Now we're all here
· original author:
"Last I remember he was chilling on his beach blanket," said Jordana. That's when she and Ariadne noticed Isha averting her eyes from the two of them. Jordana became a little suspicious of Isha and turned towards her. "Um... is there something you'd like to share with us Isha?"

"Yeah, well... he's... actually not there anymore."

"How would you know? You've been with us for several hours. Do you know where he is?"

"Um, well no actually," stammered Isha.

"Okay what are you hiding from me? Just spit it out already. Where is Blaise?"

"Okay! Okay! Remember earlier when he was helping us put on sunscreen?"


"And remember how he gave me the finger?"


"Well, I may have planted him on some random girl as revenge."

"You what," shouted Jordana.

Suddenly, Ariadne put a hand on Jordana's shoulder. "What does she mean she planted him on some girl?"

"Remember how Zoey finally got her shrink ray to work and I asked to borrow it," said Jordana nervously.

"You did not," said Ariadne as she angrily turned towards Isha with an icy glare. Jordana stepped away knowing that when her bestie was angry, she was a terrifying sight to behold. Isha was frozen in terror as Ariadne made slow and bold strides towards her. Before she knew it Ariadne was inches from her face with her eyes piercing right through her.

"Where is my brother Isha?"

"I don't know."

"Let's try this this again," said Ariadne. "Where. Is. My. Brother. Isha."

Isha was quaking in fear until, by some divine miracle, she spotted her cousin Chahna walking towards the taco bar with the girl she'd planted Blaise on. She pointed frantically at her cousin and exclaimed, "Her! That's the girl. The one walking next to Chahna."

The four of them made their way over to Chahna and her friend. Chahna excitedly greeted Isha and Jaya. "Hey guys! Long time no see! I didn't know you were in town."

"How ya doing squirt," said Jaya. "Yeah, we've been hanging out with Jordana."

"Never mind that though," stammered Isha. "Where is Blaise."

A look of pure dejection poured over Chahna's face. "I don't have him anymore."

"Wait! Why did you have him," asked Ariadne. "Isha told us she'd planted him on your friend."

"Oh, you mean Sadie? Yeah, he was with us earlier, but I don't know where he went. Sucks though because he and I were finally getting close."

Isha broke out into a cold sweat as she practically felt the bloodlust radiating from Ariadne as she glared daggers at her. Suddenly, Lulu and Grace both approached Ariadne with a taco in each of their hands. Grace's mouth was still dripping taco sauce from her last bite.

"Oh hi, Ariadne! What a pleasure to see you here. I actually ran into your brother not too long ago."

"You did? Where is he?"

"Hmm... I'm not sure at the moment. It's been a few hours. I assumed you two came here together."

Ariadne was experiencing an awful mix of anger, fear, and nervousness as the situation only got progressively more complicated for her. She loved her brother dearly and if anything happened to him then she'd make sure that Isha regretted it. That's when she heard the familar voice of her friend Zoey calling out to her. When she looked over, she saw Zoey and her younger sister Zuemy walking in their direction.

"How's it going guys," asked Zoey.

"Sorry Zoe but we can't talk right now," said Ariadne. "Blaise is missing!"

"Blaise? Last I checked he was with Zuemy."

All eyes immediately turned towards Zuemy who responded with a shrug. "Don't look at me! I don't have him."

Ariadne was losing her patience. Right now, something horrible could be happening to her dear younger brother and the thought was eating away at her. That's when she snapped. "Can somebody please just tell me where Blaise is," she yelled. "If I have to tear apart this entire beach to find him I will." That's when she felt the pleasure object wedged in her crack pop right out the top of it. She looked over her shoulder and saw her tiny brother lying on her cheek panting like he'd just finished climbing Mount Everest. "Wait a minute! Blaise?" She reached back and plucked you from the top of her cheek before placing you gently on her palm.

When you opened your eyes you found yourself on Ariadne's massive palm with many eyes focused on you. You weren't exactly thrilled to see everyone seeing as how you'd been inside the ass of everyone here. Then everyone began to laugh. It started out small as a few chuckles coming from a few of the girls, but it quickly grew into everyone sharing a hearty belly laugh as each of them clutched their sides. Meanwhile, Ariadne was flushed red with embarrassment.

Jordana quickly picked up on your sister's embarrassment and started teasing her. "Well," said Jordana choking back laughter. "That's what I call hypocrisy." This caused a few more laughs among the girls as Ariadne stammered for a reply.

"It's not like I had him there on purpose," she said with a stomp of her foot.

"Suuuuure! He just happened to land in your ass by pure accident," teased Jordana causing your sister to turn bright red. "Oh I haven't had a laugh that good in a while. You know what? I say we should celebrate Blaise's safe return."

"How so," asked Ariadne skeptically.

"How else? Let's throw a party back at your house, Ariadne."

"I mean... I'm not opposed to it, but a party with only five people seems kind of small."

"What are you talking about? I meant everyone here."

You noticed a small glint in the eye of every girl around you as each of them eagerly accepted an invitation to Jordana's party.

"Alright everyone! Let's all head to Ariadne's place."

That's when Sadie asked, "Whose Blaise riding with?"
May 12, 2023
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