In a tight spot
· original author:
Felicity was delighted by the realization that you had taken her seriously when she pretended like she was going to withhold your serum from you. Instead of correcting you, she decided that a little more teasing couldn’t hurt. Plucking you from her top, Felicity hung your body right in front of her pink nipple, “Are you sure there isn’t something else you might want instead, cutie? Maybe a kiss, or something mooore…?” Felicity swung you tiny body back and forth, clumsily slapping and bumping you against her exposed skin as she grinned. She could blatantly feel your firm erection bouncing against her skin, and it felt wonderful for her, though undoubtedly irritating for you.

As difficult as it was to ignore her flawless chest, you knew you had to grow back somehow or you’d be stuck like this forever. Feeling extra annoyed now that Felicity was casually batting you around like a toy, you cried, “NO, FELICITY, I JUST WANT MY GODDAMN ANTIDOTE!”

Up above you heard Felicity chuckling, “Haha okay okay, chill! I was kidding! Here, for being such a good little partner in crime, and my favorite little mousy…” Despite her patronizing tone of voice, Felicity quickly placed you on the narrow gap between her and the ventilation wall, and practically forced several huge gulps of the vial’s strange liquid down your throat. As she tucked the rest of the vial away (since there was still plenty left for her to blackmail you with later) and wiped some dust from her hand, Felicity insisted, “See? I’m not all bad.”

You spent a moment coughing and spluttering from the foul tasting liquid. Felicity watched, before commenting, “So does it, like, take a long time for you to grow back, or…?” Suddenly and without warning, you exploded in size. Felicity could only gasp as you filled what little empty space had remained, causing the vents to creak from the pressure of containing two bodies. Growing back to your full size, you squashed into Felicity’s soft torso until she was left lying on top of you, her gorgeous face mere inches from yours. Despite her surprise, Felicity managed to joke, “Guess I can’t call you ‘mousy’ anymore, huh?”

Annoyed that you were once again pressed up against this obnoxious girl, you had to hold back your temper, “Are you kidding me Felicity? Why did you grow me back in here!?

Not seeming to mind the cramped space as much as you, Felicity smirked, “How was I supposed to know you’d grow so fast? Now let me just… hmph… crawl outta here…” Felicity began shimmying her way over you, squeaking her bodysuit against the walls as she went. Unable to move or stop her, you could only give a muffled grunt when Felicity’s enormous chest plopped onto your face with a heavy bounce, before she came to a stop. You tried to tell her to keep going, but Felicity let out a sigh, “Shit. Uh….” Felicity wiggled her whole body, jiggling softly against you, “I might be stuck.”

Felicity looked down to see you glaring up at her from beneath her exposed cleavage, and tried to suppress her grin when she caught the annoyed look you were giving her, “What? This is hardly my fault! I just can’t fit my boobs past your face.” To demonstrate, Felicity shook her chest, smearing your frowning face right into her ample bosom for several seconds. As her breasts continued to bounce against your face, Felicity glanced around the dark vents, trying to think of a way out of here, before spotting a grate on the ceiling above her. “Hey! I think I know how to get outta here!” Felicity struggled, trying to reach the grate, but couldn’t get either of her arms past you and only ended up squishing herself against you some more. “Well neither of us is going anywhere until we get some wiggle room… Plus, my hands are stuck, uh… between us…” Felicity trailed off as she felt her fingertips brush up against something hard and warm by her hips. It didn’t take long at all for Felicity to realize her hand had been pinned up against your genitals, but that didn’t stop her from smirking and coyly wrapping her fingers around your shaft just for the fun of it. After giving your genitals a gentle squeeze and watching you blush in response, the playful girl giggled, “It feels like I’m caught between a rock and a hard place, haha!” Felicity continued to fondle your erection despite your grunts of annoyance, enjoying how firm it felt against her soft skin.

