The Twins start fighting over you
While Tammy continues to playfully bounce her big ass on your face, Sammy takes a few moments to ponder her sister’s suggestion, mindlessly squeezing your head with her thighs a few more times as she does. It might’ve come from her ditz of a sister, but keeping you with them after the match doesn’t actually sound like a bad idea. Sammy can’t put a finger on it, but, for some reason, she’s really been enjoying wiping the floor with you this match, something about her one-sided domination over you exhilarating her. Maybe it has something to do with the obvious tent you’ve been pitching in your shorts for most of this match, proving to her that a part of you loves how they’ve been pounding and crushing you with their stronger bodies.

Since you seem to enjoy it, Sammy wonders if maybe she could turn you into her own personal training dummy after this, one that craves to be grappled by only her. That kind of ego-boost would motivate her to practice moves on you all the time, until she’s the best wrestler in all the DWA! Touko did tell the twins they could do whatever they want with you if they win, provided they put on a great enough show for the crowd.

Sammy feels you weakly pawing at her strong, shapely legs again, giving her another brief power-rush as she’s reminded that you’re still barely conscious, meaning the show’s not over yet. She gets up, freeing you from her headscissors. “Yeah, sure, let’s keep him around for a while,” Sammy says to her sister. “But we can’t do that until we’ve properly knocked him out first, so hurry up and help me put him in another submission hold, or something,” she orders, getting more excited as she envisions the variety of ways she and her sister could knock the living daylights out of you.

Likewise, Tammy’s excited to hear that her sister’s gonna let her keep you after this. Still sitting on your head, she squeals as you feel her soft cheeks clench in excitement around your face. “Yipee!” It’s been too long since Tammy’s had a cute boy to play with. Whenever she starts flirting with any of their soliciting male fans, her grump of a sister runs them off before she can have any fun with them. But, if she can turn you, a fellow DWA wrestler, into her boy-toy, then there’s nothing that can stop her from having as much fun as she wants with you. It should be easy enough. You’ve clearly been enjoying her playing around with you during this match, and she’s been loving the attention you’ve been giving her. So it’s a win-win. Tammy peels her big butt off you, finally giving you a chance to breath, and rests on her knees next to your prone, heaving body. “Isn’t this great, Tommy? When this match is over, you’ll be hanging out with us.”

Normally you’d be concerned that these two girls are talking about you like you’re some sort of pet or plaything, but you’re still too dazed from that last attack to process anything at the moment, which Tammy notices. “Aw, feeling woozy, cutie? Hee hee. Maybe you just need an awesome pair of pillows to rest your head on.” Before you realize what’s happening, Tammy lifts your head from off the mat and presses it against her soft, awaiting cleavage, smothering you once more. “There, isn’t that better,” she giggles as she pulls the front strap to her bikini top around the back of your head, trapping you against her smooth, creamy breasts.

Tammy repeatedly gives your face a gentle squeeze with them as you fade in and out of consciousness, hoping to knock you out in a sweetly sexy way that’ll ensure you’ll never stop thinking about her afterwards. Desperate for oxygen, you mindlessly suck for air only to get mouthfuls of Tammy’s soft flesh from within her cleavage, her smooth skin warming your face like a heated pillow. You could hardly comprehend how much she could pack away inside her tiny gold bikini. There’s just so much of her, threatening to envelop all of you as you slowly collapse against her. Tammy giggles as she feels you weakly squirm in a vain attempt to escape her. “Just go to sleep, cutie,” she coos melodically. “Then we can play together as much as we want afterwards.”

Sammy rolls her eyes at her sister’s antics and taps her foot impatiently. This is far from how she wanted you to be finished off. It’s too time-consuming and hardly requires any skill. “Ugh, come ON, Tammy! This is going nowhere fast. Quit fooling around and help me finish this guy off already.”

“Nuh-uh. We’re fine just like this. He clearly likes spending time with me better,” Tammy says while playfully jostling your head between her breasts some more.

