Betty massages you in return
Betty gives you a long look, but doesn’t say anything, choosing to let you sweat in your anxiousness a little now that you’ve been caught red-handed, with both those hands against her ass. You fear what Betty might do with you, now that she’s got you trapped against her and knows you’ve been feeling her up for no good reason. Hell, if she wanted, she could spin this story like you were some deviant trying to take advantage of her, and, if that news spreads in a place full of female wrestlers and fans, your name would be as good as mud in no time. Just as you shudder at the thought of what Betty and the other amazonian women here might do to you should the word get out, Betty finally looks back to the real masseuse. “On second thought, I don’t think I’ll need that massage, after all,” she says coolly. “My new friend here has been a big help in relieving my stress, so your services won’t be required.” The masseuse gives a nod before exiting the locker room, leaving you alone with Betty again.

Did she say ‘friend’? You’re at a loss for words. You can’t believe Betty just did that. You were sure she’d be pissed at you. Well, if she’s not going to sound the alarm on you, just what does she plan to do with you? Betty looks back at you from over her shoulder, still keeping you between her legs. “You lied to me,” she says with a knowing smirk.

You quickly break down and apologize, hoping to appease Betty before she decides to blow the whistle after all. “I know, and I’m so sorry, Betty. I-I was just caught off-guard, my brain turned off, a-and I was just acting stupid. C-could you maybe not tell anyone about this? If word got out that the new guy did something like this, they’d never let me live it down.”

“Hmmm, maybeeee,” Betty says coyly. She pretends to think for a few moments, gently kicking her heels against your back and pressing you further against her and her soft butt while you wait for her answer. Finally she says, “As a paragon of justice and truth in the ring, I normally don't take kindly to liars, but, since you did such a good job massaging me, I think I'll let it slide this time. Let no one say Wonder Bust isn’t merciful.”

You’re instantly relieved by Betty’s kindness and start to grovel in gratitude. “Oh, thankyouthankyouthankyou, Betty. You’re the best!”

“Yeah, I know,” she says with a wink.

With that, you expected Betty to finally part her legs and let you be on your way, but you both just sit there in silence for a few moments. Eventually you say, “Sooo...I guess I should be going then. You’re obviously super busy, and I don’t want to keep you any longe--.” As you try to back away and free yourself from Betty’s thick, leggy embrace, she suddenly clamps her legs, pulling you in close again.

She giggles and asks, “And just where do you think you’re going?”

“I-I...what?” You’re not sure what to say.

“I can't let you leave without repaying you, with my own massage,” Betty sings.

You balk at the sudden turn of events. “What!? Why?”

“Because Wonder Bust always repays her debts,” Betty answers proudly before spying the tent you’ve been pitching in your shorts. “Besides, you've clearly been building up some tension yourself,” she says before suggestively shoving her big ass against your crotch. “My hands may not be as good as yours, but I thought maybe I could still help you get some release.” You stammer in astonishment as Betty stands up, finally releasing you from her leg hold. She pats her hand on the bench, gesturing for you to lie down on it. “C’mon. No sense being shy about it now, cutie. Just lie back, relax, and let your friendly neighborhood Wonder Bust help you forget about all your worries,” she says with a warm smile. You can hardly believe this is happening, and in a pro wrestling locker room of all places. While Betty’s offer is tempting, you’re reluctant to take her up on it in such a public place, lest someone else walk in and find you in a scandalous position again. Then again, Betty doesn’t seem worried, and, considering all that’s happened and how cool she’s been about it, the least you can do is indulge her a little, right? Plus, with that shrinking serum still in your system, things have been more than a little stressful today…

You agree to let Betty work her magic and lie down on the bench, face up. “Great! Don’t worry, Tommy, I’m sure you’ll be feeling pretty ‘wonder’-ful by the time I’m done with you,” she says with a giggle, clearly very proud of her pun. Betty saunters over to the edge of the bench where your head lies, giving you a breathtaking view of her massive, perky breasts wobbling tremendously above you as she gets on her knees to take care of you. You catch a sliver of her face smiling at you as she catches you gawping. She hefts her chest above you and asks wryly, “Sorry, these babies aren't going to be too distracting for you, are they?” She gives them a little squeeze, as if contemplating their size.

