Leslie KO's you, and you wake up in her clinic
Her massive mammaries suspending you in the air, Leslie pleasantly hums to herself as she enjoys the feeling of you slowly succumbing to the lack of air and the chloroform perfume between her tits. Every part of your body feels weak and lethargic, the soft and overwhelming sensation of Leslie’s skin compelling it to submit, but some part of your brain is still screaming at you to not let things end like this, not if you want to survive in this league and maintain your size.

Showing off an astounding amount of willpower, you manage to raise one of your hands and weakly paw at one of Leslie’s breasts, motivated by either a desperate urge to free yourself or an instinctual male desire to grope the smooth, abundant flesh hugging you. It’s hard to tell, but, either way, Leslie feels your weak movements and can only find it amusing. She giggles, sending a wave of jiggles through her breasts that further jostles you between them, and says, “Looks like my new patient needs to be sedated a little bit more before he’s willing to comply with the nurse’s orders. That’s fine. The fans would probably prefer I end this match with a bit more of a bang, anyways.”

Still holding your head in place between her breasts, Leslie climbs up to the very top rope and strikes a flashy pose, signaling to the raving fans how she plans to finish you off. Suddenly, she leaps forward with you, and, even with your consciousness fading fast, you feel weightless for a few moments as Leslie flies through the air. This feeling quickly gives way to a devastatingly crushing pressure when Leslie lands on the mat with you beneath her, a loud, heavy thud echoing through the ring as she lands her body slam with flawless execution.

Somehow, you still remain conscious, but, with nearly all the living daylights knocked out of you, you can only weakly groan from the harsh impact, the cold, hard mat at your back contrasting greatly with Leslie’s soft, warm body resting along your front. You feel her heavy breasts weighing down on your weary head, their doughy flesh spilling around it like a soft avalanche. While the crowd roars from Leslie’s powerful, sexy maneuver, she remains lying atop you, blowing a few kisses to her fans while knowing full well it’ll just be a matter of moments until this match ends.

Desperate just to get some air from between Nurse Smother’s breasts at this point, practically forgetting about any hope of winning this match, you instinctively move your body back and forth slowly, but Leslie moves her body along with yours, sealing you beneath her and her smothering flesh. “Ah ah ah, no sense trying to escape now, cutie. Nursie’s gonna take care of you real soon.” As she lets the very last reserves of your energy wear out, Leslie relaxes herself on you, happily kicking her feet in the air behind you as she lets her body weight do its work on you. You hear the referee approach and start the countdown for the pinfall as your consciousness fades between Leslie’s mesmerizing melons.

When you wake up, you find yourself lying on an extra-cushiony bed that’s sectioned off by a pink curtain. After a few moments, the curtain suddenly gets pulled back, revealing Nurse Leslie beaming at you. “Welcome back, sleepy-head. Have a nice nap?” True to her promise, Leslie has taken you back to her clinic after beating you, but that look in her eye tells you she intends to administer her own special brand of “nursing” on you, rather than simply let you rest. You’ve already seen what this naughty nurse is willing and able to do to you within the confines of a public wrestling match; something tells you that you shouldn’t stick around to see what she might do when it’s just the two of you.

Just as you try to get up to politely leave, Leslie quickly approaches and uses a strong, feminine hand to firmly push and lie you back down with graceful ease. You quickly notice that your body still feels a bit weak and woozy, Leslie’s special chloroform perfume apparently still having a lingering effect on you. “Easy there, tiger. You need to stay put. Someone did quite the number on you in your last match,” she says with a titter. She saunters to the foot of the bed and purrs “Fortunately, I’m here to help make allllll that pain, frustration, and weariness go away.” Upon saying that, Leslie pulls off her uniform, leaving herself in only her sultry stockings and a pair of cross-shaped pasties that barely cover her nipples. Your eyes widen at the sight of of Leslie’s round, massive, virtually bare breasts, still a sight to behold even though she effortlessly knocked you out with them.

She slowly crawls on all fours onto the bed, and you can’t help but watch as the medical vixen’s body seductively sways and undulates with her every movement. “But first, before I can prescribe just the right amount of pleasure for you, I need to give you a full and proper examination, just to make sure everything’s working properly...everything important, at least♥.” She turns her attention to your shorts and quickly pulls them off, your body still too weak to offer any real resistance. Then she spies your semi-erect cock, helplessly twitching and stiffening just from being around someone like Leslie. She giggles and coos, “Aww, poor thing. I came in the nick of time. Looks like someone’s in desperate need of my special brand of TLC.”

She lowers her head and purses her full lips before pressing them against your trembling cock with a pronounced smack. “Mmmwah!” Your cock winces as you reel from the stimulating sensation, but Leslie quickly follows up by peppering it with a few more intoxicating kisses, enjoying your taste. “Mwah, mwah, mwah.” With a smug giggle, she pauses and pulls her head back a little, locking eyes with you as she enjoys the flustered look on your face, but your cock, quickly coming to full mast from her gentle teasing, follows after her, your swelling erection planting itself against her soft lips as if it were begging for more. Keeping her eye contact with you, Leslie gives your manhood another loving peck, “Mmwah,” before giving you a sultry wink, knowing she has your full attention for the rest of her procedure. “Looks like my new patient is excited to get started,” she coos. With every part of your body (except for one) still soft and weak from Leslie’s chloroform, you can only look on in both fear and anticipation at what Leslie has in store for you.
May 31, 2023