Hanging out with Brooke
In your tired condition and after that somewhat heated confrontation with your friends, you weren't sure you had enough energy to deal with someone like Bailey. Maggie felt like she could be a 50/50 between a helpful friend or just embarrass you with her antics. As for Yamile, you didn't want to get her involved with your personal troubles, and thus, by elimination you were left with a single option: Brooke.

An old friend of yours, older than you too and definitely with the maturity to not be too much of a bother when you're like this. You texted her, asking if she was busy at the moment. To your surprise, not even two minutes passed before your phone gave a notification ping, indicating that she responded!

She said that she wasn't busy and asked you why. Not wanting her to give too much info, you asked her if it'd be cool to meet at the bus stop near the shopping mall, she knew which one you were talking about since there's only one such place within walking distance from the school. She said that she'd soon be on her way.

Relieved that this emergency backup plan worked, you put the phone in your side pocket and leaned back on the cool steel bench, your body was feeling really sore and your energy diminished. You closed your eyes and tried to get some rest, hoping you'd recharge enough to be able to walk to wherever you two decided to go.

The pain kept you from fully drifting off to sleep, but you managed to rest somewhat anyway until a thought crossed your mind.
'I'm really predictable, aren't I? If the girls decide to come after me, they will find me since this is the route we always take when walking back home... crap, I should've taken a different path' You thought, then opened your eyes but there was no sign of the girls, so maybe, just maybe they decided to leave you alone? They hadn't tried calling or texting either, so for once you had some peace. Feeling at ease again, you rested again and almost fell asleep, when your phone began to ring and vibrate and you answered.

"Blaise, you still there at the bus stop?" Brooke asked.

"Haven't moved an inch since I texted you" You said with a weak chuckle.

"I'll be there in less than five minutes" She said and hung up. The subtle background noises suggested she was driving. You didn't think she'd drive just to meet you but then again, she's the Mayor's daughter and most likely has her own car 'Damn... I don't think I have enough money to pay her for the gasoline' You thought with a defeated sigh.

Shortly after that, a black BMW car parked near the bus stop. You raised an eyebrow, wondering if she actually had her mom drive her here. Much to your surprise, who came out of the driver's seat wasn't Brooke, but a woman dressed in a business suit wearing a chauffeur hat.

'Please don't tell me that's...' You thought as the woman went and opened the backseat's door and Brooke stepped out. She walked towards you as if she had just arrived in the most normal way possible somewhere.

"I have to say I'm surprised you asked to hang out, usually I have to 'yank your chain' a little just to get a little bit of your attention" Brooke said as she stood before you "How come you're sitting here alone like an abandoned puppy?" She giggled and then sat down next to you, letting you feel the sheer volume and softness of her large thigh and hip. You flinched by reflex at her touch, which she quietly took note of, but still sat right next to you regardless.

"Well, I just happen to be alone, boring and with no plans, but I don't feel like going home right now" You said, trying to downplay things.

"How come those two left you alone? They're almost always coddling you and keeping you away from big bad mean girls like moi" Brooke joked, but she noted that you frowned and sighed quietly. This is when she noticed the bruise on your eye and the cut marks on your right cheek "What... happened?" She asked with visible concern.

"Fell down the stairs at home... Let's not make a fuss about that" You replied with a tired sigh "So, uh, what do you want to do? I didn't think you'd come with a friggin chauffeur... feels a bit overkill" You chuckled.

"That's just how I get around when I don't feel like driving, plus my mom prefers that I don't drive myself" Brooke shrugged "But don't worry about that..." she said, her hesitant pause sounded like she meant to say more, and soon she did "...Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I'm just a little tired, didn't sleep well" You said "So... you got any plans? I don't really have the cash to go anywhere like the movies or even a cheap restaurant"

"I'm not really in the mood to go out. I just want to chill at home, would that be okay?" She replied.

You had never gone to Brooke's house ever since you reconnected with her. Getting a ride sounded like heaven for your aching body, but there was a massive risk of her mom being at home, and with her being your mom's boss, there was no way she wouldn't find out about the bruised eye and whatnot.