“Alright, well, I need some space to move, and I can only think of one way to get it…” Eager to finally get her off of you, you tried to ask Mmph?? through her cleavage, but were partially distracted when her hand begin to forcefully rub against your crotch. As she began her claustrophobic handjob, Felicity shrugged and explained, “I miiight have to shrink you again, cutie.” Your defiant Mmnuh! made Felicity smirk, “Well, like, just a little bit! I promise I won’t shrink you down into my little mouse again!” Felicity descended into a fit of giggling as she felt you lose an inch of height beneath her body, and she imagined you shrinking to an inch tall again just from her simple teasing. Felicity was too busy laughing to immediately notice that she was now lying directly on top of you, and crushing your shorter body into the floor beneath her chest. Once she had some room, she gave your erection one final longing squeeze, before twisting herself around in the vents and trying to angle herself to see the grate she planned on escaping through.

Now that your face wasn’t encompassed by her soft chest you could breath, only to gasp as Felicity carelessly dropped her soft ass right into your lap. As she began to fiddle with the grating above her, she continued to idly wiggle, jabbing your erection into her spandex clothing as she went. Annoyed, you hissed, “Felicity! Can you… stop squirming around so much!?”

Felicity didn’t bother hiding her sarcastic grin as she looked over her shoulder at you, “I’m trying, but this would be a lot easier if you were smaller. I don’t suppose you could give me just a teensy bit more room…?” Felicity arched her back, squashing her enormous ass right up against your hips, as she jokingly encouraged you to shrink for her. A groan was forced from your lips as her ass cheeks softly smothered either side of your erect member, causing Felicity’s smug smile to grow even wider. As your cock forced it’s way between her butt crack, Felicity only ground down harder, smearing your body beneath hers. You had to spend several seconds seriously debating whether or not to give in and start thrusting against her, which you knew would be relieving beyond belief, but you also didn’t want to shrink again or give her the gratification of getting you all riled up like this. In a moment of weakness you pushed your hips upwards, shoving your aching dick between Felicity’s warm, soft thighs, which elicited a satisfied purr from her. You only realized your mistake when you immediately lost another few inches of height, making you at least a foot shorter than this curvaceous girl.

Your train of thought was broken when you heard a click from above, and Felicity pushed the grating aside, “Yesss, here we go!” Practically ignoring you, Felicity immediately began climbing upwards, trying to reach for the vent opening. You sighed with relief as the pressure against your crotch was removed, only to gasp as Felicity dragged her wide hips up across every inch of your hips, stomach, and chest. You tried to climb out of the way of the impatient girl, but her thighs and ass cheeks had squashed you aside while she moved. As Felicity stuck her torso out of the vent, she stopped to take a look around, and dropped her enormous ass right onto your face while she waited. Ignoring your muffled attempts to get her attention, Felicity made sure the coast was clear, before finally hoisting herself out of the vents and leaving you in a gasping heap.

Sticking her gorgeous face back over the hole, Felicity gave you another charming smile, “Sorry to leave you high and dry, cutie, but this is where we part ways. I can’t have you telling Wonder Boob where I snuck off to, after all!” Felicity’s eyes flicked down across your naked body for a second, as if enjoying the view one last time.

You rolled your eyes, incredibly agitated that Felicity had put you through all that only to get away scot-free at her convenience, “Right, of course.”

Felicity leaned forward enough to give you a glimpse of her outrageous cleavage hanging above you, “Aww, don’t sound so disappointed! If you’re lucky we might cross paths again, my mousy man. Till then, I’ve got one final parting gift…” To your surprise, Felicity held your antidote vial out, and tipped one drop of serum into your mouth from above. As soon as it hit your tongue, you felt yourself expanding; thank god! Unfortunately, as you began to grow back, you immediately realized the problem; you were once again filling up the vent, and quickly began jammed in place with your regular sized limbs. And, it seemed you weren’t nearly as flexible as Felicity…

Up above, Felicity watched you becoming stuck with mild surprise, “Ah, whoops… well, I gotta go, good luck getting outta there! If I remember I’ll send help, haha!” And like that she was gone, with only your annoyed curses following her.

Now what?
May 31, 2023