Alice has a grappling hook
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The bell rang. Miss Svelte threw her guard up immediately, but Becky only casually stepped forward, not even bothering with a defensive stance of any sort. After all, what could someone less than a third of her size do? Instead, she inspected the two identical devices attached to Miss Svelte’s wrists. They looked like big watches or something. It wasn’t difficult to recognize Touko’s handiwork either: no doubt Svelte had begged the Showrunner for some fancy gadget to try and even the odds, Becky figured with a snide grin.

Looking forward to an easy match, Becky dramatically raised a foot and wiggled her toes above Svelte, “Hope you’re ready to eat my dust, Mini Miss Svelte, cuz here I co-” Becky’s foot slammed down onto the floor, completely missing its mark as she finished, “-ome?” Alice had somehow dodged with startling speed, and was now trying to push Becky over after wrapping her arms around on a thick, smooth calf. Of course, she made no progress as all, since Becky was far too heavy to budge.

After narrowly avoiding another stomp, Alice was sent flying with a quick shake of Becky’s leg. As she fell, the source of her agility became apparent: zip! a narrow cord shot from the device on her wrist to the floor, spinning her around and landing her gracefully on her feet, before the cord disappeared back into the bracelet. Becky stomped down, irritated that she might actually have to put effort into this fight after all, “Alright fancy-pants, you’ve got a new toy. Big whoop.”

Miss Svelte carefully circled the ring, “Heh, is ‘big whoop’ going to be your new stage name? How fitting!” That prompted a furious lunge from Becky, but Alice was ready. She shot another little grappling hook out and swung through the air, easily avoiding the larger girl’s lumbering attack. Becky spun around, trying to grab for the smaller girl, only to trip over herself and fall backwards. There was a BOOM as Becky impacted the floor, laying dazed on her back as her two gigantic breasts bounced chaotically on top of her ribs. Wasting no time, Alice landed next to the massive girl and reached across for you, apparently trying to pull you free. Alice had managed to slide Becky’s top partway down, revealing one of your hands, before Becky suddenly rolled over onto her side. Before Alice could backpedal, one of Becky’s gigantic round boobs fell like an avalanche, flattening her into the floor as Becky rested her head on one elbow, “Hah, gotcha!”

Now casually reclining on her side with her gigantic body filling half of the ring, Becky giggled and shook her chest up and down, pummeling both you and Alice at the same time. “Were you hoping to join your friend or something? I could probably fit you Tommy under one boob and you under another if you really wanted, Svelte…” Becky laughed against as Alice pushed and pushed against her, doing little to clamber free from beneath the huge round tit resting on top of her. When Becky had had her fun, she reached down with one hand and dragged Alice free, before lifting one leg and draping the blonde girl’s torso over one gigantic, doughy thigh. As Alice weakly tried to get away, Becky slowly lowered her legs together and gloated loudly, “Maybe you just need some wrestling pointers? Here, I’ll give you a tip. First, you grow twice as big as your wimpy opponent. Then, all you gotta do is… squish!” Becky chuckled as she let her upper leg squash against her lower leg, leaving Alice’s arms to flail from either side as she continued to flex her legs effortlessly. “See? Easy as pie! Squish squish!”

Before Becky could laugh further, Alice managed to shoot a grappling hook out and rip herself free. Becky casually rose to her feet, figuring more time spent battering her little nemesis around couldn’t hurt. Only this time, Alice was ready: she launched a cable in front of Becky’s stumbling feet and pulled, hoping to trip her up all over again.

For you, the match had been almost tolerable so far. You had been livid about being used first by Becky as little more than bra padding right after she blue-balled you again, then humiliated by Touko as just another gimmick for her show, but at least Becky wasn’t actively tormenting you anymore. Well, not purposefully: her huge chest kept swaying with her movements, pressing heavily into your body as she lumbered around. And it had been pretty annoying when she was lying on Alice and talking trash. You could even see faintly through her leotard, giving you a rather awkward view of the match itself. You watched Becky blindly stepping towards the outstretched cord as she stood. You didn’t want her to win of course, but you also didn’t want her to fall… you cried out desperately, “BECKY LOOK OUT!”

Annoyed at being told what to do, Becky was right in the middle of retorting, “Shut up tiny-eeee!” as she clumsily lost her balance and fell forwards with a squeal. Becky’s huge form hit the floor with a loud BOOMF!, before rebounding and bouncing again, crushing your poor body underneath her tremendous round breasts. You could barely breathe or move, as you lay in pitch darkness beneath Becky’s jiggling body, with only muffled applause reaching you through her meaty chest. The Big Bully herself, however, seemed almost entirely unhurt. Still laying on her chest, she propped her head up in one hand and laughed, “Good thing I had plenty of cushioning from my big tits… oh, and your boyfriend, ha!” Becky shook herself smugly, smashing your already flattened body against her wobbling flesh. You hated how much of the crowds cheers seemed directed at the enormous bitch currently laying on top of you.

Alice was annoyed that Becky was hardly fazed by her maneuver and landed clumsily to one side, “Y-yeah!? Well... let’s go for round two then!” Far from a rousing speech. As Becky finally got back to her feet (leaving you plastered flatter than ever against her skin), she gave a half-hearted swipe for Alice, but the blonde girl barely managed to jump away, and began using her grappling hooks to fly around. Becky couldn’t help but notice how Alice had fumbled while she was being taunted, and was now glancing down at where you were stuck with a flustered expression. An evil sneer crept across the big girl’s face: Alice was too fast to catch, but maybe Becky could ruin her concentration with some strategic taunting?

While Miss Svelte continued jumping and swinging evasively around the arena, Becky declared, “Hey, speedy tits! You might wanna hurry up and get this match over with before your little friend suffocates in my cleavage!” Just for emphasis, Becky proudly stuck her chest out, waving you high in the air for everyone to see. You grunted as Becky’s pretentious gesture jammed your erection a little further between her boobs, but she only smiled when she caught Miss Svelte’s annoyed frown: her plan was working!

Just as Miss Svelte swung past on the end of a tether, Becky stepped forward and thrust her chest out. The blonde couldn’t stop herself from slamming into Becky’s enormous boob before ricocheting off with a squishy bounce. Becky only laughed as Alice twirled dizzily through the air, “Pow! Haha, watch where you’re going, spidergirl.” You, meanwhile, felt the impact shake Becky’s breasts against you like a mass of jello.

Alice attempted a quick recovery by soaring in a wide overhead arc, aiming for behind Becky’s legs where she could trip her opponent up, “Better watch what you say, Big Bully, cuz I’m about to- oof!” Becky countered Alice’s complex maneuver by taking a simple step backwards, causing the slender girl to swing around and slam right into her gigantic ass cheeks. Lucky for Alice, she didn’t get stuck but instead bounced and fell to the floor as Becky chuckled, “About to what? Slap my ass? Nice try but I think my butt’s got the ‘weight advantage’ there too.”

Standing proudly overhead with her thick legs parted so she could see, Becky watched Alice scrambling to her feet. Trying to scare her opponent, Becky pretended to drop and was rewarded when Alice panicked and shot a grappling hook to each opposite corner posts. As the cables reeled in, Alice was left dangling in the air by her arms like a human zipline. Alice tugged at her wristbands, but they were jammed, apparently having malfunctioned at the worst moment, “Fuck!”
May 31, 2023