Ass-king too many questions
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
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Flying up and high into the sky, you smelled your mother's soft and supple skin, adorned with a nice scenty aroma from her shower from earlier. You had only wished that she had possibly put more clothes on underneath as you were now!! Everything happened so fast, yet at the same time felt incredibly slow too. You had been flung upwards, your mother reacting negatively towards the mom who had hurt her shrunken children. And. . then you were here. Rubbing your eyes you were on a hard wooden surface and. . oh no!!

Looking upward you saw what looked like two giant fleshy planets hovering high above you!! Only you knew that they were not planets!! Opening your mouth to let out the highest possible shrill you could muster, your plea was cut short as the colossal ass slammed into your body!! Opening your mouth more to try and get your mother's attention only filled it up with her large fleshy skin as you struggled just to breathe! The only thing that was keeping you from totally getting crushed was the little piece of cloth beneath you which was now supporting you a little bit. . and also how juicy her ass was too.

"That is a terrible thing for her to do, Amanda!! It isn't funny either!!" Carolyn said again, a bit more peeved this time.

"What kind of monster would not pay attention to her own children like that!!"

You heard your mother say as her giant ass cheek pummeled you down hard. Pushing your hands up at it was pointless as the flesh just moved all around it!! You quickly took a deep breath again as Carolyn reshifted herself before sealing you again under her ass as she continued to enjoy her meal. Your arms had been pushed down towards your sides, making it really hard to relift them back up. You started to shimmy yourself, in the hopes of moving towards where her ass crack was. At least there, you'd be able to breathe.

"I know, mom!! I know that hurting tiny people isn't a funny thing . . but in a way it is kinda. It is sorta why the classics like Tom and Jerry are so timeless. It is like. . you know, slapstick humor!! Besides. . I know that you like it when Jake struggles beneath your breasts!! I see that little smile!!"

Your mother let out a giggle, leaning her weight on one side before responding.

Lucky for you, it wasn't the side you were on. Letting another breath of air, you got up quick as you now had a little bit of breathing room, getting ready to plan out your next. . .


Your body was again smashed downwardly, only now facing the string as your mother's collosal weight again smashed you down!! This time it was both better and worse as now you could actually breathe, only now your mother's ass was starting to put a lot of strain on your back and lower abdomen. You wanted to push up with your arms to sort of support them, but you suspected that would only make things worse. You took in a deep breath of air and could smell a little bit of sweat mixed in with Carolyn's various perfumes.

"Well. . I don't know. . . I mean. . "

You heard Carolyn struggle above you too, to give a straight answer to Amanda's question.

"Oh come on, Mom!! I saw you watching that blooper show where that sister sat on her brother!! You were laughing your head off the entire time!!"

Amanda said with a giggle.

Carolyn leaned backwards, letting out a roarous laugh too. The pain was so unbearable. . you felt like you were going to pass out. . when suddenly the mountain came off of you again. . .again lifting high into the air.

"I know, I know!! It was so funny, Hon!! Those kind of things always are funny when they happen to someone else!! Besides. . it isn't like we wish them on. . well, you know. . Jake."

You turned over, seeing your mother standing up partially as Amanda and Carolyn were both out of their seats, really excited over the prospect of tinies getting hurt. She had no idea the abuse she was putting you through. You got up fast, you had to get away before she sat back down. Moving quickly, you saw the familiar shadow form above you. You had made some distance though. . at least you thought you had.
May 12, 2023
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