Blaise and the bean soup...
You hit 'water' as you land and come up, spitting out what came into your mouth. After tasting the 'water', you realize you're in someone's soup. Looking up, you see your art teacher, Ms. McAllen or Lulu for short, talking with one of her students. Considering you're in a highly dangerous zone, and you can easily get scooped up and eaten, you disregard everything else and start screaming as hard as you can.

The student she was talking to left rather quickly much to your relief, and the moment of truth came when she looked down at her soup. By the grace of some god up in Heaven, she managed to hear your screams and blinked twice in disbelief. A tiny doll, no bigger than an ant, splashed around in her soup. It was too small to have batteries, and there was no way it could be charged, and by how it moved, it definitely had to be a real, living thing. Smiling, she gestured at you to be quiet, signaling that she had seen you.

You sighed in relief, but before anything else, you were lifted up as she scooped up in her spoon the soup around you, taking you with it. Now closer to her face, she could take a better look at you, and upon realizing your identity she silently gasped. She glanced to the right, as the Principal, Arianna, sat right next to her, but she was half-eating half-keeping watch on the students around, as both of them got lunch supervision duty for the week. Not being a student, Ms. McAllen could enjoy the luxury of not being under her "radar".

Still, speaking would be impossible at the moment, and she knew Arianna had pretty good hearing, so she wouldn't take any chances. She had many questions for you, and unknown to you, quite a few proposals, but communication would have to wait until they were in better circumstances. For now, she needed to secure you, a difficult task, as again, the eagle-eyed principal was sitting right next to her, and she had no doubt that she'd react to anything remotely suspicious on her watch. Her stern demeanor wasn't limited to students, she was also about just as strict on teachers, though she was a bit more lenient with Lulu as they were more or less friends, and her carefree/bubbly attitude slowly but steadily rubbed off on her.

She slurped up the soup but was careful enough to leave you on the spoon, pondering how to actually secure you. Putting anything in her cleavage, or even in her pants' pockets would definitely look suspicious. Seeing that you still had some soup on you, she playfully licked it off as best as she could, and gently blew on you to dry you off to the best of her ability at the moment. To any outside observer, it'd simply look like the gorgeous art teacher quietly enjoyed her soup and blew on it to cool it down.

You looked up and saw Ms. McAllen deep in thought, probably thinking how to talk to you. You almost had a heart attack upon seeing Arianna sitting next to her, eating her Brussel sprout salad while keeping watch on the students around. You definitely didn't want to have to deal with her at your current size, for who knows what might happen. You couldn't help but be amazed at how large everything was around you, the spoon that held you was almost as big as a city block in your scale.

A few minutes later, she finally came up with something, and she smiled, as it was a really naughty idea. Looking down at you, she gave you a playful smile that confused you, followed by a teasing wink, and finally, she discreetly blew a kiss at you. You knew Ms. McAllen was rather touchy-feely with you, and teased you quite a lot in and outside of classes, but you hoped she'd take your situation more seriously. You absolutely had no idea what she could mean with what she did, but you didn't get to think about it for long as she swiftly but gently picked you up.

You were only more confused as her fingers lowered you down and then went around her back. What came next was something you'd never have expected in a million years, as she brought you to her gigantic butt, clad in tight sky blue jeans that looked ready to burst, or looked painted on. Her hand drew closer to it, and you saw that she pretended to scratch her massive booty. You raised an eyebrow, that had been a pretty clever move, and you sighed in relief, as it seemed she'd just put you in one of her back pockets, though it'd be a tight fit for you, it wouldn't be so bad, and besides, you'd be resting against one of the biggest, fattest and hottest asses in the entire school. Not a bad tradeoff, or so you thought.

However, rather than doing just that, she pulled her pants' waistband back, revealing an exceedingly skimpy black thong that was mercilessly swallowed by her humongous crack, barely visible other than the puny black fabric triangle above her monstrous cheeks. "Ms. McA-" was all you managed to say before she suddenly, but still discreetly pushed you into her canyon-esque crack. It was incredibly warm and soft, her enormous cheeks felt like they were made of jello, but unfortunately for you, her big booty reeked. You had a feeling that it wasn't just the normal smell you'd attribute to a butt, it was worse, and it definitely reeked of farts, but you'd never be able to let her know that, if she ever asked.

