Taken (to your crush's home)
As Jen lived in the same block as you and Lillian, the walk was barely about 5 minutes long, though otherwise it might've been around 10, she was excitedly walking faster than usual, which for you meant that your literal world kept bouncing, but its sheer softness also meant that you were safe, and just bounced along with the two colossal fleshy globes that encased you. You still couldn't believe it, it was like winning the big prize at the lottery! You somehow hit the proverbial jackpot.

With an added bounce to her step, Jen quickly reached her house and walked in. Her mom, Lynn was in the living room, watching something on her TV.
"I thought you went to hang out of your friends" She said, recognizing her daughter's footsteps.

"I was gonna do that, but something came up and Blaise had to go help his mom or something" Jen replied, though she didn't quite as sad or upset as her mom would've expected, but she didn't pay much attention to this, at least for now.

"Oh! I'm sorry then. I hope everything's alright. He's a good boy, you know?" Lynn said, adding a teasing tone and a knowing smirk towards the end of her phrase.

"Mom!" Jen noticed the teasing and couldn't help but blush.

"What?" Lynn 'innocently' asked "I'm saying he's good! It'd be bad if he weren't" She said, laughing.
"Jokes aside, it's pretty sweet that he went to help his mom. Lovely lady by the way"

"You know her?" Jen raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I didn't know we worked on the same company! I was definitely not expecting to run into her" Lynn chuckled as she spoke.

"How... did that go? If you don't mind me asking..." Jen asked a little awkwardly, but genuinely interested. Lynn gave her a sort of smug, playful smile.

"Pretty well, actually, I think I made a good impression on her" Lynn replied sounding pretty happy with herself.

"Oh! That's great... I wonder what I did wrong then..." Jen said. Lynn's look changed to a more motherly one and took a deep breath.

"You didn't do anything wrong. I'm not supposed to tell you this, but... she knows" She said.

"She knows... what?" Jen raised an eyebrow again, a little caught off-guard there.

"Really?" Lynn also raised an eyebrow "She knows you're after her son" She flatly stated, but smirked a little.

"M-MOM!" Jen instantly blushed to a beet red.

"What? Even I know. I don't have a problem with it..." Lynn shrugged.
"But I'm telling you, you didn't really do anything wrong in her eyes"

"She doesn't seem to like me too much though" Jen said after taking a moment to calm herself down and for her blush to dissipate.

"Again, I'm not supposed to tell you, but I will... Listen, she doesn't hate you or anything... but, I suppose she's a very loving mother, and maybe a bit old fashioned on some things, it's pretty clear Blaise's her precious baby boy and she's fairly protective of him, that I can understand as a mother" Lynn explained.
"The thing is that she doesn't know you all that too well... and, you do have some fierce competition, that other girl Lillian, she's known her since she was born. I'm not gonna lie, that is very difficult, though not impossible to beat... But there are also some good news, I managed to get a few clues out of her" Lynn smiled more, seeing how Jen's initially dejected look also cheered up.
"She wants to make sure he's with a good girl, and she seems to favor older, caring girls, so, you've got that going for you at least"

Jen blushed intensely. She had always been a bit self conscious about the fact that she was a year older than you, because she got held back at school, though at the same time, if it weren't for that, she wouldn't have met you, so it was a fair trade off, she thought.

"Just try to go easy on him for a bit and maybe try to find some time to spend with his mom and I don't think there's gonna be any problem" Lynn gave her daughter a thumbs up but laughed, seeing her cute blushing face. Figuring she's made her daughter's heart go crazy enough times for a day, she went back to watching tv while Jen walked to her room, and only after she took a few steps she remembered that she had you in her cleavage and froze.

'Did he hear any of that?!' She thought, and once more, she began panicking hard, but she quickly realized that, whatever was done was done, so, she'd just have to go on from there. She entered her room and closed the door behind her. Locked it for good measure. She sat on her bed and finally, as carefully and as slowly as she could, reached into her cleavage, looking for her tiny 'guest'. It took her a few minutes, you were very small, and her chest was pretty large, but she eventually found you.