You swallow hard, nervously trying to will down your obvious erection and blurt out, "NO! I mean, uh, no. That's okay. They’re fine, wonderful even (pun not intended). Just, uh, maybe be careful not to drop them too low?”

“I dunno, Tommy,” Betty says playfully while squeezing her chest a few more times. “Even the mighty Wonder Bust sometimes has trouble keeping these huge babies up.” She glances at your erection, now twitching beneath your shorts at just the sight of her. She teases, “Though I guess you’d know all about keeping something up, now wouldn’t you?”

You blush. “M-maybe this isn’t such a great idea,” you say as you suddenly start to sit up, but, in your haste and embarrassment, you’ve already forgotten about Betty’s breasts overhead. Your head quickly collides with their soft undersides before they bounce you back to the bench again. Real smooth.

Before you can make another escape attempt, Betty places her hands on your shoulders, keeping you firmly on the bench. “Nonsense! You’re in good hands now. Let’s start with these shoulders, shall we?” Betty’s soft fingers get to work on your shoulders, and in moments you feel the tightness and soreness in them melt away, relaxing you immensely. Betty giggles when you give an audible sigh of relief. “See, I told you you’d like it, and, my, such muscular shoulders you have. You’re just a little stud, ain’tcha?” You don’t answer. You just let yourself turn to putty in Betty’s hands as you enjoy the sight of her massive melons wobbling above you in her tight shirt.

After a few minutes, Betty finishes with your shoulders. She looks up and giggles when she notices your erection is still going strong, compelling her to have more fun with you. Betty brushes a soft, slender finger across your hair and down your cheek before gliding her hands up and down along your body, giving you tingles. "So, cutie, what part of you is the most eager for some release?" Betty drags her fingertip lightly down your chest and traces a few circles on it. "Or maybe here, on your abs?" Another smooth finger moves a line down your stomach, giving it a few playful pokes along the way.

Almost getting lost in the stimulation, you eventually notice Betty’s looming breasts lowering closer and closer towards your head as she inches her hands towards your cock. Not wanting to get smothered, you decide to say something. “Uh, B-Betty? M-maybe you shoul--mmrphh!” Before you can finish stammering out a warning, Betty drops her chest all the way, plopping her famous breasts on your smaller head and making you feel their full weight.

After silencing the interruption, Betty coos, “Y’know, Tommy, your mouth's already gotten you into enough trouble as it is. Maybe you should just keep it shut for now.” Betty gently wiggles her breasts on you, enjoying the tingling feeling of your words getting muffled against them, before an idea pops in her head. “...Or better yet, maybe you could put it to use for something better,” she adds suggestively. Betty pulls up on her shirt, freeing her breasts and covering you with their soft, warm touch as they form a seal around your face and beyond.

After forcing a mouthful of her boob flesh into your mouth to further stimulate the both of you, Betty returns to her massage. “Now, where was I,” she asks coyly. “Oh, that’s right: we were figuring out where to massage you next, you poor thing. How about here?” Deliberately skipping over your twitching cock, Betty leans in enough to reach your legs and inner thighs (while also applying more pressure against your head with her breasts). "What about along your strong legs," she asks as she gives them a few blissful squeezes while rubbing them up and down. Of course, you can’t respond. You can only twitch and wince at Betty’s enthralling touches as they near your most sensitive area. “No, but I think we’re getting closer,” Betty ponders aloud. “” Betty’s hands shift back towards your waist, and you feel lighting race up your spine as you feel her gently place a finger atop the head of your cock. “Is this where you’ve got the most pent up tension, Tommy? Is this the spot with the most pressure, where you desperately need so much release,” Betty purrs with a smug look. Obviously, she’s hit her mark. Betty gently prods your cock, enjoying the ‘payback’ she’s gotten on you by getting you so flustered and frustrated you can hardly tell up from down. You feel yourself turn beet red as you squirm beneath her, but you’re not going anywhere. Wonder Bust isn’t done with you yet. With a devilish grin, Betty ponders what to do next with her new friend.
May 31, 2023