Honesty might not be the best policy Pt. II
Coach Amber giggled as she pulled you out of her cleavage, but her hand closed around you before she withdrew it, hiding you from her thicker friend's sight.
"It's a surprise... close your eyes and hold out your palm..." She said in a sing-song tone. Lulu giggled as well and nodded, doing as she said.
"Told you I'd get you a nice reward..." She whispered into her closed hand and winked, then she opened it and dropped you onto her awaiting hand.
"You can open your eyes now..." She said

Lulu opened her eyes and was surprised to find what looked like a tiny replica of Blaise on her hand, but gasped when it moved, it stepped back, as if in fear. Its movements were too realistic for it to be some kind of robot though, and she looked at you even more intently.
"What's this?" She asked as composedly as she could
"It's not a 'what', it's a 'who'... and I think you can see pretty clearly for yourself..." Amber said with a smug smile. Lulu's look turned into one of fascination and brought her hand closer to her eyes, seeing that Blaise's 'figure' was way too detailed, and gasped again when she saw him breathe.
"For real?"
"Ask him yourself"

Meanwhile, you were in utter shock, you had thought you were just going to go on your merry way back home and hopefully forget about this shrinking incident, but instead Coach Amber brought you right into Ms. McAllen's room. You mentally slapped yourself, as she obviously took your statement about liking Ms. McAllen's butt far too seriously. And you knew your playful Art teacher far too well to know that she wasn't going to let you go anytime soon, specially if she ever heard that.

Now you stood on her palm and stared at her big, admittedly beautiful green eyes, whose irises grew larger as she watched you in fascination. It all spelled bad news to you in the foreseeable future, though you hoped otherwise.

"Blaise, is that really you?" You heard her ask. Unlike Coach Amber, she appeared to be still in disbelief, a more normal reaction than what you got from your PE teacher.
"Yes Ms. McAllen!" You shouted, hoping that by also saying her name she confirmed that you weren't a simple toy. She gasped upon hearing your voice.
"Oh my gosh!" Her eyes lit up and Coach Amber smiled
"So... happy?" She asked in a knowing tone
"Very..." Ms. McAllen almost purred, and the next thing she did was to lower you a little to give you a massive kiss, her plush lips easily engulfed you, and let go of you with a loud 'smack!'
"You're welcome..." Amber crossed her arms and gave an approving smile.
"Thanks..." Ms. McAllen laughed "But how?" she couldn't help but ask
"We can talk about that later" Amber replied and Ms. McAllen nodded "But, there's one more thing that'll make you even happier"
"Is that even possible?" Ms. McAllen raised an eyebrow, but also smiled. The way she said that made you even more worried, you could almost see the gears in her head turning already, thinking up ways to have 'fun' with you.
"Yup!" Amber nodded happily
"Spill the beans then..." Ms. McAllen chuckled
"While we were working, we had a little heart-to-heart, and I asked him some very personal questions that he answered with full sincerity... and those answers are what will probably make you happier..." Amber said, Ms. Mc Allen's look pretty much non-verbally told her to continue.
"I asked him about his personal preferences... about women's cabooses..." Amber said with a giggle, and Ms. Mc Allen instantly perked up, there was a glint in her eyes that you did not like at all.
"Hmm? And what did my little gentleman say?" She asked in a somewhat sultry voice that sent chills running up your spine, while also petting your head with her fingertip.
"He said he likes yours the best..." Amber said, and you could see how Ms. McAllen's pupils instantly dilated. She absolutely loved what she just heard, and you gulped. You had been too shocked to protest, not to mention that it was difficult to get your voice over theirs as they talked, but now, you were frozen in terror.
"Wow... you were right... that makes me even happier..." She purred and gently lowered you until she safely dropped you on the edge of her desk.
"I mean... I kinda knew already..." She said, shocking you further "But it's always nice to get confirmation..." She bit her bottom lip and slowly turned around. Your surroundings went from intensely lit up by the ceiling lights to instantly darkened by a colossal shadow.

