Becky stole your shorts
In your panic, you hear an unfamiliar voice cackle and say, “Looking for these, little man?” You turn your head to see a large, curvy brunette casually leaning against a wall of lockers. She’s wearing a high school girl’s uniform that’s clearly too small for her stacked figure, and she’s twirling a small pair of boy’s shorts in her fingers.

Crap, looks like you’ve got to deal with this now. “Yeah, I am, actually. Har-dee-freaking-har. And just who exactly are you?”

“Name’s Becky Peters,” the woman answers. “Otherwise known as the Big Bully ‘round these parts.” Figures that’s who she is. You’ve only met this woman for a few seconds, but something tells you she’s not going to make things easy for you.

“, could I have my shorts back, Becky?”

Becky pretends to ponder your question for a moment. “Hmmmmmm...nope!”

“And why not,” you ask, starting to get a little annoyed.

“Oh, it’s just what I do here,” Becky says coyly. “You heard my name. Don’t tell me you didn’t see this coming.” She smirks at your disgruntled face. “Oh don’t give me that look. I’m not here to mess with you too much, at least not yet. This is just my special way of greeting the newbies: while they have their first match, I ‘borrow’ something of theirs for a bit. These little shorts of yours seemed awfully important to you, so I thought they might be worth snatching.”

You give an aggravated sigh. “Real funny, Becky. But I need those, and I’m a little tired right now. So could you maybe save this whole bullying schtick for another time?”

“Aw, how mean,” Becky says coolly as she approaches, not planning on going anywhere until she’s done with you. “And after I took time out of my busy schedule to watch some of your match and personally greet you afterwards too.” She stands in front of you with her hands on her wide hips, looming her imposing figure above you and nearly making you stumble back into the little bench behind you. You can barely see her smirking at you past her massive melons, which her blouse can hardly contain despite being partially unbuttoned. “And I have to say: there was something about that match I found especially interesting.”

“Uh, interesting? What exactly,” you ask nervously.

Becky leans forward, letting you see the demanding look on her face while also showing off her deep, creamy cleavage. “Your shrinking, tell me about it.”


“I saw you shrink during your match, and now you’re gonna tell me about it until I get the answers I want. Touko injected you with one of her serums, right? How small can you get? Can you control it? Are there any side effects?” Becky’s always gotten a kick out of messing with people smaller than her to make herself feel bigger, which is what makes her such a popular wrestler that fans both love and hate. Now that she’s stumbled on a new ‘rival’ that can shrink whenever she’s around him, she’s potentially found a way to boost both her ego and her starpower through the roof, and she’s very eager to learn how to take full advantage of that.

You’re caught off guard by Becky’s sudden interrogation, especially since you don’t fully understand the shrinking process yourself (though, after noticing how you shrank after getting into a few provocative positions with Milly during your match, you think you might finally see a pattern). However, you’re confident that she’s the absolute last person you want to tell anything you know about it, even if it is just a little. Even though she’s over twice your height now, you still try to valiantly stand up to her. “N-no! Piss off, Becky. I’m not telling you anything, and give me back my shorts!”

Becky rolls her eyes at your defiance, realizing she’ll have to do things the hard way then. Keeping her composure, she says “Ok, so you don’t want to tell me now, that’s fine. I’ll just sit here and wait until you do.” Just as you wonder how that would ever convince you to change your mind, Becky turns around and flips up her skirt, revealing her huge, round ass to you and making you gawp. With a cheeky grin, she asks, “Is this seat taken” before sitting down, plummeting her soft butt towards your face. She lands with a thud, engulfing most of your head with her ass while your face gets wedged deep between her meaty, panty-clad ass cheeks.

Overwhelmed by the intense pressure, you groan and squirm underneath Becky, desperate to get free, but you can only weakly paw at her massive ass while your tiny legs flail in the air between her thick thighs. Becky giggles as she wriggles her hips to get comfortable, jostling your head with her ass. She silently enjoys the sensation of dominating you with just her ass before asking, “So, still don’t feel like telling me anything, Tiny Tommy? If not, I can just sit here All. Day. Long.” With those last three words, Becky bounces her ass atop of you, and you feel her soft flesh engulf more of your head each time she does.

As you continue squirming beneath her, Becky looks down at your lower body and spies something interesting, making her smile broaden. “Oooh, I think I’ve even found a little toy to play with while I wait.” Interested in the tent you’re still pitching beneath Milly’s handkerchief, Becky reaches down and grabs your cock through it, sending a jolt through your spine that makes you wince beneath her. “What’s this handkerchief, Tiny Tommy? A gift from Milly? And you were trying to use it to hide your widdle bitty stiffy? Well you can’t hide it from me.” With a cackle, Becky places a finger on the head of your cock and gently prods it back and forth, further stimulating you. Even if she doesn’t know how exactly your shrinking works, Becky can still have oodles of fun with you at your expense. As you struggle helplessly beneath her, Becky’s mind races with all the things she could do with you.

What next?
May 31, 2023