Diving inside, she reveals to you a special secret
While you recover your breath, you mind races on, thinking what to do next in order to please Alejandra the most, a task it achieves successfully. So, with that in mind, you look at the giantess, and say:
"Alejandra, thanks for pleasing me, and making me climax, but I think is time for you to climax as well. Therefore, I think now it’s time for me to go into your pussy, and there I'm to follow any command you say to me in order to better please you."
"¿En serio? Muchas gracias Denis, pero te pregunto: ¿realmente estarías dispuesto a ir ahí? Sería más peligroso que cuando te tuve entre mis pechos, no sé...si podré controlar mis acciones ahí abajo. Considerando eso, ¿igual lo harías?"("Really? Thank you very much Denis, but I ask you: would you really be willing to go there? It would be more dangerous than when I had you between my breasts, I don't know... if I can control my actions down there. Considering that, would you still do it?") She replies while blushing heavily.

"That might be true, but I thrust that you would do your best to keep me safe. Besides, we would need to deal with this issue sooner or later, in the likely scenario of us having other sessions. So, the only sure way we have to reduce any accidents is for us both to gain experience in dealing with this, wouldn't you agree?" you reply back, determination in your voice.

Alejandra blushes even more heavily, while bringing again close to her lips for a kiss. Afterwards, she says:
"Bueno, no puedo argumentar contra eso. Muy bien prepárate, porque creo que será un viaje salvaje."("Well, I can't argue with that. Very well prepare yourself, because I think it's going to be a wild ride.")
You nod as reply, prompting her to start moving you across the air towards your destination.

She spreads open her legs across the bed, allowing you to see her clear sex unimpeded. It dripping fluids make it "glow" when the lights reflect upon the transparent liquids: if there was any doubt about her not being exited, they are now banished.
Then, she spreads open her pussy with her free hand, allowing you to see the tunnel from which her love juices are coming from: her vagina lay open. You hear her voice from above, saying:
"Denis...quiero meterte dentro de mi vagina, "devorarte" por completo. Quiero que te muevas, me manosees y lamas sin parar. Quiero sentirte dentro de mí mientras me masturbo y jugueteo con mi clítoris: eso es mi deseo. ¿Estás listo para complacerme?"("Denis... I want to put you inside my vagina, "devour" you completely. I want you to move, grope me and lick me non-stop. I want to feel you inside me while I masturbate and fiddle with my clitoris: that's my wish. Are you ready to please me?")
"Yes I am: you have made me climax, and it's only fair that you have your turn as well. I'll do my best to please you." you reply.

"Excelente; ahora, toma una bocanada de aire, pues el lugar donde vas a entrar será apretado, y no creo que haya mucho aire."("Excellent; now, take a deep breath, because the place where you are going to enter will be tight, and I don't think there will be much air.") Alejandra says, a command that you follow without delay.

Then, you plunge towards the tunnel, making the giantess moan the moment you penetrated her depths. She wastes no time, pushing deeply with her fingers. Here, it's dark, smelly. You're unable to look beyond, the few light that enter through her entrance barely able to past beyond your head. It's warm and moist as well. Perhaps a bit uncomfortable. But you don't really care: there is something really special about being here, you feel it.
You can hear her heartbeats, loud and clear. They are normal now, but it takes no effort to imagine what is going to be like once she starts to act.

Speaking of acting, the walls around you start to compress you, while the whole place starts to move up and down. Her moans, muffled more so that back when you were surrounded by her boobs, are all sighs that she's started to masturbate, and you're not someone to leave a lady waiting. You start to move your hands, while licking the flesh in front of your face. To hear her moaning in pleasure, to know that, despite being so tiny, you're capable of pleasing such a gigantic, gorgeous, sexy Latina...is an overwhelming feeling: pride? Joy? Denial? You don't exactly what this feeling is, and you don't care: it feels good, really good.
"Denis, ¿puedes escucharme?...muérdeme un poquito...quiero realmente saber...si me puedes escuchar ahí..."("Denis, can you hear me?...bite me a little bit...I really want to know...if you can hear me there...") you hear, a command that you're going to follow it.

