Shrunken, afraid and on a thong...
You felt a series of booming quakes that harshly snapped you out of your groggy stupor, but your memory was still shooting blanks, trying to figure out what the hell happened, and it slowly came to you, that you were packing Ariadne's stuff when you suddenly felt ill and collapsed while trying to call your mom for help. Those quakes continued, and grew in intensity, which you found baffling since your area wasn't even supposed to be a seismic zone.

You looked at your surroundings, nothing made sense, you were on a vast expanse of fabric. When you looked down and touched it, you found it odd, it didn't exactly feel like bedding.

'Odd, this is the same color as Ariadne's thong' You thought as you stood up. The piece of fabric you were on was immense, larger than a circus tent, but you could see that beyond it, there was a white material, that also looked like it was made out of some kind of fabric, however, before you could walk there to investigate, there was a sudden, stronger booming noise... unknown to you, the door had just been (almost) slammed open...

[Note: Blaise's shrunken size is 1/10th of an inch, since even half an inch could be decently visible]


1) Ariadne entered her room, coming home from college to join their family for her mom's planned vacation.

"Hello lil' bro!" She cheerily greeted, feeling quite happy about seeing her dear little brother after a full year in college, although she came back almost every holiday she could, namely winter and spring breaks. But then she noticed that the room seemed to be empty, which was odd, since her mom had told her you were packing her stuff.

"Huh?" She looked around "Weird, he's supposed to be here..."

Meanwhile, you were startled by hearing Ariadne's voice, but with a powerful booming effect added. You quickly turned to face her and your eyes nearly fell of their sockets. She was absolutely huge! Larger than a mountain even!

'What the hell...' You thought, but upon seeing her colossal form, you began wondering how it was even possible, or what was going on, and you quickly remembered that piece of fabric you were standing on.
'Crap! This is actually her thong! But how did I get so small?!' You wondered, your heart racing and your breath quickening, struggling to keep your cool and not succumb to blind panic.

"Blaise?" Ariadne called out, she knew the house and even your room were empty, this was literally one of the only places you could be.
"Hmm? Oh, he actually packed my stuff!" She said, seeing the travel bags. "Aww. He deserves a big hug!" She giggled.

Seeing that her bathroom was closed, she wondered if you went in there, though that was pretty odd in itself as well, since you pretty much never wanted to use hers out of embarrassment, and because you had your own anyway. Just to make sure, she walked over to it and checked the doorknob... it was unlocked, and upon opening it, she found that the bathroom was empty and intact.

"Maybe he went to a nearby store to grab a snack?" She muttered, but again, that didn't add up with how you usually behaved. Then, her stomach growled and rumbled.
"Ooh. Blaise's gonna get a good dose of 'big sister love' when he gets back" She chuckled and then looked at the bed. There was only one piece of clothing that hadn't been packed yet, and that being one of her favorite thongs. It was from way back when she attended highschool, but because it was particularly stretchy, it could still accommodate her large curves, even though she had long outgrown its intended size...

[Note: You may choose to keep Ariadne unaware or to spot Blaise, and how she reacts about finding him in her thong. But in terms of characterization, canonically she's not the kind to really get angry with him, even more so because she often asked for his help to put away her underwear, and because she's more than well aware that rather than being a perv, Blaise's almost too innocent and naive at times]


Lillian and Jen walked in...

"Blaise! Your favorite girls came to hang out!" Lillian called out with a giggle, expecting some witty remark from you, but instead she was met with silence.

"Huh, didn't you say he was here?" Jen said.

"Yeah... I mean, his mom told me he was packing his sister's stuff... Look!" Lillian pointed to the bags, only one was still zipped open.
"He almost packed everything already" She added.

"Hmm... Maybe he went to the bathroom?" Jen wondered.

"I've got the feeling he didn't, but let's go check..." Lillian said, and both girls walked out of the room.

'Huh?! W-Why were they so big?!' You thought in shock, having heard the entire conversation, as well as having felt their earth-shaking footsteps. You looked down and then it clicked.
'Is... Is this Ariadne's thong?!' You shuddered, this meant you were way too small. In a couple of minutes, the girls came back...

