The Giantess Filled Offbrand Convenience Store
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You were deciding on where to go and look further at the small Convenience Store ahead of you, several people walking in and out for their quick stuff. It looked like an off-brand Mexican version of like K-Mart or Walgreens with the building looking quite old, ghetto, and on the smaller size like a gas station, considering you were in just a smaller Mexican village.

You however figured it was the best place to go get some help as several customers and workers would be walking around so you'd most likely be noticed quickly. You then gather up your courage and began running towards it, being quite a distance away it'd take 20 minutes for you to reach. Your tiny body being like a little ant running across the hot sidewalk on a hot day, your only found solace in the fact the path had stayed unbusy so you didn't have to worry about dodging sneakers much.

You finally reached the entrance of the store as you see a busty Spanish Milf open the door on her way out with a bag full of several random necessities. The door swung open and you took that as your chance to run inside, the cold A/C inside hitting you despite it being pretty broken as they probably didn't have the budget to fix it.

You looked around at the place, Giantess Latina's wandering around buying stuff. The place was really busy at this time of the day so it was perfect for you. You even saw a bunch of Girls in a crowd over a display, all of them adoring it. You see it was a bunch of tiny boxes like action toys of these little tiny boy toys similar to your size, the Spanish on the display you couldn't understand. "juguetes... erotico...?" You read to yourself confused. Well for whatever reason these Latinas seemed to think these were amazing as the shelf containing them was nearly empty from them being bought up.

However, you were way too distracted as suddenly a shadow casts over you and you look behind you to see a colossal sneaker coming your way! You quickly jump to the side nearly missing being crushed as you rolled into an Aisle full of chips and Mexican snacks. You gather your bearings and look up to see a Giantess worker in the store's green uniform stacking things, perfect chance! "HEY! DOWN HERE! PLEASE HELP ME!" You screamed hoping she'd see you.

Just by luck, her eyes dart from the weird Mexican sweets she was putting up and down at you, her eyebrows burrow however as she looked upset. "Parece que un Juguete Erótico se escapó OTRA VEZ. Vamos a volver a empaquetarlo..." ("looks like an erotic toy escaped AGAIN. Let's get you repackaged...") She sighed frustrated as her giant hand came down towards you, plucking you off the ground and muffling you between her two fingers and standing up.

You were quite confused about what was happening, was she going to go get you help? Did you finally manage to successfully figure your way out of this mess? She started walking to the back room where open boxers for the Tiny Toys from earlier lied, her grabbing one. "Aquí está su nueva caja, de esta no podrá escapar." ("Here's your new box, this one you won't be able to escape out of.") She said.

You realize what was happening and begin to struggle between her two massive fingers, however, you really couldn't do much as she set you inside trapping you in your box prison with a plastic see-through window of you struggling. She then picked up a sharpie, needing to fill out a section on the front of which Type of Tiny Toy this one was. This was the rare American Tiny version, right? She thought. But she still needed the name of your Tiny Toy self.

"Chico diminuto, ¿cómo te llamas?" ("Tiny boy, what is your name?") She asked but you didn't realize what she was saying.

"NO, LISTEN! MY NAME IS DENIS! I'M A PERSON NOT A TOY!" You cried answering her question without you realizing it. She understood that part and her sharpie wrote on the box The American Tiny Model, named 'Denis.' What an American name too right?

You could only now scream as she walked back to the front with you in hand towards the display and set your box right upfront, being one of the only ones left. Girls immediately crowded around you seeing the rare American erotic toy, not knowing that you were actually REAL.

They all cooed and made kissy faces at you, as you screamed muffled behind the plastic display window. "Se ve muy lindo." ("He is very cute.") One giggled setting them all off adoring the mini American boy toy that was you.

You were up for a minute being admired by the Giantess flirtatious Latinas before one finally grabbed you, who was it?
May 29, 2023
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