She sits down and try understanding your request
As she gently sits down in her towel, she puts you on top of one of her hands. There, you are able to look at her gigantic face. She looks at you with calm eyes, and her calm, even motherly aura provokes a calming sensation. You can feel you picked the right choice by going with her.

"Muy bien, niñito, ¿qué pasa? ¿Nececitas ayuda?" (""Okay, little boy, what's wrong? Do you need help?""), she says with a gentle tone. She's clearly trying to be as less intimidating as possible.

"Yes, please, I really need your help. Can you understand me?" , you said. You're thankful that she sees you as a human, being as tiny as you currently are. Yet you're worried that you both will be hindered by the language barrier.

"Si, puedo entender tu inglés, muchacho. Pero, yo no sé hablarlo. Lo siento. ¿Puedes entender mi español?"(""Yes, I can understand your English, boy. But I don't know how to speak it. Sorry. Can you understand my Spanish?""), she answers, with a worried look in her eyes. She's clearly just as worried as you are.

Well, that's a bummer, you think. Fortunately, although you cannot speak Spanish, you can understand it. Those lessons are really going to be handy now.
"Yes, I can. As just like you, unfortunately I cannot speak Spanish. However, I think there is not going to be much of an issue, both of us being able to understand each other and that", you say.

Your words bring happiness to the giant woman, who says:
"Muy bien. No es perfecto, pero servirá. ¿Quieres que te ayude con tu situación?"("Very good. It's not perfect, but it will do. Do you want me to help you with your situation?")
"Yes, I would love to. Please, I want to grow back to normal, and I really need your help for that.", you say, very happy indeed. This is going to be very good. With her help, there is a chance to go back to normal.

Yet, the worry in her eyes says otherwise. And with an equal tone, she says:
"Lo siento, niñito, pero no tengo idea de cómo te volviste tan pequeño. Podríamos ir a mi casa, e investigar en mi computador un poco. Aun asi, no puedo prometer que ahí encontraremos una posible cura."("I'm sorry, little boy, but I have no idea how you got so small. We could go to my house, and do some research on my computer. Still, I can't promise we'll find a possible cure there.")

And there goes your hope. Sure, she has not say that it's impossible, yet, something inside you is telling you that you're doomed to your current state. The notion, of remaining small, and not being able to go back home, brings forth tears in your eyes. You might be a grown up, but come one! No one at your age could be prepared to face that. You say:
"So, that means most likely I'm to remain tiny? To be unable to return back home? To not be able to see my family and friends again? Just because I became out of nowhere small?"

Both your voice and tears bring forth the woman's motherly side, and with a gentle movement, she squishes you against her bosom, in an attempt of a calming hug. She says:
"Por favor, no llores. Sé que es algo que ningún muchacho esperaría pasar, tranquilo. Yo te tengo."("Please don't cry. I know it's something that no boy would expect to go through, don't worry. I've got you.")

As you remain gently pressed against her chest, an aura of calm surrounds you. With every breath of hers, you start to calm down, as if she is taking away your sorrow like a mother would for a child.

After you finally calm down, she gently pulls you away back into your position. Then, the woman says:
"No te preocupes. Te ayudare como pueda. Y si no puedo ayudarte a volver a ser normal, te voy a cuidar y mantener a salvo, cómodo y feliz. Estaras a salvo, pequeño."("Don't worry. I'll help you any way I can. And if I can't help you get back to normal, I'll take care of you and keep you safe, comfortable and happy. You'll be safe, little one.")

You wipe off your last tears, and say:
"That...does sound good be willing to take care of me. I own you my life."
"¡Tonterías! Voy a hacer lo que cualquier mujer decente haría: ayudar a alguien necesitado."("Nonsense! I'm going to do what any decent woman would do: help someone in need.")

Then, you both remain in silence, until she speaks again:
"Por cierto, ¿como encontraste que te presionara contra mis pechos?¿Te presione muy fuerte?¿O te gusto?"("By the way, how did you find me pressing you against my breasts? Did I press you too hard? Or did you like it?")

Her words catch by surprise, but with a blushed face and nervous tone, you answer:
"No, I was very good and nice. it"
"Muchas gracias, temía que te hubiera presionado muy fuerte."("Thank you very much, I was afraid I had press you too hard.")

Then, she notices your blushed state, and blushes as well. With a smile, she says:
"Espera, te gusto en más de una manera, ¿verdad?"("Wait, you like it in more ways than one, right?")
"No, no...It are nice...and very good looking...and", you answer flustered.

This act provokes a gentle laugh out of the woman. Smiling even more, she says:
"No te preocupes, niñito. Me halaga que me encuentres atractiva."("Don't worry, little boy. I'm flattered that you find me attractive.")

Then, you both remain silent for a few more minutes. Then she says:
"Muy bien, he disfrutado suficiente mi viaje a la playa, pero es hora de ir a mi casa. ¿Quieres que te lleve conmigo? Pregunto por si acaso..."("Okay, I've enjoyed my trip to the beach enough, but it's time to go home. Do you want me to take you with me? I ask just in case ...")
"Yes, I would really like to go home with you, lady", you say, happy. She is really nice, and there is no way you're going to pass out this oportunity.
"Lola, ese es mi nombre, ¿y el vuestro?"("Lola, that's my name, and yours?"), she says, finally introducing herself properly.
"Dennis, my name is Dennis. Nice to meet you, Lola.", you reply.

Then, she gently stands up, ready to go back her home.

May 29, 2023
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