Trapped and toyed around your "wife's" bust
What happened next was very terrifying, as the crazy woman pulled away her tank top, and dropped you right in between her massive boobs! You could only scream as you fell, but her flesh's jelly-like nature made the landing quite soft. However, you were not going to try to enjoy it for even a second: you came here to get aid, but it seems that you're going to be kidnapped instead!

You try to escape, but before you can attempt it, the giantess playfully pushes you deeper, giggling all the while: she must be enjoying this. Now, you're compressed on all sides by soft boob flesh, a position you never thought you would find yourself in. And it's not fun, not in the slightest.
You then heard the woman's voice, saying:
"¡Jeje, te sientes tan bien ahí, querido! Sin duda debes estar sorprendido, pero no te preocupes; ¡tu esposa te está manteniendo cómodo mientras te lleva a nuestros aposentos! ¡Disfruta del pequeño viaje, un pequeño como tú lo merece!"("Hehe, you feel so good in there, darling! You must no doubt be surprised, but don't worry; your wife is keeping you comfortable while she takes you to our quarters! Enjoy the little trip, a little one like you deserves it!")

And soon enough, the whole place started to rock, as she walk into her home, she was the happiest she had been in years. Finally, at long last, she had found someone to stay with her, and how special was he....she couldn't wait when the two of you had your first...

The pressure increased and decreased at regular rates with any one of her breaths, but overall it was...fine. Despite this, you're not going to give up, you're not going to let this woman who has kidnapped you keep you against your will!

With freedom in your mind, you decide to try the one thing you can do in these circumstances: squirm until you either come to the top or all down below her; either way you, at least we're free from this prison.
However, you couldn't expect the woman to enjoy it, for you could hear low and soft moans of pleasure. You then heard her voice, saying:
"Mmm, parece que mi nuevo amado tiene energía para jugar, ¡excelente! Continua...eso es..."("Mmm, it seems that my new love has energy to play, excellent! Continue... that's...")
The moment you heard her moans, a part of you just wanted to stop so as not to please this crazy lady, but you quickly ignore it, for remaining still would not bring you freedom. So, you ignore her moans and your anger and keep trying to find a way to exit this place.
Yet once again, she would prove to you that you were at her mercy, as the pressure not only increased by a lot, but also her boobs started to move up and down, in synchronized and fast movements. Was she...toying with her bust, while you were on it!? Your suspicions were confirmed when you managed to hear louder moans, and the woman's voice, saying:
"Sí....sí siente tan bien...juguetear con mi....nuevo esta tan especial...nunca creí....que llegaría a ser"("Yeah...yes...feels so good...playing with's so special...I never would come to be").
She then remained quiet for a second, just moaning and enjoying the feeling of toying with her breasts and her little husband in between them. She then said:
"¡Denis...estas disfrutando...esto...como yo?...Te prometo que cosas...como esta...y más...te esperan...sí te quedas....conmigo...¿te...quedaras...conmigo...verdad? ¿Me...dará oportunidad?"("Denis...are you I am?...I promise this...and more...wait for you...if you stay... with me...right? chance?")
In the last part, you could hear the worry in her voice...was she afraid that you were going to leave her? Well, after she kidnapped you, she's right to be fearful of you leaving her...right?
While enduring this, you start to think about her questions: what's your opinion on the matter? Are you enjoying this? And more importantly, will you leave her?
May 29, 2023