You shrink a little bit against Alexa and Jezebel
With barely a moment to even think while in the stimulating clutches of all these frisky women, you feel the tingling sensation inevitably overwhelm you. You groan in agonizing frustration as you feel yourself slowly begin to shrink again. Juli’s soft, ruby red lips envelop more of your face as your dwindling hands sink against her yielding chest, and you feel both Veronica’s and Alexa’s huge breasts envelop more of your diminishing waist and cock. Juli’s too caught up in the bliss of kissing you to see her effect on you, but Veronica quickly notices something’s awry when your shrinking body nearly slips out of her grasp.

“Whoopsie.” Before you get pulled into the crowd, Veronica quickly surges her heavy chest forward, further trapping your erection between her and Alexa while effortlessly re-securing you against the rope. Jezebel lets out a titter when she feels you helplessly convulse against her again. That was close. She almost lost her new toy, just when she was really starting to have fun. Maybe it’s time for her to end this amusing little distraction and get back to subjugating you herself. Sure, she’s had this match in the bag pretty much from the start, but, as your weak struggles prove, you’ve still got some resistance left in you. If she wants to utterly dominate both this match and you, she’s going to have to fix that. When she finishes you off, she wants you to beg her for it first.

After gesturing Alexa to back away, Veronica pulls you back up from the ropes, finally freeing you from the crowd of clamoring, horny fangirls and leaving you gasping for air. You see Juli give a crestfallen look as you’re taken away from her, already missing the captivating sensation of you pressed against her. “Well, love, I’d say you certainly won that contest in spades. Nice to know the DWA has fans that know how to drive men wild like I do,” Jezebel says to her. “Come see me after the match, and I’ll see about getting you those backstage passes. Maybe if you’re lucky, you might get some more personal time with Tom the Terrible...after I’m done with him, of course,” she adds with a wink. Juli’s face instantly brightens at Veronica’s words, and she and her friends squeal in glee over their good fortune as the crowd disperses.

Returning to a more “intimate” match with you, Jezebel stands you back up in the ring next to her. Fortunately, she got you out of there before you shrunk too much, but her little game left you even more exhausted than before. You barely have enough strength to stand up on your own, let alone pull your shorts back up. As soon as she lets you go, your knees buckle and your weary head lands into her cleavage, making her give a pleasantly surprised coo. You feel her warm melons jiggle around your face as she giggles from such a pathetically cute display. “Oh my, someone’s really gotten quite the taste for Jezebel, hasn’t he? Have I got you too weak in the knees already, love?” With a simple but strong shake of her chest, Veronica rubs salt in the wound by bumping you backwards into the ropes with just her chest. Her buxom taunt leaves you collapsed on the ropes, and she looks on with a haughty smirk and her hands on her feminine hips. To your dismay, everyone can clearly you still have a hard-on, despite your precarious situation.

Veronica quips, “Looks to me like someone needs to take a load off. Don’t worry, love, I can help with that. You might say it’s my specialty.” With that, Jezebel turns and struts toward the other side of the ring, treating you to the sensual sight of her hips swaying and her ass jiggling with every step she takes. When she’s far enough away, she turns and sprints towards you. At the last moment, she leaps and clasps her powerful thighs around your head, shoving her warm crotch into your face as she effectively sits on your shoulders. With graceful dexterity and strength, she flips backwards and brings you along with her, painfully slamming your back onto the mat while she lands sitting on your neck. You’re left practically seeing stars as the crowd cheers over Jezebel’s flashy maneuver. She takes a moment to fix her hair and get comfortable, “ahh, there. This is so much better, isn’t it? Now you get to lie down and relax, and, for my kindness, I get a nice, cute seat to sit on. Aren’t you glad you have such a thoughtful and stimulating girl looking out for you?”

With your dizzy face barely peeking out beneath Veronica’s legs, you manage to bitterly mutter, “yeah, with friends like you, who needs--MMMRRRFF”

Not interested in what you have to say at all, Veronica quickly turns around and drops her heavy ass on your head, silencing you as her sweet perfume further dulls your senses. “Hush now. The girls are going to start talking again,” she chides. She gestures for the ref to join her. “Care to have a seat, love?”

