From your perspective it was hard to tell what was going on at first. As Ariadne started pulling down the yoga pants from your mom’s bountiful behind, you felt your whole world shake. You were just a few meters (from your size) into your climb back up your mother’s enormous butt cheeks, and still nearby her giant constantly twitching backdoor. Miriam’s warm jiggly cheek flesh became all the more jiggly as your sister had to struggle to pull down the form-fitting material, sending several massive quakes your way. You held on as well as you could, it was tricky given how many natural oils resided this deep in your mom’s crack.


At first you thought all the movement was your mom waking back up, and worried about what she would think of you delving so deep in this specific spot on her gigantic body. Then you saw light. A cool glow shined in from the night time bedroom beyond. Now that your mom’s butt cheeks were freed from their tight yoga pants they naturally spread apart, allowing you to see much more clearly. On top of that another light came in, much more bright and artificial. It was Ariadne’s phone! Her nearby movements were large enough for you to sense her presence and your heart swelled with hope. Your sister was here to rescue you.


Then to the shock of both of you, a tremendous fart erupted from your mom’s asshole. It was so sudden that neither of you could ready yourselves, Ariadne got hit in the face with it and recoiled backward, while you got it far worse. Just like her previous releases, your mom’s slumbering ass held nothing back when it came to firing off. A hot whirlwind of noxious thick fumes bellowed from her city-sized anus, which momentarily stopped its twitching in order to let loose this loud trumpeting payload. Searing hot anal gases rampaged through the massive canyon of her butt cheeks, wobbling the great meaty mountains of flesh like they were mere water balloons.

The smelly blast of air pushed outwards in every direction, mostly up, but for you the intense storm pressed your minuscule body flat into the side of Miriam’s fleshy cheek. You could feel the tremors running through her weighty ass globes, while at the same time the superheated murky gas roasted your back side. The smell was just as bad if not worse than before, the pungent taste of your mom’s fart seemingly growing in how fermented and ripe it was compared to earlier. You gasped for clean oxygen but all you found was more foul stinky mom gas.


The explosive release ended nearly as quick as it started, with the giantess’s huge wobbling butt cheeks relaxing back to how they were. Things seemed okay, but then your foot slipped, and the rest of your body went down with it. You started sliding down the smooth wall of your mother’s inner ass cheek, increasing speed at an alarming rate and unable to stop. You yelled as you plummeted back downwards, your tiny arms and legs scrambling to somehow brake. Her huge crack was already slick with natural oils, but the recent fart blast she let out was an especially thick one. The woman’s murky anal air added extra moisture to her cheeks, coating a slippery layer to her skin that might as well be invisible to the normal naked eye.


You were terrified of returning this soon to your mom’s giant twitching anus, the hungry maw was eagerly pulsating below, but as you looked down to where you were heading you realized that it was actually far, FAR worse.


Thanks to Ariadne, your mom’s yoga pants were pulled down and her humongous ass cheeks were now allowed to spread out. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to tug on her panties-turned-thong and pull them taut from the expanding booty weight. This gave the fabric a few millimeters of space to lift off the hollowed pit of her asshole, leaving the humid pulsating orifice bare, and the perfect tiny gap for you to slide right under her stretched-out underwear.


“No no no NO NO NO!!!”


You screamed, flailing your limbs even harder to stop, but your speed kept increasing. You weren’t going to be spared from the fabric of her panties anymore, you were going straight into your mom’s gigantic hungry anus to feel it directly.


The momentum from sliding down your mom’s colossal ass cheeks sent your tiny body flying into the awaiting wrinkled pit. You didn’t just land at the rim or the outer edge of your mom’s anus, no you were falling right into the meaty bands of her tender asshole flesh. Upon making impact the gigantic hole immediately started twitching, its plump wrinkles pulsating with an unmatched excitement. It was as if the beast was finally getting what it wanted, and ravenously went to work on pulling you deep into itself. You let out shrill screams as the muscular butthole wrinkles sucked you into their crevices. Hot sticky mounds of quivering anal flesh pushed down your shoulders and drowned you with a rhythmic motion, like waves crashing from the ocean. Outside, your mom’s sleeping face blushed into her pillow. You yelled and fought back, but the gargantuan asshole continued twitching greedily with a mind of its own. Its giant powerful wrinkles tensed and tingled as they clenched underneath your unaware mother’s thong.


