A busty woman grabs the bra!
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
· original author:
You thank her and go look for your mother, who's disappeared somewhere.

Suddenly, you see a pair of beautiful huge feet before you and hear an 'Oooh!' above you.

"What is a bra doing on the ground?" a woman says.
"Wait. That's not mom!" you think and begin to flee.
"Hey! Come back here. It's my bra now!"

The giant woman outruns you and snatches the bra, which revealed you to her.

"Aah!" you exclaim and cower on the floor.
"Huh, what's this?" the woman asked and bent down to see you.
"Don't hurt me, please!"
"It's okay, little guy. I'm not going to hurt you. I just want this bra. Now, where are your parents?"
"My mom is um ..." you start when you can't help but to notice her large breasts and are tempted to lie to her, "Actually, can I come with you? I don't think that my mom is a very responsible parent."
"Well, I don't want to be labeled as a child kidnapper, but ..."
May 12, 2023
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