Becky takes over your interview session
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A few dozen astounded faces turned towards the ten foot tall, almost nude Becky as she shoved her way through the room's doors. Upon proudly standing up to her full height, Becky nearly filled the doorway with her curvy, bulky mass, as she inattentively knocked aside an attendant who was stationed there to greet people. The conference room wasn't particularly big, but it had huge posters and DWA banners lining the walls, and memorabilia hung everywhere, which made it a little more impressive looking. In the center were rows of chairs, seating thirty or so fangirls who had assembled to see your first public appearance. At the front was a plain metal table with a chair behind it, and a small nameplate with your wrestling moniker "Tom the Terrible!" showing where you had meant to be seated.

Smiling at the dozens of fans before her, some of whom were even wearing "Tom the Terrible" t-shirts, Becky put her hands on her hips and began sauntering to the front of the room as she proclaimed, "Heeeey, everyone! Today is your lucky day, because you get the privilege of interviewing the winner of this morning's match, and the DWA's biggest star, haha!" As she swaggered down the rows of murmuring fans, Becky made sure to swing her hips as much as possible, shoving aside chairs and loitering people alike along her way towards the front of the room. Some of the people were staring at Becky's incredible height, some were trying to figure out what she was wearing (was that a person?), and many in the middle rows were just trying to get the hell out of Becky's way before being trampled or knocked aside. Becky, meanwhile, was loving how intimidated everyone looked; people were scampering out of her way, and anyone she inattentively brushed her ass against didn't dare speak up or scold her.

Becky reached the front of the room and looked at her seating arrangements: the chair would probably buckle instantly, and it's not like it would even fit her anyway. But the table might do! With one arm, Becky swept the table clear of stuff to make room for herself. A brave girl wearing a purple shirt stood up and asked, "Hey, what happened to Mister Terrible?" She sounded disappointed; she must have been a fan of yours. Becky rudely addressed the girl as she turned and leaned against the table (which barely came up to her lower thighs), "Huh? You say something over there?"

The fangirl repeated her question, slightly more nervously this time as she faced the gaze of a girl nearly double her height, "Umm, wasn't Tom the Terrible supposed to do a Q and A thing for the fans, y'know, about now?"

Crossing her arms to look extra imposing (and squeezing your groin up against her soft melons as well), Becky smirked, "Oh, him?" As she began to lean back, her butt cheeks spread above your face just slightly. You couldn't see what she was doing but you could feel the lurching weight as she began to descend, and you knew what was coming. You watched in horror as Becky's tight pink butthole was revealed again, with her thong still wedged into it, inches away from you and drawing closer. Knowing you only had seconds to stop her from crushing you flat, you screamed, "Becky wait, don't sit! DON'T SIT!" However, Becky was too selfish and stupid to understand why you sounded so frantic back there. She was just taking a seat, what was the big deal?

Leisurely plopping herself onto the table with a THUD, Becky cut you off mid plea as she bounced heavily onto the table, making it creak under her weight. It wasn't until she felt you screaming against her rump that Becky realized with a wry smile what she had done, and why you had been pleading with her so desperately: your face was practically crushed directly into her asshole by her bodyweight! With her butt flattened against the metal table, covering nearly half of the surface and completely sealing your face beneath it, Becky grinned as an awkward silence fell over the room. Becky let your muffled buzzing noises of pain and anguish emanate from beneath her for a few seconds, as an indicator of who was really in charge around here, as some of the fangirls glanced at each other in astonishment. Acting innocent, Becky twirled one lock of her hair and said, "As you can see, he's a little tied up at the moment. So I'll be filling in for him." Once again, Becky found herself really enjoying the feeling of your desperate cries buzzing against the sensitive underside of her ass. It felt like delightful little tickles, to her.

Becky smiled when she glanced over her shoulder and saw that her ass was still jiggling against the table; apparently due to her enormous size, her assets took ages to work off any momentum, which she thought was just awesome (especially since it meant you had to endure much more of her bouncing around). Instead of letting her ass bounce to a stop, which would have taken zero effort on her part and been a huge relief for you, Becky wiggled in place just enough to send several more oscillations through her gigantic backside. Becky smirked evilly as she crushed you into the table with only the enormous weight of her ass, which was now continuing to wobble relentlessly and heavily on top of your face.

While her butt jiggled back and forth, Becky addressed the crowd, "First off, I want to say thanks for showing up to The Big Bully's after-match discussion panel! I'm sure you all are excited to have a BIG star like me show up, instead of a little nobody." Becky scanned the crowd; most of the people here looked annoyed or confused by what was happening, and only a few (mostly wearing Big Bully merchandise) seemed excited. She could tell that a lot of people wanted to address the elephant in the room, and ask why/how Becky had gotten so big, and also if she had really turned Tom the Terrible into a human bikini, but nobody seemed brave enough to come out and ask that. Becky didn't care either way; she was just as happy to ruin some rival fan's day as she was to please her own fans.

Deciding to get the show started, Becky loudly proclaimed, "So! Who's got a question for the big winner of today's match?" Knowing you could hear her, Becky was making sure to continually mention her victory. She wanted to remind you how you had lost to her as much as possible. It only made the persistence of your erection, still poking into her cleavage, all the more hilarious to her, since you were obviously unable to separate your hatred for her from your lust for her amazing body. Plus, Becky could never pass up on an opportunity to tease or harass someone, especially someone like you.
May 31, 2023