Ariadne shook her head from side to side, trying her best not to react out loud to the foul gas she’d been hit in the face with. It smelled awful, but she needed to endure it for your sake. This was a rescue mission after all. That said, when she leaned back in to look at Miriam’s huge ass crack closely, she was a bit surprised.

Huh…? I don’t see him at all. Where is he down there?” she thought to herself as she moved her phone’s glowing screen closer.


You gasped, getting a large dose of your mom’s stench in your throat as you noticed the bright glow return from above. Ariadne was still looking for you! Wrenching your head upwards you could just barely make out the faint light shining down. From your position you were buried on all sides by your mom’s gigantic anus wrinkles, several stories deep and hopelessly stuck under her raw pulsating flesh. Only a small sliver of space was open to you that you could visibly see Aridane with, and half of it was being covered up by the edge of your mom’s stretched-out thong. It was like you were peering through a fleshy keyhole, screaming at your sister for help while the walls shifted and clenched hungrily around you.




Desperately you called out to her, trying your best to make your tiny voice heard. You frantically wriggled your body in a last-ditch effort to climb out, consumed by fear that if you didn’t do something you’d become swallowed entirely by your mother’s asshole. Clawing and kicking at the walls of the giant monster’s wrinkles, you squirmed as hard as you could, just making the hole more hungry as you did so. For every foot of ground you made climbing up you were pulled down eight feet deeper, the undulating anal maw repaying your struggles by twitching faster and faster.


Ariadne continued looking around, her brow furrowed as she worked harder to spot you. Normally she was pretty skilled at finding you trapped in her mom’s butt cheeks, but as she looked up and down the woman’s huge ass crack she didn’t see anything. It was nearly impossible for you to be visible to her like this, trapped in the depths and concealed beneath your mom’s underwear. Your sister frowned.


Hmmm… I’ve looked it over real closely but I honestly can’t see him down there. Is it possible Mom moved him somewhere else…?” she started considering to herself.


Distraught by the idea of being left down here in your mother’s gluttonous shithole, you screamed as hard as you could, begging your sister above to just see you.




In that moment the plump wrinkles of flesh squeezed in, flattening around your tiny body and smothering your face. The bulging anal meat pushed into your open mouth, the awful taste of farts touched your taste buds as you continued to scream in a mixture of frustration and terror.



Your voice reverberated into the rubbery hot anus, sending a great surge of tingles across your mom’s anal nerves. The inner crevices of her steamy pucker were quite sensitive and the sudden vibrations made the whole thing start twitching like crazy. Huge rolling spasms decimated your tiny form as the giant thick wrinkles haphazardly chewed themselves together. You were lost in the frenzy, buried in hot smelly pulsating flesh as your own mother’s butthole eagerly sought for you to give it more delicious stimulation.


Back on the mattress, Miriam’s body started moving. Her hips wriggled side to side, gyrating in response to the pleasant tickles back there. Ariadne nearly jumped back, taking the sudden movement to mean that her mother was possibly stirring from her sleep and was about to wake up. Not wanting to risk being caught red-handed, Ariadne reluctantly called off the rescue. She sneaked back out the bedroom door, saddened that it didn’t work out.


“I’m sorry bro…” she whispered as she softly shut the door.


The gigantic asshole had you right where it wanted you. No matter how hard you tried, the massive twitching beast of a maw wouldn’t allow you to climb out of its grasp. Its mighty bands of muscular anal tissue writhed and throbbed as they chewed you up, quivering with delight as they feasted on your squirming micro-sized body. You felt yourself sinking deeper into the oven-like abyss, the faint bedroom light above becoming snuffed out by the rapidly twitching hot flesh. Your mother’s giant anus was seriously trying to eat you alive.

January 6