Living Breastbardment
A Tiny Child Chapter 5
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Your mother repositions herself in her chair as she gets ready to chow down on her delicious eggs. As she does this, you pop up a little, moving to a more fleshy area of her breasts that are less constricted, making it easier to breathe and not get crushed. You take in a deep breath as you can finally breathe again.

What relief.

Or so you thought, as your mother leans to the side of the table to grab some butter for her toast.

"Mom, just because Jake is being a little perv, doesn't mean he is so bad!! I mean. . look at him!! He's basically a crumb compared to us normal sized people!! Our sexy parts must seem even sexier to him. Plus. . you do kind of keep him there moreso than normal."

Your mother was shocked at this statement. She dropped her fork and backed up in her chair, causing her large boulders of flesh to slam into you. You cough profusely at this, as your air gets kind of knocked out.

"What are you talking about, Amanda? I keep him close to me, but who doesn't want to take care of her children closely?"

Amanda seemed annoyed by this as she sank a little bit deeper into her chair. What was she getting at? Of course she was too rough with him.

"Mom!! You just mashed him up between your breasts!! If your boobs weren't so soft and juicy, you'd have made him into a pancake right now!!"

Your mother seemed to ignore this, only hearing the last word of the whole sentence.

"I do love pancakes. . but I'm happy with the eggs." Carolyn said with a giggle.

With that, she leaned forward towards the eggs, pushing you down again towards that dangerous part of her cleavage. Grabbing up and onto her skin, you struggled to keep yourself from getting smashed by her big knockers.

"Seriously, mom!! You've stuffed him in your ass, your cleavage, your mouth. . where does it end!! The only thing you haven't done. . or at least. . I hope you haven't done. . is put him down your. . . "

Carolyn slammed a fork on the table, stopping Amanda from finishing her sentence.

Meanwhile, the force of her movement thrust you back into her thick, tight cleavage. You struggled to breathe and pushed hard against both sides of her breasts in an attempt to at least get some air.

"Young lady. . don't you even joke that way!! You know that some . .. people. . . do that to the tinies. . but I would never. . and not to my own son, either!! That is just. . terrible!!"

Your mother stuffed some more egg into her mouth as Amanda sat quietly. Both women silently ate their food as you tried your hardest to get what little air you could. Finally, the meal was done.
May 12, 2023
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