From Massive Massage to Raging Storm
Sheila had been caught off-guard by such a huge fart, she hardly felt it until it simply exploded in between her massive cheeks.
'I guess that massage might have stirred up things a bit more than I expected' she thought, remembering she got quite a thorough belly massage in addition to the back, leg and glute ones.

"Whoops! That one really slipped out, hon" Even though she had almost just unleashed a literal bomb upon you, to her it was simply a hilarious mishap.
"But you could say maybe my booty just wanted to blow you a kiss" She laughed, adding to the jiggling in her largest features.

Her joke wasn't really funny to you, as you took that huge blast almost at point blank. Your whole body trembled, and you felt like you had been run over by a train, or an elephant stampede, but that wasn't even the worst thing, as you heard more groaning, gurgling and growling coming from the dark depths farther below. You groaned yourself, knowing complaining or pleading would be futile, once she started blasting, she'd keep on blasting, and she'd keep you in there for the duration of it.

With little effort, another equally gigantic fart escaped from her colossal booty, roaring like loud thunder, though this one only shook the floor a little, compared to the previous one. Outside, the masseuse cringed again, feeling sorry for you. She wondered if this had been Sheila's aim all along.
'But in that case, why even bother with all those massages at all?' She wondered.

Unable to really do anything to protect yourself, you simply tensed up as the next massive hurricane exploded, making the gelatinous walls engulfing you warble loudly and fiercely ripple and jiggle, turning them into a sort of rattling storm that hit you from everywhere at once, though it was still so soft it was more like getting smothered than like getting crushed. The smell itself wasn't such a hard hit after being so thoroughly rubbed all over her crack, but you definitely noticed the temperature increase as the invisible yet thick fog engulfed you along with her colossal cheeks.

"Mmm... I dunno if it was the massage, or if it's because you're back there..." She said
"...but, something loosened some pressure in my belly, and it needs to come out" She spoke in a very relaxed tone, though to you it was anything but relaxing, your heart only beat faster, and your breath quickened, however, that instantly backfired as you choked on the rancid air around you. There was more rumbling, just as loud as before.

'Please don't tell me that huge breakfast chose now of all times to come back to bite' You thought in near absolute desperation. Even after having taken two enormous mega-booty blasts just now, you couldn't help but tremble as the noises got louder, and felt even more frustrated at the realization that Sheila wasn't going to spare you of any of it.

Her huge booty erupted into a barrage of thunderous room-shaking farts, large bubbles hastily rushed down her guts only to violently pop as they were crushed by the overwhelming weight of her cheeks, making them much louder than they were already going to be. Feeling them vibrate, and feeling you vibrate alongside them both tickled and turned her on.

Outside, the masseuse couldn't help but feel even worse about you. She was tempted to walk in and ask if everything was okay, but she knew she had been dismissed, and this could get her in hot water if Sheila were to report her to her boss. So she refrained from it, but shuddered upon hearing each humongous blast, and decided that it was best she just went farther away, applying that old saying 'Out of sight, out of mind', hoping you'd pull through somehow.

Sheila's previous 'storms' had made you think you had been caught in the middle of the Apocalypse, or in the middle of an all-out nuclear war, but those were put to shame by this world-ending explosive barrage, hot furious winds made your jiggly surroundings ripple and clap like mad, causing thunderous shockwaves that were added to the already insanely loud roars that accompanied her raging winds.

"You know... you probably can't massage me like this, so just stay in there..." Said a more turned on/dreamy Sheila, she really had a ton of swirling gas backed up in her gigantic ass, and she was going to unleash it all upon your very tiny self. Her huge farts kept on downright exploding out of her crack, one after another, and it didn't seem like this gaseous madness wasn't going to end anytime soon. Your senses of hearing and smell got numb as a result to the overwhelming assault they were subjected to, but you still felt the titanic impact every time the massive torrent of wind blew past you. You felt as if every monstrous windy blast was just about to tear your skin right off, though, fortunately or unfortunately, that didn't happen.

