"HYAH! Shouoken!"


Almost as soon as he'd started to recognize his surroundings, it began shaking rapidly. It was like the whole lean, polished mass of musculature was swaying and readjusting itself rapidly around him. A quick, light in-and-out panting around him indicated that the woman who'd gulped him down was exerting herself - fairly hard, too. She was practically bouncing off the walls, skipping up and down. And suddenly, from deep with her gut, he felt a power rising up - practically magical itself...




An energy beam launched out near him, warming up Blake's cellular structure. He could see all of his outside surroundings illuminated at once. A blue skirt, wavering in the windy release of energy, right above powerfully-poised thighs. A white, cropped school uniform, with a yellow collar also fluttering. The strands of a white headband settling in place, tied together by red gloves across short brunette hair. And above all, the powerful abdominal muscles that he was glued in, totally enveloping him...


"Sakura!" He called out the name of the Street Fighter instantaneously.


"Huh?" She turned around, the twists as she looked for the origin of his voice making her insides jostle and bob. He was already sick by the mass of fleshy punching bags battering him. "Where's my next challenger--?"


"In heeere! Your stomach!"




She instantly struck at him. As he waved in pain, she began patting the spot - which was almost even more uncomfortable for the belly-bound boy, just trying to make sense of the murky, strange surroundings. "I'm... I'm not here to fight you..."


"Oh!" Sakura had an airy, chipper tone as she kept patting, seemingly ignoring his discomfort. "Sorry! Whenever I pop up somewhere I don't recognize, I always think it's a good opportunity to fight cool new people from other worlds!"


"...And that means eating them?" He didn't mean to test her, but he was starting to wonder what was going on in Sakura's head.


She laughed, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly. "Heheh. I was JUST about to have my mid-training snack, and it was gonna be gummy-shaped people... My wires get all crossed when I've been sweating for a while."


And indeed, sweat WAS dripping down Sakura's abdomen. From the panting, and the constant moves, it seems like Sakura's routine had continued even after she crossed dimensions. If nothing else, the girl stuck to her guns with training.


Blake noticed her continuing to move - in fact, doing laps around his room. It made his tight area squeeze and contract as she continued moving, and he could barely stay still. "Hey - you're STILL not helping me out?"


"A few more reps! I just gotta finish this up before I get to you!" That cheer in her voice was practically mocking him now.


"But I don't - I can't stay in here! I have human rights! I don't want to train with you - I've just gotta get out and see the people I love - the people I - MMMHmmgg... Mggh?"


A cold pressure snapped around either end of Blake's body. He couldn't communicate anymore, even psychically. Sakura had found a navel ring - and snapped it on him. "Don't worry! I'll keep you in place with this until I'm ready!"


Totally entrapped in the prison of gut... With cold steel closing him into endless masses of organic substance... Blake may not have been in this situation if Jade had cleaned up that ring earlier.

June 10
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