Despite having faced Coach Amber's own big booty earlier, even that had done nothing to prepare you for what came next. Ms. McAllen's gigantic booty was on a whole other league, it was monstrously huge, easily capable of covering most of her desk's surface. If Coach Amber's cheeks were mountains, these were planets. The desk you stood on stretched miles across the horizon on both directions, and so did Ms. Mc Allen's huge cheeks, they had to be thousands if not millions of times bigger than you.
"You have good taste" She said with a giggle
"And I can't really blame you for staring when I'm the one that has been putting it nearly on your face every chance I got" She added. Hearing her confess this only made your heart pound harder, as if begging to escape your body before it got crushed by trillions of metric tons of blubbery flesh
"Still, I'm really flattered..." She said and sensually wiggled her hips, making her gigantic cheeks clap, which to you was an ominous booming shockwave that knocked you down. And she was wearing insanely tight jeans, you wouldn't have thought that kind of jiggle was possible with such tight clothes.

"But, you know... it's soooo big..." She said as she suddenly started to lower it down as if to sit on her desk, and you for that matter. You looked up in despair, there was nowhere to hide, nowhere to escape. A pair of worlds were descending upon you. You guessed that even if you survived Coach Amber's 3 hour workout, there was no way you'd survive the colossal weight of Ms. McAllen's butt, and that really put things into perspective. Your PE teacher was unable to crush you with her mountain-sized cheeks despite working them off at the gym with you in first row to her backside, but your Art teacher was able to easily and utterly obliterate you down to the last atom of your being with her planetary asscheeks by just simply sitting down, the difference of size and weight between the two was far greater than you thought.
'At least I didn't drown in butt sweat...' Was what you thought would be your last thought. Her gigantic jean-clad planetoids wobbled and jiggled noticeably as they came closer, you closed your eyes, waiting to feel smothered for a split second before your whole body went 'splat!'.

A few seconds tensely passed, and you realized nothing of the sort happened. You then opened your eyes and jumped a little, Ms. Mc Allen's titanic booty was super close to you, but she stopped short of sitting down. You couldn't even extend your arms without touching it. It was mere inches away (in your scale).
"I could easily lose you in there..." She giggled above, slightly wiggling her hips, letting you watch her twin planetary masses wobble like jelly.
"Not that I mind..." She said in a flirtier tone and winked at you from over her shoulder
"You know that he can't see your face under all that ass, don't you?" Amber teased
"Oh, shush... Let him enjoy the view..." Ms. McAllen laughed and lightly spanked herself, sending tsunami-sized rippling waves across her cheeks for you to (supposedly) admire.

"By the way, could you lock the door and close the blinds?" She asked after a couple of minutes, Amber nodded and did just that, giggling as she was pretty sure on what would come next.
Ms. Mc Allen straightened up and unbuckled her belt, then she began struggling to lower her jeans, the sheer mass they tightly contained exceeded what they should have been capable of, but nevertheless, she was able to get the over the immense curvature of her huge asscheeks and lowered it down to her thighs' level. To you, it was as if her butt just suddenly exploded, and it looked way bigger and bouncier now that it was free from its denim-clad imprisonment. You didn't even notice at first the skimpy black thong she wore, as it near completely disappeared in her deep crack.

[visual references for her thong and booty size: https://i.imgur.com/TtOmPTq.png | https://i.imgur.com/GTzl5PX.jpg ]

You had been inside Coach Amber's panties, but even then you didn't get to really see if her butt was any bigger when freed from her shorts, nor how deep into her crack her panties rode up, so this display was far more intimidating and terrifying since you were in no way prepared for it.
"I hope you don't think I'm too much woman..." Ms. McAllen said, once again in a sultry voice that sent chills up your spine
"I know that you're more than man enough to handle all of this..." She giggled as she grabbed her gigantic cheeks, or what she could, as they were way too big for anyone's hands.

Next, Ms. McAllen suddenly reached for you, carefully picking you up with two fingers as she straightened up and held you right before her planet-sized ass. Even with light directly shining on it from above, you couldn't see the end of her humongous crack, that's how deep it ran, and your blood ran cold upon realizing that. Her hand moved a little and had you dangling above the unfathomably deep abyss that was her buttcrack while her free hand pulled her thong out.
"Like what you see?" She asked in a flirty tone and gave her hips another shake, her insanely huge cheeks wobbled and jiggled madly.

Meanwhile, Coach Amber laughed, she found it amusing in a wholesome way to see her friend playing with her reluctantly-admitted crush. In her mind, she had done the two of you a favor, and you were just about to get the 'big prize'.
May 12, 2023
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