You gently bite at the flesh, making the whole tunnel quake as a large moan comes out. Then, in-between moans, you hear her voice again, saying:
"Me escuchas...mmm...excelente...eso es continua...manoséame...follame...mi pequeño muchacho..."("You hear me...mmm...excellent...that goes on...grope me...fuck me...my little boy...")
You smile, happy to be of service.

Then, you hear her voice again, saying:
"Denis...te seré...sincera...gracias...muchas gracias...por esto..."("Denis...I'll be...honest...thank you...thank you very much...for this...")
After a brief pause, she goes on:
"Yo...tenía una fantasía...de tener a un hombre pequeño...dentro de mi vagina...mientras me masturbo...ese es mi fetiche..."("I...had a fantasy...of having a small man...inside my vagina...while masturbating...that's my fetish...")
Wait what? What's she talking about? Perhaps...there is more to this that you originally thought. You keep on, while waiting to hear her explanations for her words. She does not stop:
"Je...sé que es...algo raro...pero no soy única en ese sentido...hay otras personas que...tenemos gustos similares...fantasías que nos encantarían vivir en la realidad..."("Heh...I know it's...something weird...but I'm not unique in that sense...there are other people who...have similar tastes...fantasies that we would love to live in reality... ")
Then she moans again, only to return to her explanation, while slowly and steadily increasing the speed behind her movements, something that you do as well.

"Pero...al contrario que otras fantasías sensuales...la mía es una que nunca podía haber...satisfecho...no tenía problema, así es el mundo...o al menos pensé eso...hasta que te encontré..."("But...unlike other sensual fantasies...mine is one I could never have...satisfied...I had no problem, that's the way the world is...or at least I thought so...until I found you...")
Oh, it seems that now your meeting was more especial that you originally thought it was. The little part that remains conscious is focused, not willing to lose any info she might reveal to you. She goes on, getting close to the conclusion:
"Cuando te vi...quise agarrarte y...meterte dentro...sentirte ahí...pero vi tu miedo...no quería hacerte daño, no quería hacerte sufrir...quería que algo tan especial como esto...fuese algo que ambos...disfrutásemos..."("When I saw you...I wanted to grab you and...Put you inside...feel you there...but I saw your fear...I didn't want to hurt you, I didn't want to make you suffer...I wanted something as special as this. ..Was something that we both...enjoyed...")
Don't worry Alejandra, you are enjoying this, as much as she does, you think to yourself.

Finally, she concludes her speech, saying loudly and proudly:
"Por ello...gracias...muchas gracias...por permitirme cumplir mi sueño...por favor...te lo ruego....¡quiero sentirte apretado por mis murallas...quiero ducharte en mis fluidos...quiero...que me hagas...correrme!"("For that...thank you...thank you very much...for allowing me to fulfill my dream...please...I beg you...I want to feel you squeezed by my walls...I want to shower you in my fluids!" ...I want...you to make me...cum!")
That beg is one you're not willing to fail, not now, not ever. You start to move, to squirm as wildly as you can, to move your hands and lick nonstop. Not only that, you start to move your hips as strongly as you can, rubbing your penis against the vaginal wall, fucking the giantess at last.

And in a few moments it happens: the loudest moan yet is heard, her heartbeats quicker than ever before, making a noise louder that anything you heard before, her walls compressing you nearly to the breaking point, while her fluids, that were mounting and flooding you, rush in a current. Yet you also climax as well, your own cum flush away by the mighty current.

You light there, winded. Then, her fingers grab your feet, pulling you out of her love tunnel. You travelled through the air, your destination clear. When you reach her face, she gives you a long and deep kiss. Then, after pulling you out, says:
"Eso fue...fenomenal...¿te gustaría dormir ahora?"("That was…great…would you like to sleep now?")
"Yes, I...would love too..." you reply weakly: to sleep would be nice, it's the only way for you to fully recover your stamina.
"Muy bien...entonces, ¿dónde te gustaría? Tengo...varios lugares posibles..."("Okay...so, where would you like? I have...several possible places...") she asks you.
That's an excellent question: where in her body would you like to sleep in?
May 29, 2023