“Don’t mind if I do.” Facing Veronica, Alexa happily plops her butt onto your stomach, knocking the wind out of you. “Ooooh, this is comfy,” she sings while getting settled on you. To your never-ending frustration, you feel both girls chattering and giggling on top of you, as if you were a freaking bench. After a minute, the referee finally realizes something. “Oh right, I suppose this counts as a pin, doesn’t it? I guess I should start counting now.”

“If you must,” Veronica says graciously, a devilish smile on her face. Finally deciding to do her job (but not even bothering to at least get off you), Alexa starts the 3-count. But, just before she reaches 3, to end the match, Veronica slightly lifts herself off you, cancelling the count. Confused, you take a few nervous gulps of air as you watch her round, creamy ass looming over your helpless head. As Jezebel tauntingly sways her tantalizing hips above you, you fear that she doesn’t want to let the match end just yet, not until she’s good and ready, which means you’re in for even more torment. Veronica drops her ass on you again but lifts it off before Alexa can finish her second countdown attempt, amusing both girls. Both of them giggle and repeat this demeaning cycle a few more times before Alexa finally says, “Wow, Veronica, you’re really pulling out all the stops for this match. Are you sure the new guy can take it?”

Resting her ass on you again, Jezebel retorts, “if he’s going to be my new plaything, he’ll learn to take it, and then some. It’s an effective way of entrancing new slaves,” she explains. “First, you do it by force, then they’ll come to speak.” Making an example out of you, Jezebel begins to slowly, forcefully grind her hips atop of you, further wedging your head between her plump cheeks while forcing you to inhale her mesmerizing scent. “Just relax and enjoy it, love,” she coos to you. Despite your embarrassment, as well as your lack of air, it’s impossible not to think about how warm and soft Veronica’s ass feels. Before long, you find yourself lifting your hands and weakly pawing at her powerful hips, and it’s a little hard to tell if you’re doing so just to get her off you or to feel her up. Veronica feels this and snickers. “See what I mean? Now you try.”

Alexa gives a smug grin, seeing a chance at payback for all your complaining earlier. She looks over her shoulder and spies your twitching cock before hiking up her shorts and sliding back to press her butt against it, making you wince. Following Veronica’s lead, she grinds her hips against your crotch, jostling your cock with her thick cheeks and driving you mad. “Now who’s doing nothing,” she taunts. “Maybe next time you won’t get so mouthy with the ref.” Subjected into an aroused, dizzy stupor, you feel yourself getting dangerously close to orgasming beneath these women. Veronica coos happily while feeling your muffled groans vibrating her skin, and Alexa places a hand against your throbbing erection, further shoving it against her cheeks while checking how aroused you are. “Haha, wow, for all his complaints earlier, this guy sure seems to be enjoying himself now,” Alexa says as you desperately shake your hips beneath her. “Get too frisky with the referee, Tommy, and I might have to disqualify you.”

Veronica laughs at this and stands up, finally letting you breathe again. She bends over to look down at you, giving you a stunning view of her fishnet-clad breasts as they hang overtop of you. “Tsk, tsk, Tommy. Humping the referee on your first day on the job? Just what do you have to say for yourself?”

You’re too flustered, weak, and frustrated to even humor her teasing question. “Please just...just stop sitting on me. Enough already.”

Veronica’s smile broadens. “Sure, love, whatever you say.” You give a sigh of relief as you watch Veronica back away from view, thinking you’ll finally have a reprieve, but you suddenly hear the crowd begin to cheer wildly over something. Even the ref starts whistling in anticipation. Curious, you crane your head back to catch what’s happening, and your eyes widen upon realizing that Jezebel has climbed onto the ropes above you, ready to pounce. After taking a moment to enjoy the awe-struck look on your face, Jezebel blows you a kiss before leaping off the ropes, letting her heavy chest land directly on your face. A fleshy thud rings in your ears as her massive tits quickly envelop your head from all sides and nearly knock the living daylights out of you. Veronica feels your pained groan vibrate through her cleavage and giggles. “What’s the matter? At least I’m not sitting on you anymore?” Jezebel rests her head on her hands and gives the ref a wink. Alexa laughs hysterically at this, still shirking her referee duties while gleefully rolling around against your poor cock.
May 31, 2023