"See? I told you he wasn't in the bathroom" Lillian said.

"Maybe he went outside to grab a snack?" Jen suggested.

"His house's stocked with food. Trust me, I'd be the first to know" Lillian chuckled, patting her tummy.

"He only left one piece of clothing, weird..." Jen said, and both girls approached the bed and looked at it. Their eyes widened when they saw a very small you standing right in the middle of it.

2) "Blaise! What happened?! How did you get that small?!" Jen said while tightly hugging you, which in more realistic terms meant that her arm pushed you quite tightly against her humongous chest.

"I don't think he'll be able to answer with such a mouthful of titty meat" Lillian teasingly said, making her friend blush in embarrassment.
"Hey Blaise, what were you even doing there? If you want to dive into a thong, I'm sure Jen's more than happy to volunteer" She giggled while Jen's blush grew brighter and redder, but she didn't deny it...

3) Lillian quickly snatched you up.
"Whoah! How did you do that? That's pretty friggin cool!" She laughed, giving you a smug and flirty look.
"You know... you don't have to go rummaging through your big sister's underwear..." She said softly, almost whispering, and began lowering you and moving you around her waist, then she pulled out her shorts' waistband, revealing an even skimpier red thong.
"Why go for that when you've got your best friend's much sexier thong right here?" She giggled and dropped you right into her crack.

"Lillian!" Jen blushed and her eyes were widened in shock. Lillian gave her a mischievous smile before she unleashed a room-shaking, minute-and-half long fart, much to her shock.


4) Arianna shyly walked into the room...

"Blaise?" She called, but found no one. Her stomach gurgled startlingly loudly "Ugh..." She winced, and looked around.
"Aunt Miriam said he'd be here..." She sighed, her voice was unusually soft, which you found odd, since you only knew her borderline military-tier level strictness.
"Please don't tell me he saw me coming and ran away..." She sighed, and in fact, sounded quite sad, which you found pretty weird. It almost sounded as if she wanted to talk to you or something.

Not only you were scared of her, she was huge! The only thing scarier than Arianna was a bigger Arianna, but right now, strangely enough she didn't sound all that threatening. Her stomach made louder, scarier noises, and shortly after, there was a thunderous roaring eruption, to you, it sounded like that of a massive volcano, and its shockwave was strong enough to knock you down on your back, and before you could wonder what it was, you were hit by the noxious smell.

"I could really use a clean piece of underwear..." Arianna said as she suddenly unleashed a monstrous barrage of rumbling, colossal farts. She noticed that nearly all the clothes had already been packed into travel bags, as your mom said you'd be doing, though there was one piece of clothing left on the bed. She saw that it was a pretty skimpy thong and smiled.

'I'm sure Ariadne wouldn't mind lending me just one of these. Though I wonder if it can even fit me...' She thought, grabbing one of her massive cheeks, feeling its squishy but bulbous and undeniably hefty bulk. She then gasped when she saw something really, really small right in the middle of that thong. Her eyes widened.

"Oh? What's that?" She wondered out loud and looked down straight at you, who up to this point had been paralyzed in fear.

[Note: Arianna may either recognize you, just find out you're a tiny human, mistake you for a toy, or think you're a bug]

[Note for Choice 5: You can choose some other characters to appear here, but keep in mind that there should be some logic as to how or why they came. For example, the rest of Blaise's family could easily fit, as well as Lillian's, and individually, Jen or Cindy could make sense. Yamile would be pushing it, but wouldn't be completely impossible.

The likes of Snickers, Jade or Tina aren't even supposed to know where he lives. A case could be made for Veronica, if she's become a bit of a stalker, Emily, for similar, albeit darker reasons, or Romina simply because she likely knows where Lillian lives. Isha and Jaya could also make sense, as they're friends of Ariadne's and could very well have been told her address and expect to meet the little brother she talked so much about. The house is unlocked btw.]
May 12, 2023
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