The restroom disaster
A Tiny Child Chapter 4
· original author:
It's been about an hour since the girl threw you into her backpack, in that time you learned her name was Vanessa and that she was in her freshman year. She was also currently in her math class, which was boring as you had already took this class in your own freshman year.

When the bell finally rang to signal the end of the period, you felt a sudden jostling movement as Vanessa picked up her bag and started to leave the classroom. You let out a sigh as you'd still likely be in here for an other hour. The school had six periods of classes, with two breaks. One break at the end of second period, which consisted of twenty-five minutes, and then a lunch break at the end of fourth period for an hour. On top of that students were given ten minutes between classes, since it takes tinies a bit longer to get around.

As you continue to think of your current predicament, the movement suddenly stop and a blindly light appeared as the backpack was opened. You felt a hand grab you and pulled you upwards out of the backpack. The movement didn't stop till for an other moment when you felt you gained more attitude.

In that brief moment your eyes had started to adjust to the sudden influx of light. You could start to make out some things, while others were still a bit blurry.

The first noticeable thing that you could make out was the tile flooring, which as far as you knew no classroom had. The next thing you could make out was behind Vanessa the walls were painted a light pale pink color. That definitely raised an alarm bell in your head.

Fearing the worst you quickly glance to your side to get your dreaded confirmation, silver divider walls meet your glaze. Your worst fears were confirmed with that last item. Vanessa had brought you into the girl's bathroom. Which was bad, very bad for any unfortunate tinies that meet this fate.

You shudder as you remember all the stories you've heard about this place, the girls would purposely torture you in humiliating ways here. The most common thing was to drop you into the toilet and do their "business" on top of you and each following girl would do the same until after school when the janitors would come through to clean them.

Though that's if you're lucky and all the girls noticed a tiny in the bowl. There've been more than one occasion where a girl wouldn't notice and would flush the tiny down the drain. It actually got so bad a few years ago that the school installed a special semi septic chamber where anything flushed down went into that instead of straight into the sewage system. You've been told that their was a tiny escape railing inside that led to an door back to the school. But even then the chamber did flush itself once enough waste enters it.

Then there was the worst fates of all, of course this one was only whisper about as the tiny who experience it rarely survives and if they did, well you would want to relive it? There were some girls cruel enough to put tinies inside hollowed tampons. These hollowed out tampons would be either used by the girl who put them in or left in a resealable package inside the tampon cabinet in the girl's room. The worst part is that the tampon was designed to break open at the top to allow the blood to flow in. Meaning you'd drown in their period blood.

And since most women don't exactly look at their used tampons, they simply throw them away.

Thinking of all this you start to tear up and was about try and shout for help, unfortunately Vanessa was already ready for this and quickly put a small piece of tape over your mouth to keep you quiet. She then turned you over so she could tie your hands behind your back and your legs together.

While she was doing so you saw straight down and could see she was sitting fully clothed on the toilet seat. Which ment whatever she was planning on doing, she wasn't going to be a direct participant.

She quickly finished her tying of your limbs and flipped you back so you were facing her.

"Well you little perv, didn't think you'd end up in here huh? Trying to get into my pants like that is unacceptable and you need to be taught a lesson on respecting a women's body!" Vanessa angerly hissed out to you. You attempt to shake your head no, as you were just trying to get her attention. But it was futile as the anger in her eyes spoke volumes.

"Don't you dare try and deny it! You tinies are are the same, always trying to crawl up somewhere you don't belong!" Her grip on you tightens a bit as she says this, clearly, you think, she must have had a bad experience at some point. "That's why we're here and not the principal's office, cause schools ALWAYS give you tinies the benefit of the dought!"

"I have half a mind to just swallow you whole right now." Your heart stopped for a moment as you never thought of that. To be swallowed alive and sit in this girl's stomach as it slowly and painfully broke you down for nutrition.

Your suddenly moved over her face as she opened her mouth wide, her pearly white teeth dripping in saliva greeted you. And behind those teeth was her pink wall that lead to a dark tunnel that was her esophagus.

"Just imagine sitting in my belly and becoming one with me, you tinies are so small I'm sure the would be barely any waste left to expel." She softly spoke as you still dangled above her mouth.

She moved you back to your original position with her facing you.

"Now to teach you a lesson in respecting our bodies, I'll even be fair and let you choose how you'd learn this lesson."

She momently stopped talking as she used her free hand to grab something out of her backpack. She then brought her hand over to you in a closed grip so you couldn't see what it was.

"Here's the deal perv, I'm going to give you three choices. And only three, so you better pick wisely and if you refuse to pick, well then it's dealers choice." She said smugly as she eyed you.

"Option one, I drop you here and now into this toilet. I'm sure you know the rest, but you'd probably be in there all day, if you're lucky anyways. Option two is in my free hand." Her other hand opens to reveal an tampon, most likely an hollowed out one. "I put you in this and leave you in the cabinet right outside this stall. Maybe you'd live maybe you die from drowning in blood."

She then takes you back in the hanging position over her mouth. "Option three, I swallow you now and let my body have you."

Moving you again your back to your starting position.

"So tiny what's it going to be? Toilet, tampon, or stomach? Just nod your head the number you want. Better hurry though as I'll need to wrap this up so I'm not late for class."

You quickly think, the toilet is most likely the best option for survival. Even if you are flushed by mistake there's always the septic chamber that's supposed to catch you.

Though you could get lucky with the tampon, it doesn't look like Vanessa has a resealable bag for it. Do whatever girl picks it up might look at closely and notice it was hollowed.

Finally their was her stomach, almost a certain death sentence. The only hope was if you could somehow make her puke. If you could do that she'd be expelled from school for sure for eating a tiny.

Having made up your mind you decide to nod...
May 12, 2023
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