To Scott's house!
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
· original author:
Scott belonged to a wealthy family. His dad being one of the greatest doctors in the state and his mom being... well... she is unemployed and has been since she married. But she was still a pillar of the community, always volunteering to help at events and hosting parties, stuff like that.

"So Scotty boy. Where'd you park the compensater?", you ask.

"Can you stop calling it that. You fuckers have been milking that joke too much, its run dry! Its over by the grass outside.", Scott snaps back.

The compensater is what you and Adam called Scotts "car". His mother had it made for him but she didnt make it to be stylish and slick like a teenage boy would hope for... instead she opted for maximum safety, which apparently meant to make it look a little bit like a dildo. Which you and Adam found amusing. Of course Scott was less than thrilled when his mother unveiled it to him but she convinced him that this design would keep him safe and would be the best for him. And she was right. This model was from Nissan who were ahead of the game when it came to vehicles for tinies. It could take a stomp from an adult male without busting to pieces.

Anyways, the trio of tiny friends exit the school through the built in tiny doors and enter the parking lot where they get into Scotts car and take off for his house. The roads for tinies were designed ingeniously, they ran across curbs and were protected by long ,narrow, and incredibly resilient domes with yellow markings that could not be crushed by vehicles with wheels.

Scott takes an exit out of the road and pulls into the driveway of his house...
May 12, 2023
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