In a way, it was as if you were trapped into a huge monster's mouth right as it was roaring, and you shuddered, thinking that that description wasn't all that far off reality. However, one side effect you failed to account for was that the large bubbles Sheila's massive ass kept popping were large enough to part her immense cheeks even if just a little, and that created more than enough of a gap for you to slide further down, much to your shock. It felt as if the entire universe shook, her larger-than-planet cheeks quivered as you slid down her crack, tickling her, as she was fairly sensitive there.

"Niiice. I loved that, sweetie. Keep tickling me if you can" She said, thinking you were getting playful amidst her raging methane storm, which she severely downplayed in her mind.

Making things even worse, her continuous gassy bursts blew you upwards, as the bubbles ensured her cheeks wouldn't pin you in place anymore, and thus, you ended up flying for miles straight up, rubbing against the inner side of one of said cheeks, only to slide all the way back down, which tickled her in a much greater degree, and for you, that equaled lots more of jiggling quakes while taking stronger than hurricane winds at the same time. If there was ever a true physical definition of utter madness, this had to be it. Your head was spinning, your whole body rang with each reverberating thundering typhoon-esque torrent of wind that hit you and your body was also beaten by what felt like being in the middle of a seaquake at the bottom of the sea, tsunami and larger waves of fatty flesh all hitting you and shaking you along with them as the gelatinous walls that confined your "world" kept on vibrating.

In a way, you had gotten numb starting from the first time she blasted you, but in another, you kept taking on the brunt of each monstrous release, and it felt like each one badly decimated you, yet, you remained conscious and aware, although pretty confused and dizzy. You easily lost count on how many such horrid blasts you had taken already, but it wasn't like you were really interested in keeping track. Then, all of sudden, another bubble, larger than the previous ones, slowly emerged from the depths of her crack, and even though her massive asscheeks pressed it with their great weight, the bubble still had enough tension of its town to part them a little and not burst. You gulped, you had seen those bubbles before, but they burst pretty quickly. This one kept coming upwards, headed towards you.

'I've already had to take so much punishment... but a fart bubble?! Really?!' You complained to either the wicked deity or deities that enjoyed your torment, or more accurately, the people that sent you to this bizarre reality. You weakly shuddered as you saw it getting closer and closer until it touched you, which you cringed at, and as it kept moving past you, you went through its wall without bursting it. The temperature inside was noticeably higher than even her crack, making you sweat, and there was no oxygen in it, inside, it was all thick methane, sulfur and other various noxious gases Sheila's body itself wanted out. Never in your life you thought you'd end up learning what it'd be like to be trapped in a fart bubble from a first-person point of view. Then, you heard your phone beep indicating a notification, you tapped it and saw that it took you to the X-Plore app, where the following read:

[A.R. ID: SHKSZ-0001]
[Info Updated]
[Category: Environment]
[Status: The environment in this reality has been found to be very harsh]

"You don't say..." You said in an annoyed, snarky and hoarse voice while you try in vain to gather any breathable air while wondering in the back of your mind how on Earth you haven't suffocated yet, not that you wanted to, but this was way far from an ideal breathing mixture.

Sheila felt the pressure in her stomach increase, and immediately eased it out, but unlike before, it didn't outright explode into one of the huge farts she's largely known for, instead, she could feel the bubble trapped deep between her heavy cheeks, slowly moving upwards. More similarly large bubbles escaped her and went to merge with the first, making it larger. This wasn't something that happened very often, so she found it both funny and intriguing, making a sort of game out of it. She blew more bubbles into it to see how much it'd take before it'd finally pop.

Unfortunately for you, that felt like being trapped in a pressure cooker, as the pressure from the gas the bubble contained only increased with each bubble that merged with the one you were in, and the pressure got strong enough to pin you to the "ground", almost like augmented gravity. Then, just when you were on the verge of getting knocked out, the bubble finally burst, making for an even more expansive roaring shockwave that you intensely felt through all of your body. Sheila's titanic cheeks jiggled and wobbled wildly for a moment before they rushed back towards each other and slammed you in between, engulfing you into their immense soft mass.
May 12, 2023