She's honest if a bit demanding of herself
As she returns to her seat, both of you are very immediately surrounded by a lot of students. They are all congratulating Guadalupe for her action while fawning over you like you were her newest cutest pet (and therefore property).
"Ahh, él es tan tierno, que pena que yo no tendría tiempo para cuidarte de forma apropiada, cosita."("Ahh, he's so cute, too bad I wouldn't have time to take care of you properly, little thing.") Says one, cooing at your tiny form.
"Hmm, ¿tierno? Yo digo que apuesto es el adjetivo adecuado. Como me gustaría haber sido más rápida, ¿tal vez estés dispuesto a cambiar de opinión una vez que veas que puedo ofrecer? Jejeje."("Hmm, cute? I say handsome is the right adjective. Since I wish I had been faster, maybe you'd be willing to change your mind once you see what I can offer? Hehehe.") Said another...more lewd thinking girl, as she not-so discreetly show off a bit of her large cleavage for you to see.

These and more were the kinds of comments these gigantic student girls were all doing, and most if not all were because of you. And're feeling quite overwhelmed, you never liked being under this mass sort of attention, less so from such many giantesses. Very quickly, you curl up while trying to remain hidden directly underneath your caretaker's clothed chest, all to avoid the focus of so many people, especially since these people weren't eyeing and commenting about you in the same manner as if you were a person.
Thankfully, your caretaker quickly goes to your rescue, as she starts to wave away her followers while saying in a bit of an authoritarian tone:
"¡Ya ya, dejen tranquilo a Denis! ¿Acaso no ven que le están incomodando con toda esta atención innecesaria? Sin mencionar que tenemos una tarea que terminar, así que regresen a sus puestos, si realmente pretenden mantenerse en mis buenas gracias."("Yeah yeah, leave Denis alone! Can't you see that you're bothering him with all this unnecessary attention? Not to mention we have a task to finish, so get back to your posts, if you all actually mean to remain in my good graces.")

The girls immediately relented from their actions, heavily apologizing to their "leader" and returned to their post. Once this was done, Guadalupe gently petted you to calm you, before saying:
"Lo siento por lo de mis amigas, Denis. Al parecer te encontraron extremadamente tierno y punto de olvidarse que eres una persona, no un juguete o mascota. Si así lo deseas, no tengo problemas en decirles que nos dejen tranquilos cuando estes a mi lado."("Sorry about my friends, Denis. Apparently they found you extremely cute and the point of forgetting that you are a person, not a toy or pet. If you wish, I have no problem telling them to leave us alone when you're by my side.")
"N-no need for such an extreme action...they seemed overall nice, a bit too energetic but overall weren't trying or suggesting anything malicious with me. Still, I would be very thankful that for now at least, they hold themselves a bit, until I get fully used to interacting with people the size of buildings." you quickly reply, wanting to not utterly disturb your caretaker's environment and life just for your sake.

She could see what were you doing, which made her happy. She replies, in a happy tone and determined tone:
"Me alegra que no las hayas encontrado demasiado molestas. Pero como dije, no tendré problemas en decirles que se alejen si así lo deseas: soy tu cuidadora ahora, y tu bienestar es mi prioridad."("I'm glad you didn't find them too bothersome. But as I said, I'll have no problem telling them to stay away if you wish: I'm your caretaker now, and your well-being is my priority.")
“Well...glad to know that. You... seem to take the job of caretaker of me very seriously." you say, smiling a little while complimenting her determination regarding you.

This compliment provokes a slight blush on the girl, which prompts her to take a hand to her chest, in quite a theatric motion. She says:
"Bueno, ¡por supuesto que me lo tomo en serio! Prometí cuidarte y darte una vida digna de un rey después de todo; no podría considerarme digna de mi posición como heredera del legado de mi familia y de mi apellido sí no cumplo con lo que prometido de forma pública."("Well, of course I take it seriously! I promised to take care of you and give you a life fit for a king after all; I wouldn't be able to consider myself worthy of my position as the heir to my family's legacy and my last name if I don't comply with the than publicly promised.")
This small act, solemn as she makes it out to be, you can't help but giggle a little. You then said:
"Well, no need to be so harsh on yourself Guadalupe, I'll do my part to make your job easier; I don't want to disturb too much your personal life just for my own sake. Still, I'm glad to count on such a girl to take care of me."

Guadalupe just remain silent for a few seconds, before giggling a little, to then say:
"Ok, siendo sincera me alegra que tengo un mayor margen de actuar del que esperaba en relación a cuidarte, muchacho. Que estés dispuesto a hacer tu parte para que podamos vivir juntos de la mejor manera posible es digno de felicitar. Ahora bien, necesito terminar esta tarea que la profe nos dio. Una vez que esté lista, ¿te gustaría charlar respecto a cómo iras conmigo a casa?"("Ok, to be honest I'm glad I have more leeway than I expected when it comes to taking care of you, boy. That you're willing to do your part so that we can live together as well as possible is to be congratulated. Now then, I need finish this homework teacher gave us. Once I'm done, would you like to talk about how you're going home with me?")
You just nod, accepting with little issue her suggestion.
May 29, 2023