"Oh! Oh, was that someone... Alive?"


The gentle voice echoed around Blake. It had an almost soothing quality to it - though his presence inside this woman's stomach was still preventing him from truly relaxing. All the pink muscly cells enclosing him were slightly tensed and hard, but relaxed as he stopped struggling.


He felt like he recognized that voice - and as he focused harder on projecting his vision, the details became clearer moment by moment. Swaying robes in gold and black below, synchronized with her cautious steps. Above, a bikini top with some jewelry dangling from it, all across her arms - which kept feeling at and touching him. The sensation clouded his vision, making him sink back into the wet, murky darkness for a moment. But when that was finished and Blake's pink surroundings had a second to breathe, he noticed that there was even more pink around - making up the locks of her long hair. This was a Fire Emblem character!


"Can you hear me in there?" The woman mused, tapping at him again. "My name is Olivia..."


With that as a starting point, Blake knew he could get her attention. He squirmed like crazy. She gasped in - the motion making her torso puff out slightly, pushing the boy around. He settled himself in place, and called out telepathically: "Olivia! I'm Blake! I summoned you here, and you swallowed me..." He could tell, as the surroundings settled, she was wearing her Performing Arts outfit, lovely and fresh - if only anyone could see him...


She hummed nervously. "That's... Okay, I'm glad you're still together in there." She gave a tiny pinch to that region of her gut, making the surroundings wobble and warble along with it. The sensation was uncomfortable, but they were at least communicating.


"I think my magic shrunk me, but why did you... Eat me?"


Olivia shook her head. "I travel a lot of lands to perform my dancing. Whenever I enter a new one, I adapt best by eating the local cuisine. I thought you were... A human-shaped food thing..."


Blake shook his head, as her own embarrassment made her abdomen tighten up. "Well. I'm not, I'm a person! So can you let me out, now?"


The tightening only continued. It felt as if she was getting even harder to understand. Breaths flew in and out of her lungs at an uneven pace, making Blake quiver. "...Olivia...?"


"I digested you quite a while ago, so..." She chewed on a finger. "Brining you back... Isn't really possible, poor thing..."


"WHAT?" At that, the swallowed boy struggled even further. He tried his darndest to kick without legs - jostling around what little space he had. His body felt like it was at once in freefall and chained on every side. "Let me out, let me out, let me out...! I have to find a way out, already!"






Blake felt a cold chill, and suddenly, he was locked even tighter in place than when she was inhaling. A magic ring. He'd left it in his room... She must've taken it and used it to silence him. He called out again, but it only came out as "Mgggrfgh-!"


Olivia gulped. "Sorry. This is just really going to be easier for you if you forget everything... And be a part of my belly, okay? And to calm you down..."

May 28
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