When she pulled you out, she was surprised that you were actually asleep and could barely suppress a coo as she brought you close to her eyes. To see your whole body, shrunken so small, yet peacefully breathe so realistically in your sleep was a truly priceless moment to her. She thought about putting you back in her cleavage, but saw that you were already stirring awake and just patiently waited. She giggled when she heard you yawn.

"Had a nice nap?" She asked, and that was when you, whose mind was a hazy blur after finally giving in to exhaustion, froze. You saw a massive pair of hazel eyes staring right at you, and a few hundred meters above (in your scale) you could see light brown hair. There was no mistake, you were in the presence of your crush, Jen. Your brain pretty much crashed while you began shaking, having almost forgotten that she had found and saved you, but now that you were alone with her, you had no idea what to do, and that scared you.
"Relax. I don't bite" She giggled cutely at your nervous reaction, and waited again while you regained your composure.

"S-Sorry about that" You said, scratching your head.

"Don't be. I'm glad it was comfy enough to sleep in there" Jen said, giggling again while both of you blushed.
"You deserved it, I can only imagine that it had to be terrifying to get that small" She added, and you timidly nodded in agreement.

"I'm gonna be honest, I was afraid you girls either sat on me or squashed me thinking I was a bug" You said, Jen wincing when you mentioned sitting.

"Hey! Even if I had thought you were a bug I wouldn't have hurt you" She said "I... I don't like hurting innocent animals"

"I'm glad we agree on that. But I never thought I'd be on the other end of that idea" You lightly laughed, trying to ease your own mood.

"But how did it even happen in the first place?" She curiously asked.

"I've got absolutely no idea. I was literally just sitting there, waiting for you two in Lillian's room when I felt bad and fainted, woke up like this on her bed" You said, and she had a pretty concerned look.

"That sucks. I wish I could help you" She said.

"Are you kidding?! You saved my life!" You said, making her blush "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell" You quickly apologized.

"That's okay" She said softly "Just stop acting like you're afraid of me, I'm not gonna hurt you" she almost whispered and you shuddered, you felt a hint of the warmth from her breath even though you were at her eye level.
"Besides, you'll have to get used to my company" Jen said with a smile.

"Huh? What do you mean?" That was a complete curveball if you ever had one thrown at you, as far as you could tell. You heard her laugh cutely, but with a slight smug vibe to it.

"Well, given this situation, it's obvious you'll have to be stuck with me until we can get you fixed" She said, seeing how it took you like 5 seconds to process that info, and when you did you began blushing madly.
"Tragic, I know, but it is what it is" She couldn't help but laugh as she said that, obviously being a joke, though she had wanted to deliver that line as sarcastic. You two enjoyed a hearty laugh for a couple of minutes.

"Hey, but, you know you don't really have to, right?" You then said, and Jen's laughter stopped rather abruptly.

"What?" She asked with a hint of worry.

"I mean, you already did so much for me, it's not really your obligation to take care of me" You said. Jen frowned, at first, she felt somewhat offended that you'd think she'd get rid of you right after she saved you, but as she mulled it over, she caught on to the fact that this didn't come out of rejection, but of low self-esteem, that you were considering yourself to be a burden to her. She took a deep breath and her expression softened. She lowered you to her lips' level.

"J-Jen?" You couldn't help but get a little nervous. Then, you saw those lips, which were massive enough for you to fit between just one of their wrinkles, curl into a smile.
"What?" You asked, feeling unnerved at her lack of response. Unknown to you, Jen herself was going through a lot in her mind at that moment. She had a little debate with herself on where to take this next, and she got a particularly bold idea, but needed to muster some courage to actually pull it off.
"Jen? What is it?" You asked, her silence not helping you feel any better, and then you heard her giggle. The next seemed to happen as if in slow motion to you, she brought you much closer and her lips completely engulfed your body, there was a hint of moisture to them, and a nice, soothing warmth that they gave off. You were pressed against a smooth portion of her lips, so you didn't get wedged into any of its wrinkles, but still, you were far beyond baffled at this point...
May 12, 2023