Sakura Power Trip
FTP-No-Jutsu Chapter 9
Ino knew she was in trouble, between the still constant movement (though thankfully with Sakura's bra on its only slight up and down movements instead of full left and right swinging) and Sakura's still racing heart, Ino knew her friend was about to do something stupid and not rational at all. Which scared Ino to no end, since a crazy Sakura is a dangerous Sakura.

She had to think of a way to reverse this jutsu. A jutsu that could force others to become nothing more than body parts, must be super complex. Which means it must have a lot of failure points if something was to go wrong. But what could it be?

She could somewhat access her own chakra, but it felt like it was being diverted to somewhere else, though if she had to guess it would be that it was going into Sakura instead. So the jutsu must be relying on the victim's chakra to keep the jutsu in place. Maybe if she somehow stopped her chakra from flowing it would allow her to escape.

Concentrating on her own chakra, she tried to imagine a brick wall in place to stop the flow. Slowly she could feel it starting to slow down a bit, as her chakra started to go slower and slower she did notice a change.

Instead of being a smooth mass of boob flesh, her nose started to form in the center. She could start to feel the strap, it's fine silk threads pushing against her newly formed nose. If Ino had the ability to she would have sneezed as the small imperfection of the strap tickle her nose.

Then as quickly as it started to form disaster struck, an intense feeling of pleasure shoot through her nipple shaped body causing her to lose focus on her chakra. Her small formed nose quickly vanishing back into the smooth skin of Sakura.

Damn it! She was getting somewhere and then that intense pleasure came out of nowhere! Mentally yelling to herself at how unfair that was, she realized she had to calm herself and think this through.

She knew Sakura wasn't the caused of that feeling, as she didn't feel a hand rubbing or grazing near her nipple shape self. So what caused that feeling then? Was it the jutsu? Some sort of built-in self defense?

Mentally sighing to herself, she supposed it wouldn't be that easy to break out of this complex jutsu. She'd have to think of some other solution to get out of this mess.

She wonder what the others must be thinking, surely they would have noticed her missing? Missing…? That's it! She wasn't the only person stuck on Sakura. That knucklehead baka Naruto must be also somewhere on Sakura as well.

Maybe, just maybe, if she made contact with him then they could both try something and force their way out of this mess. But how to make contact? It's not like she could open her mouth and call out to him.

Perhaps it would be possible to make contact through chakra? If her chakra was being drained into Sakura, then his must be too right? So if she concentrated hard enough she might be able to follow where her stolen chakra goes and hopefully it'll lead to Naruto’s as well.


Sweat, humidity, and heat was Naruto’s life right now. Ever since the sudden departure from the bath house, he's been feeling all three of those plus his throat been extra wet and it feels like it constricted and hardened a bit.

Nor did it help him that his face was constantly being split in half over and over as Sakura runs to wherever she's heading to.

Weirdly enough though, he still kind of enjoyed this. Sure it wasn't as nice as while he was soaking in the spring water, but for some weird reason it felt fine to him.

Another thing he started to notice was that were small periods of times that he didn't have a single thought at all, almost like he was fully in tuned with being nothing but Sakura's perfect smooth pussy.

'You Baka!'

What! What was that? It sounded like a voice he knew, but it didn't sound like it came from outside his panty home. More like it sounded like it was right behind him somehow.

'Constraint on my voice you knucklehead!'

There it was again. That voice, he knew that voice. Platinum blonde long hair, so much purple too.

'You need to focus on your chakra! I can't keep this up much longer without your help!'

He knew he should easily know this person, she was always so bossy towards everyone. Especially her teammates.

'I-Ino?' A weak thought came to his mind, it was almost like a long forgotten name. But it was only a mere twenty minutes when he saw her with the other two. Why did he forget her name?

'YES!' Ino mentality shouted at him, it almost sounded like she had a huge shit eating grin on her face.

'Listen Naruto, you need to constraint on both yourself and your chakra. This jutsu that we're in is doing weird things to keep us compliant.'

'Jutsu? Oh right the FTP-no-jutsu, I forgot about that for some reason…'

'Yes that one, tell me do you remember how to break it or reverse it?' She mentally pleaded with Naruto, this was their best chance on quickly getting out of this.

'N-no, my clone only read the initiation of it and what it causes. I was just going to use it as a prank, but then…'

'It backed fire on you, right?' She wanted to sigh so much right now, of course a jutsu like this would require will power. And while the knucklehead plenty of that, it only really showed doing the heat of the battle.

'Right, no need to tell me what the jutsu does, since we can both plainly see that… What you may not beware of is that our chakra is being drained from us.'

'WHAT! But then where is it going?'

'Think baka, we're apart of Sakura's body right now. Where do you think it's going to.'

'Oh, yeah I guess that makes sense. But wait, if we're both a part of Sakura, why can't she hear us?'

'Don't know, maybe it's a part of the jutsu? I tried earlier to stop my chakra flow, and my nose started to form against her bra strap. But then this intense pleasure went through me and broke my mental block.'

'That would make sense, Pervy sensei did say that the bigger the jutsu effects the more redundancies there are. There could be… Wait did you say bra strap?' He stopped mid thought as he remembered what she had just told him.

'Yeah… I'm her boobs… What are you, you baka?' Ino asked, she sounded a bit shameful to become nothing more than her friend's boob fat.

'Definitely no where that high up on her. I'm her, well I'm her… Um as that green beast would say her springtime of youth.'

'Springtime of youth? What does that sup… Oh. My. Kami. Are you her vagina?!' She couldn't help the mental laughter that no doubt filter to Naruto. The greatest hero of her generation, one of two beings that saved this world. Was turned into nothing but a wet love tunnel for a horny kunoichi! Now that is cruel irony for you.

'Can we please move on…' Naruto mentality complain over Ino's consent laughter.

'Ha, fine, fine. Though if we get out of this I will NEVER let this go!' She mentally calmed down, though if she had a face, it would still have a shit eating grin right now. 'Now we need to th…'

Before Ino could finish her sentence they both were suddenly jolted from the sudden stop of movement.
May 31, 2023
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