Rebecca slowly made her way back into her home - swinging around the squishy, wet domain that Blake now dwelled in. She took her time to get in, pressing and prodding at the boy within. "Do you think it's nice in there?"


Blake, despite any attempts at politeness, was out of sorts. The hardened abdomen of Aunt Becky enclosed him from all angles, blocking out every sense of direction and movement with its tremendous shape. He instantly called out with all his might: "No--!!" As the boy spoke, his words were choked out by the masses of muscle matter engorging him, cutting off even more of his ability to move around. It felt weird to compare Rebecca to his own mother's innards. But in the short time he'd been in there, this was far more constricting and filled his shapeless form with an unfamiliar tension.


Aunt Becky nodded. "Well, I'd better make my visitor more comfortable." She tapped his body a few times in places that made him squirm about uncomfortably. The masses of meat pushing in and slathering him made the boy just want to get out.


Soon, she slipped out of the more formal clothes she had to a looser bra and yoga. And she began SWINGING. The weight of her hips flew from side to side, as she began humming to herself. "I've been taking these belly dancing classes - what do you think?"


"Ough - URGH! - I can't --" Blake felt his incorporeal body swaying side to side with each shimmy. She brought her hands together and began a fluid figure-eight movement. It felt like every swing was making him bump into a new amorphous mass of meat - churned together from her previous meals.


"Haha, can you keep up?" Rebecca swung her arms out and her neck back. It felt like the entirety of Blake's body was being pasted against the sweaty abdominal stretches, pushed deep with every sway and shimmy. The burning sensation was starting to build up across him...


Blake had no way to bite his lip, or cover his mouth, so his screams were unabated in the small living room. "Why are you doing this?"


"I thought that'd be obvious." Rebecca shrugged, giving him another shake. "It's all to help Claire take care of her kid right!"

August 20
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