"Comfy?" Lillian then asked with an inquisitive look.

"Yeah" You replied, trying to keep your cool though in reality, this was making you blush almost as much as resting on Jen's boobs.Lillian's belly was even warmer, making it feel as if you were laying on a whole bed that just came out from the drier. It was pretty soothing, specially since the room's A/C was apparently set pretty low and it was a bit chilly but neither Lillian nor Jen seemed to be in any discomfort at the current temperature.

"So, I guess lunchtime will be pretty interesting, huh?" Lillian then said to Jen, giving her a smug smile and briefly glanced downwards, as if either girl needed any confirmation as to what she truly meant.

"Sure" Jen chuckled "I'm curious about who's gonna be Cindy's and Zuemy's roommate"

"Oh boy, whoever it is, he's either one of the luckiest or unluckiest guys in the whole school" Lillian giggled "I mean, with Zuemy alone it'd be almost impossible for him to flunk any subjects provided that he's not some jerk"

"Yeah but Cindy as a roommate... If he likes anime or videogames he'd be in for a pretty fun time but that might tank his grades. Plus, Cindy's not the best with, uh, small things..." Jen replied, looking down at Lillian's belly and remembering that you were there "Don't worry, I don't mean that she dislikes Lillies or anything" She said to you.

"Puh-lease, Cindy's the sweetest cinnamon bun" Lillian chuckled, looking down at you "She's like a walking marshmallow. You'll see" She playfully winked at you.

"On the other hand, Zuemy's really into Lillies" Jen added, with a subtle hint of concern that you managed to pick up.

"Can't really accuse her of that anymore, at this point we all-" Lillian blurted out but Jen swiftly covered her mouth with a hand. The two girls laughed awkwardly and after a brief pause, resumed their talk as if nothing happened. Things like these reminded you that girls, no matter if they were Lillies, Gullies or Brobs, were simply beyond any guy's usual comprehension.

'Damn, I could almost feel as if those two were here right next to me' You thought and your eyes then widened a little 'I need to find them before the school day's over. Who knows what the hell they could've gotten themselves into already'

"Ms. Coleman is sure taking her sweet time" Jen noted.

"Knowing her, she's probably tripped on her own feet on the way here twice or more" Lillian said with a half smile "Or Principal Abalos called her to her office to make sure she doesn't squash any Lillies or Gullies"

"Lillian..." Jen frowned, glancing down at you to remind her about not being too insensitive when talking about the other races.

"Ms. Coleman's nice. It's just that she has two left feet or something. Sometimes she'll make you believe that we're in some slapstick comedy" Lillian said to you "Just to be safe, if you're near her, always stay above waist height"

"Not really a concern as long as you've got us to keep you safe" Jen then said, smiling sweetly at you. You couldn't help but blush and feel your throat tightening.

"Thanks... not that you have to or anything but I appreciate it" You said, looking away and scratching the back of your head. Both Lillian and Jen giggled quietly and exchanged knowing looks.

Just then, Lillian's stomach began to make louder, almost angry sounding noises. Her stomach was pretty much openly protesting its emptiness, as she has quite the large appetite even for Brobdingnagian standards. You recognized these sounds because this sometimes would happen with your mom or even your big sister when they kept themselves busy and missed a meal.

You then acted on seemingly pure instinct and began to diligently massage Lillian's rumbling tummy but it wasn't just randomly kneading its soft, squishy flesh. You used all your might to apply precise amounts of pressure on specific spots on her belly, something that would only make sense for someone who was used to this kind of thing happening and helping to relieve it.

Lillian silently gasped when she felt you massaging her belly and looked down with pure undiluted surprise in her eyes. Jen also froze in her tracks as she watched, the two of them were intrigued and it even looked like you were in some kind of mystical trance to the point that they were afraid to speak and break the spell that they didn't even know when it had been cast.

You walked around her belly, kneeling down and pressing her soft flesh with both arms, doing wide kneading motions. At first, her stomach rumbled more loudly, as if to further protest at the disturbances that you were causing, but as the minutes went on, the noises began to decrease in intensity, and rather than sounding like the angry snarling of a caged beast, her stomach's noises were reduced to a subdued purr.

