You meet a frustrated Becky
You're boggled by the sight of a stunning dark-haired woman dressed in a high school girl's uniform, of all things. Right away you notice that, not only is she very tall and very stacked, she's also very pissed. Muttering to herself, the annoyed brunette finishes rifling through her locker and slams it shut, then pauses to seethe for a moment. You wanted to ask the first person you saw for directions around this place, but you get the feeling you shouldn't get involved with this woman right now. Maybe you should leave before she notices yo--

*SLAM* The woman suddenly bashes her fist on the locker door, startling you, and yells, "what the hell kind of ruling was that!?! 'Disqualified for unruly conduct'!? I was just giving the people what they came to see! So what if I got a little rough!? That ref wouldn't know what real wrestling looks like even if it kicked her ass, like I was kicking that jobber's!" In the midst of watching her sudden outburst, you can't help but notice how her curvaceous body strains against her clothes, which are clearly too small for her. If she keeps moving like she does, her wobbling breasts especially seem like they could easily pop a few buttons off her white blouse, which is already partially unbuttoned in an attempt to compensate for their size while also showing off their deep cleavage. Before your common sense can tell you to snap out of it and get the hell out of there, the woman turns her head and quickly spots you. Your eyes meet with hers, and, now that she knows you're here, you worry what else she might do in her fit of rage. She scowls at you for a moment, her eyes burning a hole through you as she thinks. Finally, she speaks to you. "You...I know you."

Baffled, you say, "W-what? I don't think so." You think you'd remember meeting the closest thing to a living amazon you've ever seen. Fearing the worst, you instinctively take a small step back to leave, but, her interest in you growing, the woman approaches, quickly closing the gap between both of you. You quickly notice that your head is only as high as her chest.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," she says as she recalls how she knows you. She glances at your wrestling shorts and, to signal her proof, gives them a forceful tug, pulling you towards her. "You're the new guy, ain'tcha? Touko told us about you, said she had her eye on you for a while and was planning on roping you into the league soon."

You give an annoyed sigh at that little revelation. Of course an evil mastermind like Touko has been keeping tabs on you. She figures out a way to make everything go according to her plans, doesn't she? You'd try to storm back to her office and tell her off, but this irate brunette has still got a hold of your shorts. Trying avoid pissing her off any further, you decide to indulge her in hopes that she'll let go soon. "You got me. I'm Tom, the new guy. You can also call me by the amazing stage name our boss gave me: Tommy the Terrible," you answer dejectedly.

Sensing a chance to finally relieve her stress, the brunette looks you over one more time before a barely noticeable smirk creeps up on her face. "Well, Tommy, that means you now have the honor of being greeted to the DWA by me: Becky Peters, superstar of the league. The pleasure is all yours, I'm sure." So this girl's got an ego bigger than even she is. Wonderful. "People call me the Big Bully here, cause I know how to throw my weight around to get what I want. That, plus my outfit fits me so well." It really doesn't.

"Great, thanks Becky. Nice meeting you, but I should really be--"

Before you can make another attempt to leave, Becky let's go of your shorts and drapes an arm over your shoulder, as if you suddenly became best friends. This pulls you closer to her and brings your head dangerously close to her heaving breasts. "Y'know, Tommy, it's a good thing we ran into each other. I think we can help each other out," she says, clearly up to something.

"Um, how so?"

"Well, since you're new here, you need someone to show you around, right? I can show you the ropes, but first you'll have to agree to do one little thing for me first." Becky's smile widens.

"What's that?"

"Become my partner."

"Partner? Why do you want me as a partner?"

"Cause I'm in a rut that's been making me bored out of my mind lately," Becky vents with a wild gesture, making her tits jiggle right next to you. "I've been trying to snap out of it by doing crazier things in the ring to annihilate my opponents, to really put the 'Dominant' back in 'Dominant Women's Association,' y'know. But, as you probably just heard, the ref isn't always too keen on my new tactics. So now I'm thinking getting a new partner could mix things up. They'd get the honor of follow me around, doing whatever I say, indulging my every whim, and just making me look good by comparison. A scrawny twerp like you would be perfect!"

You grimace at Becky's explanation. "So you're not so much looking for a partner as you are a personal patsy?"

"Pretty much," Becky says bluntly. "Touko has all of her attendants, so why shouldn't I get someone to boss around too? So are you in, or what?"

Between Becky's offer and your previous talk with Touko, you start to realize that this place isn't called the DWA for nothing. Regardless, if you want to get out of here with your full size, you can't let the likes of Becky push you around. You try (somewhat vainly) to push Becky away from you and say, "Gee, Becky, that's a really tempting offer, but--"

Becky ignores whatever you were about to say, assuming you would gladly accept her generous offer. "Great! Welcome aboard, partner," she says as she quickly pulls you back towards her, practically putting you in a headlock while letting your head sink against her soft breast.

"Mmrfph, w-wait! I didn't--mmphhfrh!" You try to tell Becky you don't want to be her partner, but it's hard to say much with your face struggling for air against her abundant chest.

"Well, new partner, I'd be glad to show you around, but first, we just need to do one, little thing." Becky's wicked smile grows even wider as her mind races with all the shenanigans she hopes to put you through.

What does she do next?
May 31, 2023
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