The moment Revi's eyes spotted the rustling from within the foliage, panic flooded her senses. Flight responses kicked in as she bolted into a sprint, heart pounding in her ears. She didn't care where she would end up, as long as it was away from that danger. Cursing under her breath, she felt ashamed of herself. It was just a small noise, why had she gotten so scared from that? 

As Revi continued to run, her mind further enveloped in sheer panic as she ran deeper into the forest. The massive and dizzying heights of the trees surrounding her blurred together. She was utterly lost. 


She leaned against the bark of a large tree as she wheezed. Her lungs burned and her legs shook as she slowly slid down to the mossy grass floor. She turned to her left, then to her right, but didn't notice any unique landmarks. She sighed. 


"G-Great. Maybe Liza might try to find me?" Revi hung her head, "But then, I've failed her. Or she might kill the Jagras herself so I can still be a Hunter. But that would just make me feel worse. I...miss her." Her eyes slowly closed on themselves, her body being too tired to fight back. The swaying of the leaves and soft whistling of the wind lulled her into a much needed deep sleep. 

A surge of heat jerked Revi awake, but her eyes widened at the source: Staring at her, mere inches from her face, was the face of an Anjanath. Her red hair and pink mane that flowed down her back shimmered in the blaze of the sun, her feral eyes boring into her future meal's soul. The Anjanath exhaled again, sending another wave of heat against the Hunter's face.


Revi grabbed the hilt of her sword and slashed forward. Her hand slipped and the sword was flung forward into a tree. The Anjanath dodged back, before gritting her teeth in fury. She stood on her toes, lifted her head up, and screeched. Revi threw her hands over her ears from the power of the roar, before the Anjanath rushed forward and clamped its jaws around Revi's body. Revi entered a frenzy and thrashed inside the tight and slick maw. The monster chuckled as she sucked on Revi like a juicy piece of steak. Suddenly she lifted her head up, briefly tossing Revi about like a ragdoll, before she wiggled her mouth to send Revi further down. With a powerful gulp, Revi only had a few seconds left of the outside world before the throat squeezed and enveloped around her. The Anjanath grunted as Revi was caught in her throat, so she lazily popped her finger into her throat and forced her meal down. With a final squeeze down her throat, the Hunter had completely disappeared from the outside world. 


Revi popped into the Anjanath's stomach with a wet squish and she screamed as she was tossed and coated in acids. The pressure in the throat was unbearable, but here? It was blistering. She threw herself against the glossy and wet stomach walls, banging against her prison to cause any kind of effect. All she heard was a satisfied burp from her devourer, which only made Revi's world quake around her and the heat to burn her lungs. 


"Please, let me out! Liza, w-where are you!?" Revi screamed as she sobbed. A soft growl in the monster's throat rang out through her belly, as suddenly the space in the stomach gradually grew smaller and smaller, until Revi was squeezed at all sides of her body. She thrashed and kicked with all her strength, but the belly only rumbled happily. The pressure grew higher and higher, until Revi's body couldn't handle it. Her last thought was of Liza before the stomach crushed her, content with its job of handling just another simple meal. 

The Anjanath happily swayed from side to side, fully relishing in how stuffed she felt. She peered down, chuckling as she felt her recent meal struggle within her body and cry out for help. The only thing her meal managed to do was force a burp out.

She thought about savoring this meal for as long as she could, but humans were a rare treat; She deserved to be just a little gluttonous for the occasion. Her midsection churned and gurgled, her insides slowly clenching and squeezing around her increasingly desperate prey. A small moan escaped her lips as she placed her hand against her belly, kneading the side of her stretched gut gently to aid the process and relish every desperate squirm. The food deep inside frantically struggled and banged against the walls of her stomach until a crack rang out from within, and the struggling stopped. Her belly purred and rumbled against her hand as it got to work digesting, but she still felt just a bit more hungry...



May 22, 2023
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