“Ugh, Tammy, this is stupid. At least let me piledrive him or something, just so we can get this over with,” Sammy pleads, just itching to pulverize your body more.

Annoyed by her sister’s insistence, Tammy hugs you protectively against herself, pressing you a little deeper between her breasts. “You just wanna hog him for yourself,” she rebuts before sticking her tongue out.

“Ok, that’s it!” Fed up with this, Sammy decides to take you by force. She grabs your legs and pulls as hard as she can to get you away from Sammy.

Sammy notices and, in retaliation, squeezes her breasts as hard as she can to make sure you stay put. “No fair! He’s mine!” Forgetting about your bodily safety, the twins squeeze and pull you as hard as they can in their bizarre game of tug o’ war, both determined to own you while one-upping the other. Tammy’s huge breasts press your head like a vice, and it feels like Sammy’s pulling might tear you in half at any moment.

Just when you think you can’t take anymore, your head suddenly pop’s free from Tammy’s breasts, and you go flying towards a stumbling Sammy. When you crash into her, you both fall to the mat and tumble for a moment. Next thing you know, Sammy’s flat on her back while you lie atop her, your head level with her chest. You’re too busy gasping for air to notice the irony in that you just escaped one pair of breasts only to wind up resting atop another. Noticing what appears to be a pin attempt, the ref comes over to start the count, but Sammy sits up before she can. Sammy gives you an impressed look and wraps an arm around your back, securing you against her and her bosom. “Not bad. It looks like you got a little fight in you after all,” she says, somehow misunderstanding the accident just now as your deliberate attempt to pin her while she was off-guard. “I like that in a training dummy,” she adds, a predatory look in her eye as she stands up with you still in her clutches.

“T-training dummy!? I’m no training dummy,” you gasp against her. “I’m a wrestler, not some toy for you--”

“EEEEEK!!” Before you can finish, you and Sammy are startled by a scream from Tammy. You turn your head to see what’s wrong with her, and your eyes widen when you see that she’s topless. Her bikini snapped in half when Sammy suddenly pulled your head from her breasts, unleashing her huge breasts and leaving her cute, pink nipples bare for the world to see, much to the audience’s joy. A blush on her face, Tammy quickly tries to cover herself with an arm, her abundant breast flesh partially spilling past it as her nipples are briefly hidden once again. “Oh, geez.”

“Haha, serves you right for making us wear these dumb outfits whenever we wrestle,” Sammy taunts.

After a moment, Tammy stands, regaining her composure surprisingly quickly, and puts her attention back on you. She gives a flirty look as she struts toward you, a seductive sway in her step. “Well, well, it looks like someone couldn’t wait until after the match for some more fun with me,” she says to you, assuming you purposely broke her bikini to finally see the breasts she’s been teasing you with all match. Before you can explain that it was just an accident, Tammy gets close. Too close. “Well, Tommy, since you want to see them so bad, how about a nice. Close. Look?” Tammy pulls her arm away, releasing her breasts once more, and slowly shoves them against your head as she presses herself against you and Sammy. Stuck between both twins now, your head is gradually getting enveloped by two huge pairs of breasts.

Refusing to let her sister have her way, Sammy defiantly presses back against her, inadvertently crushing you more in between them as she gets in her sister’s face. “Back off, Tammy! He’s my dummy, so I’ll be the one to finish him off.”

Tammy presses back more, rubbing her naked breasts against you more. “Nu-uh. He’s my new boy-toy, so I’ll take care of him.” Forgetting about the match, as well as you stuck between them, the twins get into a heated debate over who gets to keep you after the match. You feel their heated, voluptuous bodies furiously writhe against you as you’re nearly completely hidden from the outside world. If this keeps up, you could suffocate at any moment. It's enough to make you wish they'd just get back to the match already.

What next?
May 31, 2023
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