate but stops herself before she takes a sip. "Oh, how rude of me! Would you like some, bambino? Momma made it herself." You politely refuse, so Mia enjoys the drink herself. You watch her take a few long gulps before pulling the glass away, her lipstick leaving an imprint of her plush lips on it. "So tell me about yourself, ragazzo. To what do I owe the pleasure of meeting you?" You explain to Mia that you're a new wrestler here and tell her about your experiences here so far: Hizuki and her serum, your (apparently) random shrinking bouts, along with your altercation with Becky, who got especially interested in you when she discovered your shrinking. Mia doesn't seem to surprised about hearing any of this, though, as she takes another sip of her drink. "Ah, I see. So you're another victim of one of Touko's experiments. You poor thing. It's a good thing you found me before a bruta like Becky got to you. With your shrinking, she might've done quite the number on you."

"I know. Seriously, Mia, thank you so much. You were a godsend," you say. "Is there anything I can do to repay you?"

"Repay me? Nonsense!" Mia waves your offer off. "Momma will always be there to take care of cute, little bambinos like yourself. It's my pleasure." Mia pulls in her glass to take another sip, but, to her surprise, it slips out of her fingers this time, making it spill on her dress. "Oh!" You watch as the liquid splashes across Mia's enormous cleavage, giving it an appealing glisten. Hardly bothered by waht happened, Mia lets out a boisterous laugh, making her wet bosom happily dance in front of you as you keep ogling. "Mamaluke! Oh, don't mind me, Tommy. I can just be such a klutz sometimes. Whenever I am, I can make a bit of a mess of myself, as you can see." She hefts her massive, matronly bosom up, inviting you to get a better look at her handiwork. You blush a little at the display, which she finds adorable. Mia has to admit it's been a while since she's been able to spend time with a cute little thing like yourself, and she briefly wonders how you'd react to a little more teasing. But for now, first thing's first.

Mia stands up. "Pardon me for just a few minutes, Tommy. Momma's gonna have to change into something more comfortable now." Oh right: 'change.' You look down at yourself and remember that, because you've shrunk so much, your clothes don't really fit you now. Your shorts are down at your ankles now while your shirt covers your whole body like a bed sheet.

"Actually, Mia, that reminds me. I should probably go look for a change of clothes; Maybe Hizuki's got a dressing room for me somewhere. So I'll stop bothering you and leave you to--" Mia interrupts by sauntering over to you and placing a finger at your lips.

"Nonsense, ragazzo! You're not bothering me at all. Now just wait right here. Momma wont take long, then we can get back to getting to know each other." Charmed by Mia's inviting personality, you concede. She gives you another warm smile before finally stepping off to change. You thought Mia was going to head to a closet or some sort of changing booth across the room to change, but she surprises you to by strutting past you and stepping behind a very tall white folding screen placed next to her bed. The black silhouette of her body comes into view through the screen, and your eyes widen when you realize this only serves to emphasize every curvature of her voluptuous figure. With only a thin frame separating the two of you, Mia's body gently sways as she slowly takes off her robe, unleashing more of her enormous figure for your captivated eyes to see. It's as if she's putting on some sort of burlesque show for you. Free of her wet clothing, Mia bends over and reaches into her nearby armoire and rummages through it for something new to wear. As she does so, an idea suddenly pops into her head. "Oh, Tommy! I actually do know something you can do for me, if you wouldn't mind."

Still transfixed on every move Mia's voluptuous shadow makes, you only partially register what she said to you and give a mindless answer in response. "Uh, sure, Mia. Whatever you say." Here's hoping you're not in over your head.

What does Mia want you to do?
May 31, 2023