Hide and seek
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
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"Okay," the little girl said. "We are going to play hide and seek. I am going to count to 30 and you are going to hide. If I can't find you in 10 minutes, you win, but if I find you, you lose."

"What do I get if I win?" you ask.

"To live," she says.

"So that means if I lose?" you ask.

"Just don't lose," she tells you.

"I don't want to play," you tell her.

"This isn't a negotiation!" she tells you. "Now I am going to close my eyes and count to 30. Whether you hide or not, if I see you, you lose."

She turns her back to you and begins to count. Frantically, you look around for the best place to hide. There are many of options at your disposal, but 30 seconds is not a lot of time.

You see something under the bed that looks like a box that you could possibly hide in. Further scanning, you see a shoe rack with various types of shoes for all occasions. Another option is the closet. There could be a lot of areas for you to stay hidden in for the time being.

"20, 19, 18, 17," she continues.

Quick! Make a decision before time runs out!
May 12, 2023
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