In her bra
A Tiny Child Chapter 6
· original author:
You go flying through the air and land on something black and soft you then realize that you are in your mothers bra that is now moving towards her breasts you try to get out of the bra but your foot is stuck on a piece of fabric, you can no longer see anything because of how dark it is until your eyes adjust and you see your pressed up against your giant mothers breast you can barely move but whenever you do she scratches her itchy boobs a little bit later you hear your mom say "hey Amanda I am going on a run so can you wake up jake for me dear" " you got it mom" Amanda says. You here the door open and in a little bit you and her boobs are bouncing up and down you manage to get on top of her nipple so you don't get squished a few minutes later you feel a drop of water not you and you realize Carolyn is sweating "hey Carolyn!" you hear one of your moms friends say "oh hi Stephanie how are you?" "I'm great, hey do you mind if I join you on your jog?" "Of course you can" "great and she hugs your mom and you can feel Stephanie's boobs squishing you. Your mom starts jogging again and you ...
May 12, 2023
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