"I dunno, I don't feel like your mom will want to have unannounced, unwanted guests" You laughed a little. Brooke narrowed her eyes a little at you.

"The hell are you talking about, Blaise? Mom almost considers you family already" She huffed a little. You froze for a moment, worried that you may have offended her, but her mood softened quickly "She's not home anyway" She said in a softer, flirtier tone, then she offered you her hand, figuring you could use some help getting up. She didn't speak of it further after she saw your initial reaction, but she could tell you were rather severely weakened.

With a little hesitation, you took her hand and stood up. You tried to let go but her hand gripped yours and then she began to walk towards the black car. You blushed despite having held hands at times with some of your other friends, it made you flustered every single time. The chauffeur you saw before smiled and waved, you waved back as she opened the backseat's door. The chauffeur had slightly dark blonde hair and green eyes, she looked lively. Her outfit was clean and reflected her professionalism, though the chest and hip portions were visibly strained, though nowhere near as much as Brooke's or Mayor Patricia's clothes often are.

Brooke got in first and scooted over to the middle, then pulled you in to sit next to her, but she pulled a bit too hard and caused you to land with your head on her bountiful chest and your hands on her plump thighs. She simply giggled while you blushed madly and quickly sat down properly.

"Where to, Ms. Adams?" The chauffeur asked with a subtle French accent.

"Please take us home, Charlotte" Brooke replied as she wrapped an arm around your neck and the car's engine started. You couldn't help but feel a bit nervous since you had no wiggle room, and you were pressed a little into Brooke's thicc hip and thigh. There was more room on the backseat but it didn't seem like Brooke was going to move.

The ride was largely uneventful, Brooke and you had some small talk, but thankfully she didn't pry any further into your injured look. The car's luxury seat and the gentle AC helped you feel a hell of a lot better than before, so that by the time you two arrived, you had regained a smidge of vigor but you could tell that you were still hurt pretty badly.

Charlotte opened the door for you and after thanking her, you got off the car, with Brooke following instead of getting out the other door. To say that she lived in a mansion was the understatement of the year. Just right in front of the house there was a massive pool that might be even bigger than the ones at your school, and those are supposed to be Olympic sized. This was by far the fanciest place you'd ever been to, but you made an effort to keep a straight face to be polite, though Brooke's giggling snapped you out of your thoughts.

"You don't have to try so hard, it's okay to be impressed" She said "Maybe we can relax on the pool some other day" She whispered into your ear, making you shudder.

She then led you into her house, with Charlotte opening the door for her. It seemed like she might be more than just a chauffeur. You two walked into her living room, which was bigger than your entire house. She sat on the middle of a sofa and gestured at you to come sit next to her. No matter what side you chose, you'd end up getting your hip pressed into hers, but at this point you resigned yourself to such fate.

However, as soon as you sat down, she grabbed your hand, interlocking your fingers with hers, much to your surprise and making you blush intensely again. She then called Charlotte and when she came, Brooke asked her to give you a medical examination.

"W-Wait, what?!" You protested, but Brooke's grip on your hand tightened.

"Please don't resist, I'm a trained professional" Charlotte said to you as she put on some latex gloves and sat down next to you, immediately taking a look at your eye. She grabbed a small piece of cloth and poured some rubbing alcohol into it, then she rubbed your face, revealing more of the bruise and the cuts Valentina had inflicted on you. Thankfully it didn't sting, but it did freak you out, though you remained seated in place.

Charlotte grabbed you by the chin and examined your face, rubbing one finger across the other cheek, whose makeup smeared a little. Like the first time, she used a bit of alcohol with the cloth and rubbed the makeup away, revealing almost identical injuries on the other side of your face.

"Blaise, what the hell?!" Brooke frowned. You winced, being caught like this was far from what you'd expected. Meanwhile, Charlotte took a careful look at your face and lightly touched the cut marks on your left cheek.

"What do you think, did he really fall down the stairs?" Brooke asked.

"Non, I don't think so" The blonde lady replied "There are no bruises on his arms. The black eyes he's got look more like someone punched him, and these marks... they're most likely from someone's fingernails"

You sighed and facepalmed. Somehow you were even more screwed than before...
May 12, 2023
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