The already overwhelming atmosphere only got warmer and smellier as she pushed you deeper with a finger, and maneuvered you to get inside her thong, obviously in the back portion of it. Then she pushed you even deeper in for good measure, and her finger. You felt as if you had just been submerged in the bottom of a marshmallow or gelatin ocean. Smell aside, it didn't feel terribly bad, as with your shrunken size, you felt a little cold outside, so her warmth was comforting, though it felt kinda overbearing. Suddenly, the colossal squishy walls at your sides pressed into each other and into you, more thoroughly engulfing you into their seemingly immeasurable mass.

Lulu smiled as she got away with her plan, she pushed Blaise into the depths of her massive booty and secured him for the time being. She felt shivers go up her spine as she could feel a tiny lump engulfed by the sheer mass of her prodigious rear. She gave a tiny clench to get a better feel on him, and giggled quietly, wondering what it'd be like to someone so small. With her "prize" all secure and well hidden, she went back to eating, finishing her bean soup relatively fast in just a couple of minutes. She silently giggled to herself again as she got up and decided to go for a second serving of that soup, which she ate with even more delight.

"I didn't think you'd go for a second serving, the first one was already pretty large" Arianna casually commented
"I didn't either, but I think lunch supervisor duty makes me hungry" Ms. McAllen replied with a small laugh
"How's the salad, by the way?" She asked
"I won't know until later... My stomach has been acting up all week... My aunt told me to eat these to soothe it, but it'll be a few hours until I know if it worked for sure..." Arianna explained, Ms. McAllen kept a straight face, but internally smiled.
'Interesting...' she thought

The two kept eating and watched the students around, but since they were high schoolers, fortunately they were fairly well behaved, at least on lunch. Then again, the presence of Arianna herself was an incredibly powerful deterrent. Lulu was thankful for that, if they were making a ruckus she wouldn't have been able to make the incredible find she just did today.

She slightly shifted around in her seat, dragging Blaise a bit deeper in between her gigantic cheeks.
'He must love it in my big booty right now' she thought 'But it's going to get a whole lot more interesting in about an hour...'
After lunch and one class, she'd get a free hour to herself, as the group she'd be having would go on a short school excursion, and another teacher was in charge. It was just perfect for her, as this would be precisely when the bean soup would kick in, and she would find out for herself what it felt like to let out her admittedly massive farts (even more so after two bean soups) on her favorite student. She couldn't wait.

Her playfulness was already shifting into high gear as she'd still have plenty of chances to play with you using her big butt with absolute impunity, as nobody in their wildest dreams would think that their Art teacher would have a student trapped deep in between her humongous assets and squished him around as she walked, or pinned him under her weight while she sat, or that his entire world would shift and sway along with her hips.

Some other ideas came to her, as she was one of the few people aware of Arianna's recent farting problem that she could barely keep in check to maintain her professional aura. Also knowing the cryptic relationship with her cousin Blaise, and that she seemed to be particularly interested in him, she wondered if she should give him to her after she's had her fun. Or sneak him into her battered office chair and let her discover him herself. She also considered letting Lillian know, but she was sure she'd likely demand to have him, and she didn't feel like giving away her toy so soon. Giving it some more thought, she decided to leave these ideas in the back burner and just enjoy her upcoming "fun" with Blaise.

On the other hand, you were completely unaware of the situation, and of the danger you were in. You guessed putting you in her butt was just one more of her playful antics and that she'd let you out as soon as it was reasonably possible. You had no idea that somehow, you had ended up in one of the worst possible scenarios, trapped in the depths of one of the biggest asses in the entire school at the size of an ant, and that your beautiful Art teacher planned to unleash an hour worth of her legendarily devastating room-shaking farts upon your tiny form, only to probably keep you for herself after.
May 12, 2023
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