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"I know what to do with you!" Becky exclaims as she backs up letting you catch your breath. You're about to ask what when her knee speeds between your legs and into your nuts! "Oooooooooooh!" You moan in pain as you drop to the floor and cup your sensitive groin. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's what I like to see," Becky begins as you continue to hold your nards in agony. "A man sent to his knees with just one kick! It shows how weak men really are!" You don't respond as your in to muck pain to even utter a word. "Awwww what's wrong, did I castrate you on accident?" She asks in a condescending tone before pulling you up by your hair which only added to your overall pain. "Let's see just how much damage I actually did!" She proclaimed as she moved your hands out of the way of your groin and pulled both you shorts and briefs down to your ankles, exposing your tiny, rock hard, erection and your massive, swollen, purple, testicles to the cool air of the corridor. "Awwwwww! Is that for me?" She asks teasingly as she points at your tiny boner before finally looking below to your swollen balls. "Wow! They're that swollen from just one kick?! I must be getting better!!" Just then you hear steps coming closer as you turn your head you see someone coming around the corner.

Who do you see?
May 31, 2023
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