You'll take a most reckless yet brave decision
As you think of where you would like to like for Lucia to leave you, an idea pops into your head. At first, you utterly reject it, it's too dangerous, and for what, to save a complete unknown? But, as your mind thinks more and more on the issue, you conclude that although you would be risking your entire life for an unknown person, it's also likely to be an innocent one, kidnapped against their will. It doesn't change the fact that's going to be the riskiest choice you ever did. But you're doing it: not for any glory or sense of empowerment, but simply to aid someone in need.

You puff your chest and look at the giantess in the eyes. Then, you speak:
"Lucia, you don't need to leave me anywhere: I'm going to help save your brother."

The woman is speechless. She asks you in a hesitant tone:
"W-what? Why? You...don't know don't would you help me in such a manner?"
"First off, is your brother a criminal?" you ask her.
Lucia's face flares up, veins popping up. She says:
"Don't you dare to call my little brother a criminal, not even as a fucking joke! He's just a kid! And despite my...misdoings, I've always made sure he's nothing to do with me: all that I've ever done is to try to make sure he can leave the hellhole of a place we were born in, ever since our parents were killed! You can judge me all that you want, but leave him alone!"

Oh my, she sure got triggered by that: however, it made you smile, for if what she's telling you is true (and deep down, something tells you it is), then your original conclusion what correct. You say, as calm mannered as you can be right now:
"Sorry, sorry, I didn't know you would get so flared up by the suggestion: I was just confirming, nothing more. So, we would be going to save an innocent and probably terrified young kid. And...If there's something I was thinking, you need to do whatever you can to aid anyone you find is truly in need of assistance.

When she hears this, Lucia returns to be surprised, but then smiles, and says:
"You know that you would enter into a most dangerous place, right? And you're not exactly fit for a fight if it comes to it."
"I'm aware of that; probably going to regret taking this decision. But although I might be utterly useless in a fight, I can think of several ways I could be of use," you reply, strengthening your resolve.

For a brief moment, Lucia blushes, before returning to normal. She says:
"You're right now the stupidest, reckless, and brave man I've ever encountered. But you're right: there are ways you could help me without the need of you fighting. Very well, then hop on here: I'm going to start quite a wild ride!"
She then opens her cleavage up, forming a gap big enough for you to fit in. It's your turn to blush now, and unlike Lucia, it remains for longer. You say, stuttering due to how nervous you were:
"Wh-what? Wh-why would you want me to go there? W-wouldn't it make you...?"
"Hey, where is that sure, determined Denis of before? I'm the one proposing this, so I've no trouble at all about having you here. Not to mention, do you know a safer place where you can't fall off? Besides, I still need to make for you when I shove you inside my bra in front of my nipple...honestly, it would make me happy that you would now be enjoying a ride on my boobs." replied Lucia, in an energetic tone...except for the last part, which was bit more nervous, and hesitant. Perhaps she's starting to take a liking for you?

You spell such nonsense in your mind, and reply, still blushing:
"Okay, you got a point. Several. Let me....jump there."
You then prepare yourself, while Lucia gets her cleavage as close to the handle as possible, to ease your jump.
You then spring and travel through the air. Soon enough, you fall at your target, the jelly flesh helping you not feel pain at all once you arrived.
You had a perfect jump, arriving right in the middle of the gap. You move a little, getting yourself as comfortable as possible, and then you say:
"Well, I'm ready. Start the engines."
Lucia giggles, and says in a joking manner:
"Ahoy, "Captain"."
She then starts the car and races towards where her little brother is captive. They're going to regret having betrayed this lady: she was more than willing and above all capable of bringing the amount required of money in the time required, now...that band is going to have nothing.

She races at top speed, her breast swaying up and down, just like before. However, this time the ride is way more bearable, and indeed, comfortable: you have most of your tiny body up and free, most of the time. The swaying of her boobs makes for a nice...and pleasing massage. Combined with Lucia's natural good's impossible for you not to get hard. And Lucia either didn't notice due to it being tiny, which is nearly assured...or she doesn't care at all about your reaction.
However, when you look up and see she's smiling while slightly blushing...something tells you that she's indeed aware...somehow, but is enjoying it as much as you.
Several minutes pass, and the swaying of her tits, combined with her warmth, makes your slumber and go to sleep.

Lucia woke you up by gently poking with a finger while saying:
"Wake up. We're here."
You scratch your eyes, and once Lucia pulls you out to see through the windows, you realize you're inside a small city or large town, near the afternoon. Right where Lucia is pointing you towards, is a building that has on its entrance two thugs with machine guns. You gulped down, maybe now is the time you regret coming to aid.
But you start and calm yourself: is pointless, you can't go back. Now, you're going to do whatever you can to aid the child inside the building to escape.
May 29, 2023
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