You lost all sense of time, focusing the entirety of your being on the task at hand until it was finally done, and Lillian's stomach went silent. Once you were done, you sighed in relief and wiped a bit of sweat off your brow, laying down on the squishy soft flesh that made up most of the current "landscape" around you.

"Wow" Jen's voice finally snapped you back to reality.

"How... how did you do that?" Lillian asked, completely baffled. If anybody told her about this, she wouldn't have believed it.

"Huh?!" Having been caught off guard, you didn't even know at first why the girls were surprised.

"That was like freaking magic, you put that angry belly to sleep like some circus act!" Jen said, chuckling as Lillian blushed a little at how she talked about her tummy.

'Wait... shit! I'm not supposed to know how Brobs' bodies work!' You thought, feeling as if three buckets of ice water got suddenly dumped on you. You made a big mistake and the worst part was that you couldn't even help it, you sprang into action by reflex, as it came to you naturally to try and help your mom and big sis feel better. But this seriously went against what Arianna warned you about unless you could talk your way out of this one.

"I have to say that's impressive. I've never been able to get it to shut up other than, you know, eating" Lillian said, still looking slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, that! Uh, I just thought it might help... massaging some pressure points can help us Lillies feel better at times... I mean, I wasn't even sure if it would work on a Brob" You tried to explain. Jen and Lillian looked at each other and then at you, and you couldn't tell whether they bought it or not, but a gut feeling told you that most likely they weren't entirely convinced.
"Look, my mom works a lot and sometimes she misses meals. My big sis does a lot of exercise and sometimes she focuses so much on her workouts that by the time she realizes she's hungry, she's already starving. Some massages can give a temporary relief... Well, for that matter, if she gets some random cramps or if like the wrong muscle or tendon contracts, I'm the one who's helped her to massage it to make it feel better. Guess that's why I know these things" You weren't even lying, the only thing you omitted was the fact that both your mom and big sis were Brobs like them, but you hoped this technically half-truth was good enough.

Fortunately, it looked like they both believed it, and in fact, they looked even more amazed than before. You then noticed that they slightly smiled while you mentally scolded yourself, reminding yourself to keep your cover before the cat truly gets out of the bag and god knows what might happen then.

"You know, not so many guys would openly admit that they care that much for their mom or sister" Lillian said "Siblings are often a handful" She added, and something in her voice indicated that she knew this personally.

"Well, I mean... I know everybody's got a different relationship with their family but in all honesty, my mom's just nice and sweet and if I can do something to help her I think it's just natural to want to give back a little for all the things she does for me. Though I don't think I can really repay the part where she gave me Life" You replied, but then facepalmed, realizing that you might have just outed yourself as a momma's boy.
"Wait, I think that came out wrong" You then tried to think of a way to rephrase things to make it sound 'better'.

"Nah, it's alright" Lillian said "Again, not that many guys have the guts to say that they love their mom" She chuckled and gently brought her hand closer to you, patting your head with her fingertip as gently as she could, which was a bit difficult given her sheer size.

"Let's just hope your sis doesn't miss you too much since Gulliver High is a boarding school" Jen said, trying to lighten the mood in her own way.

"She'll be fine, she's pretty cool and strong too... kinda like you" You said, once again realizing too late that you blurted out your thoughts. Thinking straight might not be your forte when you're already flustered.

"Huh?!" Jen raised an eyebrow but also blushed noticeably "What makes you think that?" She asked, a bit slowly as to not stutter.

"I dunno. I just felt it from your presence, I think" You chuckled, scratching your head again "It's hard to explain but I'll try... when you saved me from getting squished and also when I fell off the desk but landed on your hand I felt really safe. At that moment, it felt like there was nothing in the world that could hurt me, like I was under the protection of a goddess"

Jen's cute face, usually a creamy/porcelain tone, was now almost beet red after hearing you but at the same time, she was smiling. Lillian silently mouthed 'Wow' and gave her a peculiar look.

"I'm not exactly sure why, but somehow I feel like even if we were the same size you'd be way stronger than I am" You then added, laughing a little and hoping that your answer wasn't all that awkward.

"Well, I dunno about that. You look pretty healthy yourself" Jen then said. She made a mental note to try and get a closer look at you now that you had piqued her curiosity.

August 30, 2023